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  1. #121
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by isldur View Post
    Don't like it. It will make the game easier. Saves and durations ending effects are the easy button. Sure it would have been nice if they just fixed air elemental attacks.

    O god forbid address ranged combat lol. No lets change something that wasn't needed or wanted (at least by me) No one needs healers in the taverns or potions. I'm sure blindness will be next, hopefully there is one dev fighting to keep at least this in.

    Whats to fear from beholders now? Mind flayers more than likely have lost their respected place at certain levels as well. Just throw more and more mobs at us with lots of hit points....
    Exactly. It bugs me royally. It's a game I learned to love because even though it veered off far from PnP rules it still provided a good challenge. I'm alarmed with all the tinkering in the three updates since Mod9. Dungeon Scaling (which I reckon can be avoided with full group), color-coded enemy fire, and bending the rules of the spells -- which as you say, it makes it easier. That was my whole motivation behind my OP. It's not casual hate, it's not newb hate, it's not elitism to be sure, it's the fact that they lowering the standards and difficulty to EVERYONE for the sake a particular group of players -- in this case the casuals and newbies. With all aids and nerfs and no death XP any player with two semi functional neurons can make it. As some have posted here, unless you brought your A game to your VERY first quest, dealing with Jacobi Drexelhand was something to reckon with. Now you can breeze through that tavern quest on elite with a Korthos untwinked lvl2 toons without any problem whatsoever -- ask the perma-deathers if you don't believe me.

    I'm tempted to resurrect Parvo's request for a hard-core server. Doesn't have to be permadeath tho, just gimme the current game, sans all the gratuitous tinkering to game mechanics + friendly fire option.


  2. #122
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    ***Edit: gah...

    Basically I was saying I think these changes (specifically the new difficulty level) has mostly to do with helping out less skilled players, and less to do with the other reasons. But just to be clear, that is my opinion; I didn't hear a Turbine employee put it that way.
    Yes. I understand that that is your opinion. I was just saying that Core's post didn't have anything to do with your opinion.

    He was addressing a person who defined himself as "casual" and who took offense that the new, easy mode was called "Casual".

    He defined three ways to look at the word "Casual" as used in common MMO's. To quote him: "Some depend on how much you play, some on how good you are, and some on why you play. "
    As he said, the poster he was talking to defined himself casual as "how much you play". And that Turbine didn't use that same definition.

    He said nothing about Casual mode being for players that are less skilled or not. He did not go so far as to completely quantify what he meant, but he certainly didn't say that Turbine WASN'T making the game easier.

    Not a big deal. But you were misinterpreting his post. Or to put it your way, you were putting words in his mouth.

  3. #123
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    The problem with that line of reasoning is that immunities are bad for the game and saving throws not enough of a protection to avoid being CC'd too much unless you would like to homogenize all characters by forcing them into having high saving throws.
    Your concern is only true if you believe that players shouldn't get pwned by mobs once in a while and need rescuing. There are probably only 20 to 30 quests in the whole game out of well more than 100 that have CC that poses a serious problem for zero-defense characters. And even then, they typically can beat their way through slowly.

    The rest of the whole game is their playground where anyone who puts much of anything into defense is underpowered by comparison... You know, meaning it takes 4 seconds to win the average battle instead of 3.

    I remember the days when PoP was not a walk in the park. I was part of a near party-wipe in the fire room. A balanced build pure pally guildie of mine bailed the entire thing out by taking down several fire ellies with his bow while we all watched from our ghosts. That's the kind of thing that makes the game fun. One day it is the high defense pally. The next day it might be the low defense Barb. There need to be things in the game that will pwn each kind of character, and give other types a chance to shine.

    It will not be a good day when anyone can relatively easily get through any quest without serious trouble once in a while.
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
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  4. #124
    Community Member Shassa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    For it to be a non-answer, I would have to avoid the question asked. I have however answered that. I said I dislike that it decreases the challenge and complexity (because players don't have to plan ahead as much anymore, like making sure they have FoM or whatever) of the game, or in other words makes it more boring.

