Grr, 1 more hour till Lamannia downloads so that I can test it with my 9 Clr/11 Wiz toon. Even then, there will be the patching process...![]()
So let me get this straight. The pale master set bonus from Tower of Despair is actually detrimental to even pale masters unless your in wraith form...
EDIT: I tested this out and both forms give the undead bonuses (100% crit, negative energy healing), but neither form gives the undead bonuses in public areas. Also, my pale master ring was changed to a negative energy boost that doesn't seem to stack with potency.
Last edited by etelan; 01-08-2010 at 01:07 AM.
The Hand of the Black Tower - Khyber(Aundair)
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[ Fernia / Ghallanda ]Divine Initiate: Samho, Hammerhead, Stonespeaker, Dreadedblade, Pryan, Nightward (build), Stonewill . ---- Arcane apprentice: Graybone, Grayblade, Ironspeaker, Ironthought.-- Role of the Combat Cleric : We fight for our party's survival --
Just a suggestion, would be nice if there is an ability or spell that allows Pale Masters to transform into wraith form automatically once you reach 50% HP, kinda like the Stalwart Pact spell.
can you target your undeads with other negative spells too?
aka can you fear your own skellys with chilltouch?![]()
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Finally, the Abbot robe has a purpose.
Try Wizard 13/Monk 7. Path of Inevitable Dominion, Fists of Darkness. Fire/cold spec. Go unarmed. Wear the Abbot's robe if a fleshie, or go Warforged so you can still be repaired in lich mode.
Should have good survivability and decent DPS. And your necromancy spells will have a nice high DC.
hmm, why monk7? why not go wiz13/mnk6/fighter1 so you get some nice hasteboost too. monk7 only gives wholenes of body and some recovery enhancements, so imo its not worth to take that lvl
(this post was made with information out of the compendium as it is right now. if theres some nifty new monk stuff at lvl7, let me know![]()
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
yeah, but then you cant be a lich though^^ sadly
someone said in here that lichs do inclict damage on unarmed hits, do those get amplyfied by items?
so maybe the wiz13/mnk6/cleric1 for another 10% would be a way to go too (though hasteboost would prolly be better^^)
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Well, Monk 3 gets you the Path of Domination, and Fists of Darkness with it.
The Dark/Dark/Dark finisher puts a curse on the target that lowers their fortification by 25%, healing by 50%, and increases negative energy damage taken by 25%.
Wizard 17/monk 3 could have a very, very heavy hitter on a target with the touch attack, if they peg the enemy with that curse first. 450+ damage would be doable.
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Consider that you already have +35% (or +45% as pale master 3) damage on neg energy spells, and if you have the tod set, another +30 (+60 if you are pale master 3) for 75.5% boost or (132% with pale master 3) and that your 17d6 would do ~60 damage on average without these, meaning ~105 with the 75.5% boost, or 20d6 ~70 and ~162 with pale master 3 and level 20 wiz. After max/emp these become 315/486, and on a crit with major void lore, they do double damage for 630/972.
Now multiply the first numbers by 1.25 and lets see which are higher: 75 or 70? 131 or 162? 393 or 486? 787 or 972?
It looks to me like a Wizard20 Pale Master3 will do more damage with their touch range ability then a Wizard17/Monk3 Pale Master2 will do when only the later gets the neg energy debuff on their target.
That and 3 monk levels means that finishers DC will be absolutely horrid. I think just about everything at level 20 will have to roll a 1 just for you to succeed.
Sticking at 2 monk levels and forgetting about the finisher would be much better. That way you also have lich forms negative damage on unarmed attacks as well.
Cant get lich form and either of airstance 2 or curse. Its one or the other.
i.e. lich form comes with wiz18
Last edited by richieelias; 01-08-2010 at 12:58 AM.