i have been a mmorpg's fan since Gems, Eq1, Knight online, Rising force, and even in (World of wusses) Wow till the litch king stuff ruined it even more. i have been gacking out on halo 3, borderlands, Nazi zombies on xbox live and now i want to get an Mmorpg fix. in anycase i started this game about a week ago, and so far its been fun. but as a cleric its been a little slow meeting people and lvling. i have been reading about diff builds ect in this game and i belive i would have fun playing with a small guild of people exploring the content of this game. rather than just cilling by myself reading forums, and keeping to myself until mid lvl game.
In eq i had 3, 80's with over 700+ aa's (im not joking), in Wow i had 4, 70's with two more @ lvl 55 and 60 on the way no including the death knight from the litch king. so its not like i have not gone to the end game in most mmorpg's. i am gunna probly be starting over my cleric too due to the fact i picked an elf.. meh my bad. so i am not above starting on a new server. you can either hit me up on here or P.M. me if u want to chat on vent, yahoo msnger. i have played D&d up to 3.0 also played many other pen and paper games
rifts, exhalted, white wolf series (mage, warewolf). so the basis of the game is very easy for me to understand.
Other useful info:
I am PST (California, Usa)
27 yrs old
have team speak - vent (downloaded not owned)
team player (not a loot monger)
and im F2p atm, tho if i find people to enjoy the game i may pay for it.
atm im on Orien.