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As the fellow Khyberian posted, the East is the best.
4 people claim 1 mob a piece.
Elemental (fire or earth). Fire is taken by a monk, ranger, or multiclass fighter. This person and a bard lead the elemental to the southeast room (directly east from buff rock). Earth is taken by fighters, rangers, or paladins to the same place with the bard (if no bard then a cleric, or paladin with moderate healing).
in my groups, i get the caster to solo the elementals. fire resist, greaves and fire shield stops the fire ele's attack. freedom of movement allows a fire based caster to wreck havoc on the earth. putting melees on earth is a very inefficient tactic
Shavarath creature (orthon, cat, devil) is taken to the farthest northeastern room preferably to the northwest corner of the northwest room. Some heavy dps (barbarian usually) locks it into the corner and preps it unless its that ADD devil.
Lammanian 1 (trog, kobold, or troll) is taken to the farthest northeast room to the southeastern most corner. Doesn't really matter what type of character aside from the troll who changes the entire strategy.
troll causes regen and is usually separated from the rest
Lammanian 2 (gnoll or orc) is taken to the middleastern room with a big tree and the person with its aggro gets it prepped and circles around the tree to prevent damage (unless the gnoll has lain down some bbs).
orc is usually up in NE. this is coz he hits hard, if u put him in E room, the person there will need more attention
2 clerics, 1 in northeastern room, other floats between mideast and northeast. Gnoll, Orthon, and Troll are all pretty slow. Cat and fire are very fast.
If the group has devil and no troll, devil is killed first.
Devil AND troll, devil is prepped, troll is dropped, devil is 2nd.
Has troll, no devil troll is dropped first.
in my groups teleporters are always dropped first, even if it is the devil, i do not even prep it
Doing it this way has given my last 20 or so groups a perfect run through. Depending on the caliber of players in your group, all this preparation may be unnecessary. However, if you feel that killing on the first round in a good amount of times with the most possible mp and hp left is for you, then this is the strategy I would recommend.
The most likely to make you fail are fire, devil, orc, and troll or fire, devil, gnoll, and troll (if the gnoll gives the other mobs stoneskin).