    I'm beginning to think you're purposely trolling. You're consistently putting words into my mouth, consistently "missing" people's points, and coming back with strawmen arguments.

    ***Edit: added emphasis for those who keep missing the same answer...again and again...
    Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them stupid, or a troll. Sorry.

    You say the game will be more boring, okay. If you think fighting air elementals and worgs were exciting, then I don't know what to say. If you don't like the fact that an Easy setting makes it less complex for other people (because obviously you have the ability to avoid it altogether) then again, I don't know what to say. Except that we're going to have to agree to disagree.

    Other than that, I think you should chill and drink a cold beer or something. Works for me.

  5. #125
    Community Member Shassa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanJHawkins View Post
    Your concern is only true if you believe that players shouldn't get pwned by mobs once in a while and need rescuing. There are probably only 20 to 30 quests in the whole game out of well more than 100 that have CC that poses a serious problem for zero-defense characters. And even then, they typically can beat their way through slowly.

    The rest of the whole game is their playground where anyone who puts much of anything into defense is underpowered by comparison... You know, meaning it takes 4 seconds to win the average battle instead of 3.

    I remember the days when PoP was not a walk in the park. I was part of a near party-wipe in the fire room. A balanced build pure pally guildie of mine bailed the entire thing out by taking down several fire ellies with his bow while we all watched from our ghosts. That's the kind of thing that makes the game fun. One day it is the high defense pally. The next day it might be the low defense Barb. There need to be things in the game that will pwn each kind of character, and give other types a chance to shine.

    It will not be a good day when anyone can relatively easily get through any quest without serious trouble once in a while.
    This is another very well explained summary that I understand, but I don't completely agree with. I'm only singling out your post, Hawkins, because it's the most recent post that represents a lot of people's feelings against the change, while making some good points. I just want to lay out my position again, because I feel like I got derailed.

    Basically, I'm saying two things. First, it's my opinion that it's unnecessary to demand that a different player with a different idea of what is fun and challenging to abide by your standards. I get that people like the challenge of the prospect of total wipes because some mobs are very dangerous. But not everyone feels the same way. Easy mode is for them, although they have to live with reduced xp, loot and favor as a penalty for doing so.

    My second point is one that refers to the the idea that a tougher game produces a better type of player that are less likely to ruin your raid. This wasn't addressed by you specifically in your last post, Hawkins, but it may be one that you agree with. Regardless, I really think this threat has been massively overstated at best, and is groundless at worst. As has been stated before, I think people in general are not as stupid as a lot of people are making them out to be, and will not go assuming that since they can solo Easy that they are then ready to bring the house down in your Epic-level raid.

    To reiterate, I do understand where the anxiety with the changes lay, and I do get why many people thrive on the challenge and the on-the-edge-of-readiness exhiliration one feels in a tense situation. I enjoyed Everquest in the early days, and you don't get much more challenging or tense than that. In fact, some of the most wildly entertaining stories I have from playing MMOs has to do with complete wipes of fifty people. But again, not everyone feels that way, and no one is forcing anyone to play Easy mode. Of the universal changes that were made concerning CC abilities and other such situations where people can be made totally helpless were toned down a bit, if one feels it makes the game less challenging then I understand but I think there are better ways to challenge people than to frustrate them in this manner.

  6. #126
    Community Member rezo's Avatar
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    You mean tinkering like the " Borror0 " combat Nerf???? lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.
    So sad but true.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    Taking down duration of crowd control and debuff spells, specifically when used against players...and you can't see how that's making the game easier?
    Agreeing with Ghoste.

    A better way would be if the didn't change the CC spells effect for (hard) elit and epic.

    And letting the "diminished duration against players" work on solo, casual, normal and (hard).

    My greates concern is that they will doing the game generaly more weak at CC.
    That would make it much more booring as CC is one of the fun things in game.
    It also give more variation as it gives one more dimension from the "classic MMO" setting healer, def-Tank and DPS.

  8. #128


    Quote Originally Posted by Shassa View Post
    Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them stupid, or a troll. Sorry.
    Oh, I agree. Is that why you wrote your so called "summary" the way you did, in a mocking and completely misleading way?

