offering: All kinds of +2 tomes/Larges, boots ingredients, +1 banishing rapier ML10, +5 Resistance ring(ML15 rr wf), firestorm greaves, ring of spell storing
offering: All kinds of +2 tomes/Larges, boots ingredients, +1 banishing rapier ML10, +5 Resistance ring(ML15 rr wf), firestorm greaves, ring of spell storing
Edol Runner(Lv20 Brd), Haggleftw Profiteer(Lv20 Bbn), Revaillukh The Gold(Lv20 FvS), Quantam Entropy
ill trade 1 medium for the ring of spell storing...?
Mical-L.20 Wizard Mickell-L.20 Bard Micell*-L.4 Ranger/1 Rogue/1 Monk Mickall-L.20 Monk Mickoll-L.15 Paladin/3 Monk/2 Wizard
You should follow the example of those guys who hang around in the market offering to buy mediums for 1K plat
Haha, I sell to those guys, but the better ones.
I feel 35k plat for something I find randomly clicking is just fine.
thanks for the smooth trade... first ever trade via mail system. thought mail was just for sending plat between alts, and extra storage space when needed. :-)
Last edited by Cyanide_Death; 01-13-2010 at 10:16 PM.
Sarlona Main - Ilyushinovik Pure Paladin with TORC!!!! run # 75!!! mana battery complete 2nd Torc on 80th. TR'ed
2nd life finally: Monk [] 3rd life: Fighter []4th life: Artificer
+1 on a smooth trade by mail. completed quickly and for the agreed upon amount