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  1. #1
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Looking for a Rogue assasin build

    ok i have 32 pt and a few tomes laying around. monk not unlocked. looking to get the most out of a rogue for an assasin build

    any help?

  2. #2
    Community Member malicia's Avatar
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    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    ok i have 32 pt and a few tomes laying around. monk not unlocked. looking to get the most out of a rogue for an assasin build

    any help?
    There is no real cookie cutter for this. Regardless of how you build your first rogue i think its fair to say it will likely be rerolled. Rogues are a complicated class to build, and even more complicated to play well at the end game. Not THE most complicated to build, but still fairly difficult.

    The money in assassin is in assassin 3, asassin 2 can be fun but is not overly useful at the end game, especially if you run mostly hard/elite content, the monster saves are too high to specialise in this without gimping the rest of yourself out (it can be very useful at the mid levels). If you are after asassin3 primarily you dont really need to worry about INT and multiclass levels, if you want to build someone who has a really high assassinate DC you should consider a good int score and a pure rogue.

    A rough guideline would be:

    Feat Requirements: TWF,ITWF,GTWF, OTWF (debatable, many will just run with the penalty), Toughness, Weapon Finesse (if dex based), Power Attack (need 13str for this), Improved Critical, Khopesh

    Special feat reqs: Crippling Strike > Improved Evasion > Slippery Mind > Skill mastery

    Specialist feats sometimes used: Force of Personality; Skill Focus: UMD; Combat Expertise

    Ability scores:

    STR Based: 16str 15 dex 12-14con 12-16int 8wis 8-14cha (level ups to STR, youll need a +2 dex to qualify for ITWF/GTWF)
    DEX Based: 14str 16dex 12-14con 14-16int 8-14cha (level ups to DEX)

    How much int depends how much on how you want Asassinate DC and Trap skills. How much cha depends how much inherent UMD boost you want, how high you want a will save (a rogue weakness) if you use Force of Personality. How much STR or whether its a STR build at all is important as you need to decide how reliant you want to be on SA damage.


    Human: Well rounded, extra feat, helpful for fitting in OTWF and Khopesh, extra skill point
    Drow: if youd like a leg up in 3 important stats and some help with trap skills, drow/elves get rapier/scimitar damage boosts as well
    Halfling: Often seen as the best due to a lot of extra SA damage, feat strapped if using khopesh and otwf
    Dwarf: Sturdy, can use dwarven axes, Constitution bonuses to help your squishy self
    Warforged: power attack enhancements, many immunities, Sturdy like the dwarf


    Hide/Sneak, Disable, Search, Spot, UMD, Open Lock


    2 Paladin. Powerful MC for asassin, make sure to put some points in CHA to take advantage of the saves boost. Also gets you weapon proficiencies

    1 Fighter. Can be used to get Power Attack plus weapon proficiencies, 1 extra feat is nice. and you keep the full 19'th level sneak attack bonus and extra special feat.

    Its best you think about all this and then try and decide what kind of asassin you want. Are you after more of a "Brawler" ie toe to toe non sneaky brute force combatant, more of a "Spy" or "Asassin" type of character (sneaky, murderous), Skills Focused (UMD etc)

    I hope this is helpful and doesnt confuse you but there are many variables involved, if you can narrow down what you are looking for i may be able to give better advice.
    Last edited by malicia; 01-12-2010 at 03:44 AM.
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  3. #3
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Thank you very much so far. UMD will be needed i believe. haven't decided for str or dex based... since i dont know which goes better with assassin.guess i don't really know the differences besides str adds dmg and dex would add + to hit if finesse

    basically i want to have high damage where SA is available.

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