I'm tired of "The Pit" PuGs... anyone who joins it, as a rule, has never ever ever ever done it before; which is a shame, because it gives great XP on a speedrun, decent loot, and a chance for a Mucks Doom (Muckbane on 'riods).
And I'm sure you are too.
So I've decided to make a group/userchannel dedicated to speedrunning it. If you're interested in joining it, make a post in this thread saying so. In the interests of accommodation, as many people that are willing can join it (I'm not going to restrict this group to 6 players or anything, due to the limitations of timing schedules). There are, however, some prerequisites.
-Be between level 7 and level 9 (minor exceptions may be made if necessary and by group agreement). It's a 7th level quest (not 8th, thanks for pointing that out, Quikster), and you'll be running normal at least 3 times, so you should get enough XP to gain a level or two, so come time for elite you should try to be 9 or 10.
-Have a featherfall item. Don't have one? Replay a certain korthos quest 10 times; you can get 10 featherfall clickies.
-Have decent resists. Buy resist pots, UMD resist wands, get house buffs, or find a caster friend that is willing to give you some; casters will not be expected to toss everyone resists and protection to 3+ different elements (fire, acid, and lightning bare minimum) every time someone dies.
-BYOH, as much as possible. Bring 2 wands of CMW/CSW and hand it to the healer pre-runs (and heck, a wand of Resist Energy), and he hands it back to you post-runs. Drink pots. UMD stuff. Healers can handle mid-battle, you should heal yourself outside of a fight unless you hand over wands. There's only three shrines in the quest, and the quest is a complete mana sink; undisarmable 'traps' are everywhere and enemy casters love spamming 50 pointers en masse.
-Know the quest. You should know the following: what order the steps are done it, where to get to them, what to do, and what not to do. If you don't know the quest, but really really really want to learn it, contact me or PuG it with this old guide out, or just make notes that you can refer to so that you can pass as knowledgeable if somebody decides to quiz you.
We will be running the quest n/n/.../h/e; depends on how many times you run it. We'll organize it the old fashioned way; when you log on, you join the following channel: "thepitspeedruns" (type "/joinchannel thepitspeedruns", then type "/uc1 <text>" to talk in it) and stay in the channel till you log off. If you're the only one in it ("number of users: 1" might show up at the bottom), recheck the spelling, and wait for someone else to join. Type your messages into the channel, like "LFM on Normal" or "LFP on Normal" and, when you're ready to finish your farming, "The Pit Finish (Hard/Elite)". When you make a run, the leader should make a post with the date of the run in this thread so that people know that A) The runs are still going on, and B) This topic gets bumped so others join.
Possible optional caveat
To be nice, here's an extra thing I felt would be necessary:
The pit requires a very small amount of builds to be run effectively, and I'm sure everyone might not have the perfect build suited for the pit; in addition, new players may want to learn the Pit so that they can speedrun it a few times as well. To accommodate for such things, all party leaders have the option of reserving one spot in their party for either A) A character playing a build not optimal for the pit (such as a trapsmithing rogue), B) A build with low survivability (such as a player without their own resist buffs), or C) A new player. When searching for such a group, a player who suspects he falls under one of these categories should say "LFP on Normal/whatever 6TH MAN". The requirements still apply; you will be responsible for your own health and if you die, nobody is required to revive you. You must take care of yourself, if that means standing at the entrance or just hiding behind everyone else. If you are purely freeloading the group can do whatever they feel is necessary to prevent you from grouping with other groups.
Well, if you're interested, follow the instructions provided, grab some friends, and I'll see you there! I'll be running it on my lowbie cleric, Ikeele, so say hi if you see me.