Alright, so here are my thoughts on stat distribution and whatnot for the 15 Cleric/2 Rogue/3 Paladin:
- Wisdom is required for the spellcasting of both Cleric and Pally. I know Paladins' mana pool is directly derived from this. I assume Cleric's is as well?
- If the above is true, CHA isn't really NECESSARY with this build, aside from a handful of Paladin skills, including Smite Evil/Lay on Hands amounts, and Divine Grace's saving throw bonus. Neither Rogue nor Cleric will use it at all (aside from Cleric's Turn Undead, which I could care less about unless someone provides a compelling argument).
- What would be the best weapon option? I assume I'll go high DEX and take Weapon Finesse.
This leaves my important skills being DEX and WIS, followed by CHA and CON, followed by STR?
I'd love some more criticism on the build. I would have loved to work in Rogue trap/lock skills, but I just don't think I have the stat points to contribute to INT, even with 32-point builds unlocked. (I do plan on raising STR slightly above 10, as I'd like to maintain somewhat decent melee damage.)
I've never played a rogue, so I'd love some basics on how their melee works. Is their damage based on DEX at all, or should I allocate slightly more to STR?