I see you've escaped from Bugfix Dungeon - a brief respite, or a pardon from the Executive Producer for time served?
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-
Well the SR enhancment line for Drow stinks especially for end game content. If they left alone and/or made how it was supposed to be to get the full SR for one feat would be greatly improved. Problem is that SR in PnP DnD is much more powerful than DDO and then Drow SR is severally watered down and neutered to complete useless ness.
Drow = Weaksauce overall compared to other races not just SR. Cool to play and different just not very effective.
Drow were a popular race until they killed SR for them but I guess it was "too" powerful when the level cap was 10, not sure what the actual reason was. After that Drow became rare except for maybe bards and sorcs. Even then, they are no were near as popular as other races and they have to be bought or earned (albeint earning is not hard).
Last edited by Mobeius; 10-12-2010 at 05:57 PM.
The Drow SR could be improved, but most high level content throws damage spells... not SR spells. As it stands I currently see very little use for Spell Resistance of any kind in end game, and the the majority of spells SR would resist are already largely blocked by protection from evil and deathward already. Those that aren't are covered easily by very little effort put into Saves. If mobs in game threw far more SR based magic then improving the Drow spell resistance might be of tangible benefit, but I just don't see the Dev's doing an overhaul of attack magic patterns and spell lists in DDO.
Maybe spell resistance itself needs an overhaul... Such as high spell resistance providing a small percentage of damage reduction vs elemental magic or something. Maybe someone else has an idea to make it become nearly pointless beyond level 17.
Right now Spell Resistance itself feels "Weaksauce" to me.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Its nice as a perk but how a large portion of spells that dont have SR checks (and rightfully should) bypass completely is what waters it down. I suppose it works both ways for players and mobs though and I figure keeps many spells to usefull.
Anyway you cut it, drow need a boost.
How about in addition to improving SR, also add some SLAs. Darkness, could be similar to a glitterdust type effect. Levitate maybe just make it a featherfall effect. I know these aren't uber for Epic dungeons but it adds that Drow flavor, and would be nice for low to mid-level content.
Eladrin, if only it was the Spell Resistance line that fell under this category. Virtually all DDO races are defined by their enhancements and the enhancements offered by drow are the weakest of all races. There have been many threads that have discussed possibilities for improving these including:
Last edited by noinfo; 10-12-2010 at 08:22 PM.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
Considering how Weak Spell resistance is compared to the Pen and Paper version, I'm actually surprised it was nerfed for drow, the Pen and Paper version basically allows Drow to resist spells cast by an equal level caster 55% of the time
Return the Drow to using the Pen and Paper version, e.g. Spell resistance = 11+ character level, and keep the enhancements the way they currently are would probably work fairly well, allowing high level drow to resist applicable spells 55% of the time versus equal level foes, + a little extra from the enhancements.
heh weaksauce.
+1 to the paper function of sr being tied to level - with a bonus from enhancements to bring it up to a useful number.
So maybe 11 + half level as a base, then enhancements to bring it up to...26? 28 ?30?
Something similar to the monk sr maybe at max.
Leaving the current numbers as free to all Drow and then adding an enhancement line to boost it would go a long way toward making it useful.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
A few ideas you could try for drow SR:
- Make the enhancements change, so that at tier 1, Drow gain spell resistance equal to 12 + 1 per character level spell resistance, equal to the spell itself. At Tier 2, this increases to 12 + 1.25 per caster level, 3 1.5, and 4 1.75. This should make Drow a formidable opponent to face vs. casters that use spells which require a SR check.
- Give Drow the passive ability of the SR spell. The tiers itself can be used to add +2 to spell resistance. So Tier one gives an additional +2 to SR, up to a total of +8 SR on top of the normal SR value that the Drow would have.
- Make SR a unique value for Drow for their Enhancements. Rather than giving them a number that casters have to bypass in order to land their spell, make it a percentage. Without enhancements, the chance to bypass an enemy's spell as a drow is a mere 10%. Tier 1 upgrades SR to 25%, Tier 2 33%, Tier 3 40% and Tier 4 50%. Because of the low protection that the spell version of SR gives, it will stack with drow percentage. For SR purposes, the racial % comes before the SR check.
Just thought id throw in a few ideas to make drow SR a valuable feat.