Well I'm gonna go ahead and admit, I was stupid. Silly me, thinking people could possibly help themselves from trolling.. haha... I truly do think I was the stupid one there. Couple quick responses, then I guess i leave this post alone. All I wanted to do was get an idea of how many people thought this was a bad idea... people are acting like im starting a union or something, lmao! It seems that most people feel that posting their opions in the much larger discussion thread was good enough, and that's fair... I only intended this to be a simple show of hands, which I well know doesnt make Turbine say *Oh gosh look at them all, clearly we shouldnt do this!* And while a petition is apparently *the quickest way to get ignored*, anyone in the world would be a fool to ignore a certain % of voices... if everyone in DDO actually signed a single petition, unless it threatened Turbines very existence, I guarantee you they would not ignore it. This would never happen of course, but I exagerate to make the point.
And so, with my lesson learned that petitions are a bad idea on forums for a few reasons, I humbly thank those who tried to use this in the way it was meant, curse those who are fools (but that extends far beyond this game. :P) and also thanks to those who, while not using this for what it was meant, actually tried to be constructive without being stupid
So, that said, good gaming to all, see you on the other side hopefully
*Original Posting*
It looks like noone has done this yet, instead of a discussion I would like to basically get a show of hands for myself AND for turbine how many of us think this is a very, very bad idea.
I, for one, like the raid, and I, for one, will also sadly end up not playing it anymore if this change goes through as planned.... I emplore you Turbine, to rethink this... we had to wait, what, 2 years for Abbot to become playable? Dont make a similar mistake again.... and I say similar, because this one you have full, immediate control over. Leave the darned raid alone, please!
(If some type of change really really needs to be made, then just head back to the drawing board and come up with something else?)
If you agree with the basis of this post, please sign, if you dont, dont sign
(If there is another one of these out there and I missed it, my apologies)