I'm looking to make a DPS character that also has full trap skills and has good survivability. Obviously the former and the latter involve trade-offs to have both, so I'm not looking for *max* DPS and *max* survivability, just a good mix of both. But I do want the trap skills.
I was initially looking at the exploiter build, but unfortunately, I don't have monk (nor warforged, nor favored soul), and monk seems to be a critical factor in maintaining a useful AC for the build. More recently though I've also been considering the rogue 13 / ranger 6 / barb 1 build (tasmanian devil if halfling), as well as fighter 12 / ranger 6 / rogue 2 build, which would probably need some extra int in order to have enough skill points, which may be okay since I'll be doing a 32 point build, and can use +2 dex and +2 int tomes. However, I don't know if there's other builds that have trap skills that I've been overlooking (such as a barb 18 / rogue 2).
Race-wise, I've been leaning toward dwarf with twin dwarven axes, since they have extra con as well as spell defense, and so I can save a feat compared with halfling with khopesh (although I'd take a 5-10% decrease in DPS due to not having halfling guile, and using dwarven axe instead of khopesh). Those two seem to be the ones that are best for me, since halflings can also have saves; although a human would net more skill points, humans are somewhat lacking in saves.
Skill-wise, I would want disable, search, and UMD maxed. Otherwise, I would also like to have open, balance, and jump, though they may not be maxed. (As a side note, I've found that a tasmanian devil could pretty much max these out on 8 int, meaning it can spend more points elsewhere.)
Feat-wise, I would want to have toughness for sure. The two weapon fighting feat series as well (I've already made a THF barb so don't want to duplicate my characters and equipment needs too much). Other than that, I doubt there's much in the way of extra feats; this was partially why I was looking at dwarf as well.
Equipment-wise, don't expect me to be relying on double madstone rage and yugoloth potions in order to reach stratospheric levels of HP and damage. I'll have what a regular player has at level 20, not the arsenal of a powergamer. So builds that are too heavily dependent on equipment for their survivability or their DPS won't work well for me.
I guess I'm just soliciting opinions on what you feel are the advantages/drawbacks of the builds I've mentioned, as well as any suggestions on other builds that I should also consider:
Ranger 18 / 1 rogue / 1 something (possibly rogue, barbarian, fighter) -- tempest 3
Rogue 13 / ranger 6 / barb 1 -- acrobat 2 for survivability, tempest 1
Rogue 13 / ranger 6 / barb 1 -- without acrobat for more DPS, with tempest 1
Fighter 12 / ranger 6 / rogue 2 -- kensai 2, tempest 1
Barb 18 / rogue 2 -- frenzied berserker 3 for lots of HP, but will be TWF so barb THF stuff will be more or less wasted
Any suggestions on which one my next character should be? I'm also not quite sure on where they rank in terms of DPS, because I'm not sure yet on how the latest updates have changed the DPS rankings.