Quote Originally Posted by isldur View Post
Don't like it. It will make the game easier. Saves and durations ending effects are the easy button. Sure it would have been nice if they just fixed air elemental attacks.

O god forbid address ranged combat lol. No lets change something that wasn't needed or wanted (at least by me) No one needs healers in the taverns or potions. I'm sure blindness will be next, hopefully there is one dev fighting to keep at least this in.

Whats to fear from beholders now? Mind flayers more than likely have lost their respected place at certain levels as well. Just throw more and more mobs at us with lots of hit points....
Exactly. It bugs me royally. It's a game I learned to love because even though it veered off far from PnP rules it still provided a good challenge. I'm alarmed with all the tinkering in the three updates since Mod9. Dungeon Scaling (which I reckon can be avoided with full group), color-coded enemy fire, and bending the rules of the spells -- which as you say, it makes it easier. That was my whole motivation behind my OP. It's not casual hate, it's not newb hate, it's not elitism to be sure, it's the fact that they lowering the standards and difficulty to EVERYONE for the sake a particular group of players -- in this case the casuals and newbies. With all aids and nerfs and no death XP any player with two semi functional neurons can make it. As some have posted here, unless you brought your A game to your VERY first quest, dealing with Jacobi Drexelhand was something to reckon with. Now you can breeze through that tavern quest on elite with a Korthos untwinked lvl2 toons without any problem whatsoever -- ask the perma-deathers if you don't believe me.

I'm tempted to resurrect Parvo's request for a hard-core server. Doesn't have to be permadeath tho, just gimme the current game, sans all the gratuitous tinkering to game mechanics + friendly fire option.
