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  1. #1
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    Exclamation is wiz/rogue worth it?

    I am just wondering on the opinion of wizards and those who have played/play this 18 wizard/ 2 rogue
    I have been contemplating this for a long time and I am wondering if it is worth it? The wizard capstone honestly imo is not "that" great, yeah +2 int is always nice obviously, but the -1 meta magic seems almost worthless.

    Yes, I do love to solo on my higher level pure WF wizard, but I always did fine without any rogue levels, but could I do even better? I understand how awesome it would be to have high UMD, many times I wanted to be able to use a res scroll on a dead member (I do have 2 ring of ancestors, but not the same exactly) or use a heal scroll on someone if needed. I often, VERY often seen items I would love to wear but it is not my race or it is lawful etc.

    Coming from a pure wizard, alas only L16, I definitely notice the strain on my mana quite often even though I am really good about conserving it. So when I think about even less I cry softly to myself lol.

    I have been wanting to re-make my wizard anyway since he is an old 28point build and I found out you can "never" as of now change your surname which is ridiculous lol. So either way I am re-making him pure or with a splash or rogue. I hope I get a few insightful replies. Thank you.

    Just for fun I will say my wiz/rogue would start with

    8 str
    8 dex
    20 con
    18 int
    6 wis
    6 cha

    (+2 tome for every stat at L7)

    I would be playing him "I think" as a charmer/hold character un-like my pure wizard who is more of an instant kill play-style.
    Last edited by BuyerSeller; 01-11-2010 at 04:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Seelowe's Avatar
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    now this might be a bit biased bit after capping a roge wizard 2/18 build like you suggested I found him excessively fun to play. you fill 2 roles in a party (your search/disable device will be similar or higher than many rogues your level) and when you are soloing you are just that more versatile.
    did I mention evasion with killer saves due to Insightful reflexes? hmm. now I did...
    granted, you lose out some things but for me it was totally worth it.
    BritsEthan Seelowe | Eosphoros | Fos | Olympic HeavyMetal
    elsa: ((so Role Play involves emoting? you mean like start listening to my chemical romance and dying my hair black?))

  3. #3
    Community Member JeffreyGator's Avatar
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    One other way to conserve your spell points is to be able to do something besides casting spells especially against trash mobs. You can paralyze them with a stick instead of a spell and maintain your primary role. Or whack stuff that you made dance with a different big stick.

    14-14-16-18-6-6 gives you a lot more potential versatility than 8-8-20-18-6-6 (what are your two previous incarnations anyway to get the 36 pt build?)

    And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp

  4. #4
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    I'm building up a Drow Arcane Mechanic (©® )

    STR: 09
    DEX: 17
    CON: 12
    INT: 19
    WIS: 08
    CHA: 10

    The theme is a Rogue who uses Arcane magics to be a better Mechanic. Seeing how much mechanical magic is used in Eberron, its a bit of a role playing flavor build. I originally went with the 12 STR cause 10 wasn't hitting, and later realized I should go with 8 and rely on my DEX to hit and Sneak to damage. My second mistake was to take Maximize (always took extend previously), thinking casting an offensive spell was a bit of a last resort that needed to do damage when I went to it. On the reattempt i went with Extend, while I like Quicken if you're not wearing Armor but I have a sweet looking +1 Darkleaf Breastplate so Extend limits recasting failure. Anyway, my reason for posting here is that i'm not familiar with the spells enough to know when to stop leveling Rogue. I'm looking at 4 states.

    17 Levels of Wizard - 2, 9th level spells (Evasion, 2d6 sneak attack)
    14 Levels of Wizard - 3, 7th level spells (Rogue prestige class)
    13 Levels of Wizard - 2, 7th level spells (4d6 sneak attack)
    08 Levels of Wizard - 3, 4th level spells (Rogue prestige II class)

    How useful are those 4th level spells? Is there a lot of utility there as I progress through the game? Similarly for 7th and 9th, I know i'm not going to be the caster of the group (rather trying to be a utility player) and since my buddy plays Cleric I won't need the crowd control spells. So, if anyone is interested in voicing their opinion on what spell levels would be most beneficiary for a Rogue Mechanic i'm reading.

    Dogahn/SahRian/DahRian on all but 1 F2P server
    Last edited by Doganpc; 01-16-2010 at 04:21 AM. Reason: Cause I rerolled into something better.

  5. #5
    Community Member Ulf's Avatar
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    Depends on what you want. "Worth it?" is an opnion not a fact. You will give up things like:
    +2 int and less sp usage
    smaller sp pool
    fewer high lvl spells
    lower dpell DC
    free metamagic
    Is that worth the gains:
    extra skills

    That is unacceptable to some and great for others. One is not necessarily better than the other.

    Now if you are solely talking about end game high difficulty (elite/epic) quests/raids. The Wiz/rog hybrid is disadvantaged relative to a pure wiz, b/c the extra rog skills go out the window and evasion alone is not worth the higher sp, dc, and extra spells.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulf View Post
    Depends on what you want. "Worth it?" is an opnion not a fact. You will give up things like:
    +2 int and less sp usage
    smaller sp pool
    fewer high lvl spells
    lower dpell DC
    free metamagic
    Evasion is so much better then these in elite/epic. My Wizards always have evasion same with my clerics/fvs, as I like to think of it, it lets you go places some pures cant go.

