Pros and Cons?
So far I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
Pros and Cons?
So far I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
Pro: Mage Armor, Barksin, Shield and Shield of Faith all ADD
Con: ANY combat longer than 5 secs will suck for you
I would take 2 levels of fighter in order to buff up BAB and such. Also, I would pick either FvS or Wiz as a main and take that it 15 (for FvS for Blade Barrier) or 10 (for Wiz and Fireball).
Most caster mixes suck after low levels. They only make sense if you have clear plans and objectives and are confident that the gain will exceed the loss.
So what spit are you looking at and why do you think you shouldn't just go pure in one of those two classes? What do you think this gives you?
Well a Wiz without a party is just asking to be killed.
So I balanced it with a FvS.
FvS rocks for more physical matters, but they're magic is rather limited.
The biggest problem is all my Phys stats suck, but everything else is fair to rocking.
Even with the 32 pt build.
I think I'll take some one's advice and take a few levels of fighter to improve martial skills. Question then becomes, when?