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  1. #141
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Actually that's only used by porn sites to cover themselves against US anti-porn legislation. It's pretty bogus and doesn't even come close to working given that you can get a prepaid creditcard underage.
    Thread necro, but I always figured that porn sites just used "credit card age verification" as an excuse to get you to give them your credit card information.

    Also, put my name down on the list of people who think that Turbine's desire for impulse purchases is at least poorly implemented since there is no easy way to protect yourself from unwanted TP purchases with your real life money.

  2. #142
    Community Member ckorik's Avatar
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    *edit* grrrr got bit by a necro....

  3. #143
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    Signed. I should be able to add a password so that someone who is not authorized to use my credit card cannot buy points.

  4. #144
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    Good idea.

    Also, if you were ever to be hacked they could charge money to your card which is not Ok.

    This is why I use paypal, you have to log in each time, but I still need to find a way to remove cc data.

    Also, put on a max of $100 a day, for the reason above. If you are spending more then $100 a day on TP your doing something very very wrong.

  5. #145
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    heh, few months late I see =D
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

    Llyren, Kelda and some others.

  6. #146
    Community Member amethystdragon's Avatar
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    I was one of the people who said something like this would happen, when the store was first introduced. I still do not like the fact that my credit card is tied to the in-game store.

    This time it was a child who made a purchase without permission. Next time it could be someone who was hacked, by no fault of their own, that gets charged. Plain and simple, there needs to be some type of control for the store.

    As to the problem of someone under 18 using the store with out permission. When I set up free accounts for my children, I had to put in birth dates for their accounts. So Turbine has a way to track the age of the person the account was set up for. Which means they should be able to put in controls for those accounts that are for people under 18. This would stop under age purchases, but still allow adults to make impulse buys.

    For the record, the only reason my children have free accounts, is because I do not want my credit card tied to an account of a child who may or may not have enough self control to follow instruction. I believe in preventing a problem instead of trying to clean one up.

    The OP never said this was Turbines fault, and he has stated that he has punished his children for breaking the rules. So I do believe that he is do a good job as a parent, or at least the best that he can. The OP is simple asking for more controls when dealing with credit card information, and to me that should be a given. You can never be to safe when dealing with credit card information.
    Your complaint has been lodged, duly noted, and swiftly rejected.

    Sometimes you just have to laugh, because everything else is illegal.

  7. #147
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post

    If you dont trust someone, You should NOT hire them.
    This is irrelevant to the issue. I trust my employees but I don't give them all access to the production environment (it is password protected) nor the banking system because they don't have the skills to properly interact in those systems. This is the way the real business world works. It is not about trust but about appropriate safeguards.

    Turbine should put password protection on using the credit card for point purchases because that is an appropriate control. Not doing so is negligent on their part.

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