I just tried to buy 32pt in the store...AND IT WORKED! Thanks again! Will test out greater, ungimp, and let you know the outcome.![]()
I just tried to buy 32pt in the store...AND IT WORKED! Thanks again! Will test out greater, ungimp, and let you know the outcome.![]()
"You're still my favorite Isilmerel." ~Tarrant
I hope the 10pm handout is still happening! I'd love to try out the reincarnation on one of my characters. However I tried to purchase the 32pt build just now, and get an error and the purchase didn't go through. I have 32pt builds on the live servers, but purchased rather than earned through favor.
I just spawend Lord Poincelot in case anyone is hoping to get in early.
That said, I don't know if the store issues are fully worked out yet...
so here is my 2 cents worth.
why only 500 points? couldnt you spawn the npc to give say 5000 just as easily? or unlock stuff that we have already bought on live? basically my main is a WF. bought on live but not on lamannia since the wipeso for the free 500 and some points i still had i got WF unlocked.
since this is a test server and suffers from wipes i will not buy points like i did last time ( due to them not appearing on live).
would it be a hard issue to unlock bought stuff as well as character copy? basically i play as premium now and have bought 95% of all acount options( 32 pt, vet, character slots) plus all but 5 adventure packs. im not saying everything should be opened up but if we have it on live why not for lamannia as well. gives us more of a chance to test more things.
The free points seemed to work fine for me when I went through the process tonight. The only issue was that I had to purchase the 32 pt option to be able to use Greater Reincarnation. When I was in the DDO store I got a red error message saying the purchase had an error to please try again. It worked when I clicked on purchase immediately after getting the error message.
Although the points that were being handed out didn't show in my balance until after I made the 32pt build purchase.
Seems to me unless this is a test of the DDO Store then whats the point of giving us points? Why not just create an NPC that hands out hearts? Or even just have a dev give us hearts? That way you know we can test reincarnation.
Also why was the +1 greater heart overlooked when all the other hearts are discounted? That's the only one I need and it just happens to be the one I can't afford. Its a conspiracy I tell you!
OK, I got my free 500...only need another 800 or so to test GR+1.
Would be great if:
- I could ask for them repeatedly
- I got 5,000 per request
Would be nice if the same was true for XP...just go to someone and ask for XP to test TR (or even just create a character to look at new dungeons).
...but everything else seems to be...guessing it's just an oversight.
yeah i was around for that i lost everything i had on my character to that lol
still 500 free points is nice but with the costs associated with reincarnations i believe it would be better to have the npc give out at least 5000. i mean since it is a test server and it does get wiped anyways
the greater reincarnate worked fine. no hiccups at all.
Any way a dev could load Hearts of Wood into the auction house?
Lammannia should be VIP only.
They need a few more perks.
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
Sarlona Main - Ilyushinovik Pure Paladin with TORC!!!! run # 75!!! mana battery complete 2nd Torc on 80th. TR'ed
2nd life finally: Monk [] 3rd life: Fighter []4th life: Artificer
then just do a wipe everytime the server goes down. they take it down after testing wipe it then.
honestly there is no "good" reason why we shouldn't have access to everything in the game on a test server. you can't reliably test things if you don't have the means to do so. it costs Turbine nothing to do it and they don't lose out. they gain testers.
I'm going to make it my mission to see that the test server gets better and better. the more we have to work with there the more testing we can actually do. And then the less bugs that actually make it to live.
Last edited by dredre9987; 01-10-2010 at 03:23 PM.