    I have been very clear that the issue is not you disagreeing. The issue is you constantly misrepresenting other people's stances, as you are yet again doing. And you haven't been just slightly missing their points either, you've been consistently doing it in a way to belittle and mock them. Your so called "summary" is an absolute farce, and you knew so when you wrote it, despite your mock attempts to play innocent after wards.

    I was quite clear about why I think you are trolling. Quite clear. And yet you come back with this nonsense? Is that not pretty much solid confirmation that you are trolling?
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  9. #129
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post

    Color coding enemy fire,
    That just more of a convience thing especially when there's 3 FW/BB on both sides...yes easier but nothing to do with "dumbing" down the game it just makes sense in a frantic game like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post
    "casual" setting
    Don't like it don't use it personally I'm gonna use this setting for when I duo with my brother which is the idea of the setting ("Small Parties")

    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post
    Changing the duration of CC spells for no real reason
    Oh there's a reason its called once your tripped by a wolf you stay tripped because they don't stop essentially taking you out until help arrives...this is what I'd call fixing something thats broken.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post
    changing the nature of spells for no real reason, adding mechanics that will probably cause certain end-game raid to be very hard to put a group together
    Ok so BAD turbine for making the game easier and BAD turbine for making something harder (I'm assuming your referring to the singing boss affecting everyone)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post
    This constant tinkering causes more confusion than anything else.
    "This Constant tinkering is an integral part of any online game and its great that Turbine listens to its playerbase" FIXED!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post
    You are gearing this game to the "casuals" (I mean the writing is on the wall, right?) but you are forgetting that you also have a large player base that play this game for hours/day and have done so for years. A "casual" player won't be following the forums and looking out for changes in the release notes so in a way it kind of defeats the purpose.
    Actually I always see a mix of new and old players on the forums...I wish more people would use the forums but alot don't even know its here (new and old players alike) but really I see Turbine catering to "ALL" players...the last update was almost exclusively 17-20ish content and this one has lots of non "casual" updates.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  10. 01-09-2010, 08:58 AM

  11. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by Shassa View Post
    Ghoste, do you have anything constructive to say that actually contributes to the conversation?
    Had you read any of my posts at all, you would have already seen the answer to that. But the thing is you have, and you know my stance, and you know my comments, and yet you go on trying to twist it again. Glad to see you're finally done with it though.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  12. #131
    Community Member Ardaniel's Avatar
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    wrong thread
    Last edited by Ardaniel; 01-09-2010 at 09:46 AM. Reason: oops wrong section.

  13. #132
    Community Member dopey69's Avatar
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    Default lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Shassa View Post
    Okay, let me summarize the position of everyone who is against this "tinkering" and "dumbing-down".
    Critique me if you will, but this is what I'm hearing from a significant portion of you:


    Dear Turbine:

    I've been playing this game for a long time and enjoy how it was more complex and challenging than other games. I liked how complicated it is in many areas, partly because it's that inaccessibility that keeps the noobs away, you know, the WoW crowd. You may want to bring more people in, but me, I just don't want to be bothered with all these noobcakes. I'm above all that.

    I also resent that after doing many things the hard, tedious, grindy way that the new players don't have to now go through the same hell I did. It's not fair that they get to enjoy parts of the game that I really suffered through. Besides, if they don't go through the same butt-kicking gauntlets I had to run through then they will not learn what they're doing and mess up my raid.

    So in the end, I much rather preferred being able to boast about how more complex and beginner-unfriendly my game was over yours, even if it meant seeing the game population continue to shrivel and eventually go under. Play my way or play a different game. And no, I won't share my quest, the quest giver is right behind you for chrissake.


    Okay, the last part was for comedic effect, but do I have that pretty much correct?
    rep comin ...seems as you got it!

  14. #133
    Community Member Horrorscope's Avatar
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    So how many people have been on TEST and tested some of their theories out? When I was on, there was a whopping 20 people on the whole server. Friday Prime.

