I think these are a stroke of genius, this should really help those feeling a bit lost what to do next. Like how when they are grayed out, they aren't recommended and when they are highlighted that means you are prime to run them, nice.
I think these are a stroke of genius, this should really help those feeling a bit lost what to do next. Like how when they are grayed out, they aren't recommended and when they are highlighted that means you are prime to run them, nice.
I agree, I think they'll help new players figure out what to do next.
Well I actually think they are kinda cool. Not only does it help the newer players know where they might want to go next but its good in game advertisng. Hey this board says I should go do necro. What gotta buy it ok I will.
Also adds flavor afterall in a lot of pnp adventures things start by answering a call posted on a tavern wall or notice board in the common area.
Coming from a guy who is currently unable to access Lammania to check it out, what exactly are the notice boards? Pretty much just things that you click on with some flavor text essentially saying "People A and B need help, and you're one level higher. People C and D need help, and it's exactly your level. People E and F need help, and you're one level too low." from what I gather. Am I wrong about this? Are notice boards actually something entirely different?
"You're still my favorite Isilmerel." ~Tarrant