Seeing as AA is getting a pass in this update I would like to make a few suggestions:

1. The original AA class that the AA PrE is based off of allows the player to have any arrow they fire to be enhanced. My suggestion is a buff that goes with the PrE that enhances all arrows fired to the tier of AA that the player has. Bows already do this for the ammunition so the coding is around somewhere.

Example: A tier 3 AA has a stack of Cold Iron arrows. Each arrow they fire will be considered a +3 arrow.

2. Have each tier of AA provide a bonus to spell points equal to the cost of the imbue arrows that the tier grants the player access to. This would be a total bonus of 190 sp for taking all 5 tiers of AA. Small bonus but nice for a class that typically relies on items to give it a decent SP pool.

The purpose behind these suggestions is to have the basic AA tiers provide some bonus to non-ranger elves that take AA and to those who wish to spend all the AP's and feats, as well as potential multiclassing, it takes to gain full access to this PrE.