  15. #134
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanJHawkins View Post
    It will not be a good day when anyone can relatively easily get through any quest without serious trouble once in a while.
    Very eloquently put. This is what bugs me the most. You know you've lost it as a game when you are little by little trying to eliminate the danger of dying. In PnP and earlier in DDO, this constant danger of dying (in PnP being permadeath at lower levels and early DDO having death XP penalty) is what made this game so freaking awesome and addicting. Ever since they took the personal death XP penalty (Mod 6?) it has been downhill from there. Now there's very little danger of (and consequence for) dying. On top of that you are making it much easier to not die by enemy fire, if you get held or stoned you get saves more often you can make saves with irresistible dance ... what's next? Seriously. Healing surges as a standard action like the piece of **** PnP 4e is? So dying will only happen on raid party wipes? At that point the game has lost all meaning to me. Let's hope devs don't take it that far and revert some of the changes. :/

  16. #135


    People wished for the elimination of perma-trip.

    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
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  17. #136
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horrorscope View Post
    So how many people have been on TEST and tested some of their theories out? When I was on, there was a whopping 20 people on the whole server. Friday Prime.
    Raises hand ....

    The impact of some changes will completely lie within the trigger points of when things like Heroic Surges happen. I a few days of playing out there I have only had it happen on me once, and that was when fighting the new Maralith with my cleric in tight quarters. Most of the time, a skilled player is never in those circumstances where it will benefit them. Making it all but a non-issue with respect to giving the players an edge. However, on my Wizard I did note mobs breaking free from CC sooner than expected. So it made it harder in that way. I never got a Surge on my Wizard.

    Stuff like this is far more likely to be the Deus Ex Machina effect on poorly prepared players and bail them out of bad circumstances a few times.

    Just like the parameters of Dungeon Scaling are numerous and vague, the parameters that trigger a Surge are poorly defined. Just getting overrun, does not do it. Just getting tripped does not do it. Even a number of times. It could also have been the condition of the character being affected plays a role. Most of the time I was barely wounded, and was not taking damage that fast, so perhaps the algorithm was developed to factor that in too. There is nothing Heroic about a surge when you are not in dire straits. (I was solo all the time, not even hirelings around too.)

    The one time it happened was a non issue. I did die in SOS solo, when I was being careless and got surrounded and did not recall getting any surges, so it is not an automatic thing.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  18. #137
    Community Member tolana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Of course. Though, they have not done that so that is not applicable either.
    lies they have done it again and again and again.

  19. #138
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    I'm new to the game, and love it so far. I don't usually spend money on games but have dropped $20 on this one so far, and will spend more for adventure packs if I continue to enjoy the game. Without F2P, I would never have even tried it in the first place. I mostly play turn-based strategy games, and have zero interest in WoW - it looks like a comic book clickfest - no thinking required.

    I've only run a few characters up to level 6 so far in DDO, and am downloading Lamannia right now to see how the changes affect the game from my perspective. Since I haven't seen end game, never played when it was uber-hard back in 2006 and 2007, and don't have a twinked toon, I cannot relate to a lot of the comments on this thread.

    I don't want an easy button, although I have never tried the game without dungeon scaling and similar easy buttons that I see as the norm due to my limited experience. Maybe I would have walked away in frustration if the game was still just like it was in 2006. A big part of the my attraction to the game is the challenge. So far, I use my ability to complete quests alone as a yardstick. My lvl 6 wizard can solo a lvl 4 quest on normal, my cleric can solo on hard 1 level below, or the same level depending on the quest. I don`t see the point of a casual mode - I`m new to the game, and never had any problems in a party running normal at level, or playing quests alone on normal a few levels below mine. However, as long as it doesn't take away from the existing normal and hard, adding casual mode doesn't hurt me. I don't have to play it.