  7. #7
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    It seems you already know the pros and cons, so it really comes down to which character you think you would enjoy more. I've got a pure WF wizard, and I don't really have any interested in a wizard/rogue. However, I know many people that thoroughly enjoy the wizard/rogue combo. If you have an open character slot, keep them both until you decide which you prefer. No matter what, it is ultimately up to you.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  8. #8
    Community Member Seelowe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doganpc View Post
    I'm building up a Drow Arcane Mechanic (©® )

    STR: 12
    DEX: 15
    CON: 8
    INT: 19
    WIS: 12
    CHA: 10

    The theme is a Rogue who uses Arcane magics to be a better Mechanic. Seeing how much mechanical magic is used in Eberron, its a bit of a role playing flavor build. I went with the 12 STR cause 10 wasn't hitting, and now I realize that I should have taken Weapon Finesse at Level 1 instead of TWF *shrug*. If I were to do this again, i'd go 10STR/10CON as leveling up and watching that +3 HP is starting to eat at me. My second mistake was to take Maximize (always took extend previously), thinking casting an offensive spell was a bit of a last resort that needed to do damage when I went to it. On a reattempt i'd go with with Quicken or Extend, Quicken if you're not wearing Armor and Extend if you are. Anyway, my problem is that i'm not familiar with the spells enough to know when to stop leveling Rogueing. I'm looking at 4 states.

    17 Levels of Wizard - 2, 9th level spells (Evasion, 2d6 sneak attack)
    14 Levels of Wizard - 3, 7th level spells (Rogue prestige class)
    13 Levels of Wizard - 2, 7th level spells (4d6 sneak attack)
    08 Levels of Wizard - 3, 4th level spells (Rogue prestige II class)

    How useful are those 4th level spells? Is there a lot of utility there as I progress through the game? Similarly for 7th and 9th, I know i'm not going to be the caster of the group (rather trying to be a utility player) and since my buddy plays Cleric I won't need the crowd control spells. So, if anyone is interested in voicing their opinion on what spell levels would be most beneficiary for a Rogue Mechanic i'm reading.

    Dogahn/SahRian/DahRian on all but 1 F2P server
    sorry but I stopped reading at the "Con 8" part. so if that was a joke, ignore this.
    BritsEthan Seelowe | Eosphoros | Fos | Olympic HeavyMetal
    elsa: ((so Role Play involves emoting? you mean like start listening to my chemical romance and dying my hair black?))

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seelowe View Post
    sorry but I stopped reading at the "Con 8" part. so if that was a joke, ignore this.
    While you're reply was an insensitive attempt at being funny, I realized earlier today where I was in relation to how I could fix it and decided that apparently it was a joke and rerolled it.

    STR: 9, DEX: 17, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 8, CHA: 10

    Couldn't take weapon finesse first level, but chose Extend instead of Maximize. Maybe i'll drop a +2 WIS/STR tome on it in the future but for now its fine. Action points spent on DEX & INT to bump into the next bonus.

    Live n Learn.
    Last edited by Doganpc; 01-16-2010 at 04:22 AM.

  10. #10
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    Default SpellFincher?

    I recall the book that outlined the Spellfincher kit, a rogue wizard combo. It was an even mix of rogue abilities and wizardary, not 18w/2r, but half and half. Play true to the kit; have strength, use combat weapons, mix it up 8-)

  11. #11
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    I'm wondering if evasion is even necessary with Insightful Reflexes? Seems that, even at end game (minus hard/elite runs), that your reflex save should be high enough to survive most encounters. Any experience from anyone on this? I mainly play sorc class so not sure the trade-off.

    What I mean is don't casters have enough ways to mitigate the half damage you would take on a successful save? It seems like a heavy price to pay just to avoid traps and comet-fall.
    Last edited by Spisey; 01-15-2010 at 06:54 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spisey View Post
    I'm wondering if evasion is even necessary with Insightful Reflexes? Seems that, even at end game (minus hard/elite runs), that your reflex save should be high enough to survive most encounters. Any experience from anyone on this? I mainly play sorc class so not sure the trade-off.

    What I mean is don't casters have enough ways to mitigate the half damage you would take on a successful save? It seems like a heavy price to pay just to avoid traps and comet-fall.
    Quote Originally Posted by DDO Compendium
    Usage: Passive
    When you make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, you suffer no damage instead of half damage.
    Its so you take no damage from a successful save instead of half. Combined with Insightful reflexes, it should be really hard to fail that save roll, unless you roll really poorly.

    Dice happens.

  13. #13
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    I know I was just playing devils advocate for a moment. There is a trade off between dc and evasion for some. For others, not so much. It's all in the expectations each person puts on all factors involved.

    For me, dc would likely win out as there isn't really too much at end game that can one-shot a repairing, high-con wf caster.

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