Noticed another change to the Quest Journal fields while looking around tonight.
In the current setup there is a field for "recommended group" and they tend to read along the lines of 1 or more players, or 2 or more or 3 or more (Kobald Assault for example). Well that is changing. The Field is still there BUT, the info is changing.
There appear to be a number of types of entry.
This Adventure is easier than most of this level,
This Adventure is of average difficulty,
This Adventure is Challenging, balanced party is recommended
Party Based Challenge! This quest requires X or more players. (Hirelings may not suffice)
Solo Only,
Raid - 12 players suggested.
So it appears that they are going to expand the info even more than before.
However, there are some interesting things to note.
The PIT "Requires 3 or more players" (3? 2 perhaps, but 3?)
When you look over the quests you can see some amusing things.
Land of Lake Woebegone here we come.
ALL 8 first level quests are somehow Easier than most of that level!
In the 18 - 2nd level quests, 8 are easier than most, 7 are average, 2 are Solo only and Haverdasher has an identity crisis. The description still says solo only..
In the 20 - 3rd level quests, 1 is Easier than most (Redfang ?), 16 are Average, 2 are Solo and 1 is Challenging (Kobald Assault).
It looks like in any quest with pressure plates it says that is the number "required". So Xoriat says 4, as does the Burning Heart Quest. For some reason Against the Demon Queen says you need 4 or more? But I can think of no systemic reason in that quest where you need that.
Taming the Flames is Average? While the Iron Mines quests are considered Challenging? really?? What is in your cereal bowl each morning?
The pendulum swings to the other end... While Gianthold Tor and Fleshmaker mentions no number just calls them challenging. It appears that things like switches are not on the decision tree for the text entry in the field while pressure plates are.
Something is kinda weird, is that once you get to 4th level and higher quests, there are NONE of them listed as being easier than most of that level. They are all Average or Challenging or more.
Something else to chew on....