    Some of the changes make sense from a balance perspective. In a real fight, even if a worg or an iron defender had me on the ground, I would still have a sword or a mace in my hands, and could still hit back a bit and roll around. As far as I can tell, I cannot fight back at all in a knockdown at present. Having a knockdown timer to give me a chance to hit back and some time between knockdowns is more realistic. This way, I can still deal out some damage a portion of the time. Yes, it will make it easier. But there is nothing particularly fun about being incessantly knocked down by three worgs when solo in tangleroot, watching your hp drop to zero without being able to do anything. Would I still respect worgs afterwards. Oh yeah. They`ll still be nasty little pieces of work. But running into them won't mean having to stare at the wall in the tavern for a few minutes after pounding back a dirty kobold.

    My biggest worry about more changes in the lower levels is that I will hit the wall at level 14, and not be up to running raids alongside veteran players. I don`t want to be coddled so much that the end game content becomes unavailable to me. I expect to see a chance of death in quests at my level, and to sometimes have to work my cleric to keep a party alive (and sometimes fail when we run too hard of content). I worry that changes to CC will see wizards become as shunned in end game content as they are today by WoW refugees running waterworks, because wizards are squishy and have low DPS. I worry that too much stuff will be only available from the Turbine store, and that I won't be able to have fun or compete at higher levels without spending $30 a month (while I can afford it, that just isn't gonna happen). I worry that PvP will become a bigger part of the game, taking it further away from the DnD pen and paper roots. If I wanted to play PvP, I already know how to download first person shooters.

    I assume that the devs have these types of worries as well. The player classes inherently have different strengths and weaknesses, and making the game balanced for different quests, different monsters, and different party dynamics from levels 1 through 20 is a daunting task. They don`t have an easy job.

  20. #139
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shassa View Post
    This is another very well explained summary that I understand, but I don't completely agree with. I'm only singling out your post, Hawkins, because it's the most recent post that represents a lot of people's feelings against the change, while making some good points. I just want to lay out my position again, because I feel like I got derailed.

    Basically, I'm saying two things. First, it's my opinion that it's unnecessary to demand that a different player with a different idea of what is fun and challenging to abide by your standards. I get that people like the challenge of the prospect of total wipes because some mobs are very dangerous. But not everyone feels the same way. Easy mode is for them, although they have to live with reduced xp, loot and favor as a penalty for doing so.

    My second point is one that refers to the the idea that a tougher game produces a better type of player that are less likely to ruin your raid. This wasn't addressed by you specifically in your last post, Hawkins, but it may be one that you agree with. Regardless, I really think this threat has been massively overstated at best, and is groundless at worst. As has been stated before, I think people in general are not as stupid as a lot of people are making them out to be, and will not go assuming that since they can solo Easy that they are then ready to bring the house down in your Epic-level raid.

    To reiterate, I do understand where the anxiety with the changes lay, and I do get why many people thrive on the challenge and the on-the-edge-of-readiness exhiliration one feels in a tense situation. I enjoyed Everquest in the early days, and you don't get much more challenging or tense than that. In fact, some of the most wildly entertaining stories I have from playing MMOs has to do with complete wipes of fifty people. But again, not everyone feels that way, and no one is forcing anyone to play Easy mode. Of the universal changes that were made concerning CC abilities and other such situations where people can be made totally helpless were toned down a bit, if one feels it makes the game less challenging then I understand but I think there are better ways to challenge people than to frustrate them in this manner.
    I see what you are saying. But I think you disregarded the point that the game is already really easy in about 70% of the quests. THey are making a universal change that eliminates the 30% that was left for those of us that liked it hard.

    If they made these changes only on "Casual" level it would be fine. If they make them only on "Normal" or easier, then it will create a huge difficulty gap between Normal and Hard for some quests. That is not ideal. And, it would take away a bunch of quests from people who might like the way current crowd control works, but not want traps and monster damage to be at the "hard" level.

    Aside from that, this really kills the diversity of the game. If you nerf the heck out of CC spells, it makes a huge number of toons that were built to defend against CC obsolete.

    I'm not only complaining because I have some awesome high DPS high defense builds that I will personally lose the usefulness of, but because the game as a whole will be weakened. It will get a lot more boring if the only characters needed are either full spec'd healers or full spec'd low defense DPS. Loss of variety is a bad thing.
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
    Bloodbath, Smasher · Sonnkral, Finisher · Sentient, Caster

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