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  1. #21
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    I would like to see an optional battle in the TOD raid that has a chance to drop bound boots as a loot reward.

    Perhaps something like a lever on the ledge behind the floating Sucubus that drops a bridge or opens a passageway to a optional battle room where a named ??? is. Yes the chasm is not easily traversed but a FS or Monk or someone with a really good jump can make it across to the other side then pull the lever. The chest in here could drop a bound to character pair of boots.

    This would give raid ready parties a chance to get boots within the raid and perhaps other named goodies.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  2. #22
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Since these are boots of anchoring....

    I would like to see the boots of anchoring pick up added benefits like Immunity to slippery surfaces.
    Make them useful in more places than just the TOD raid.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  3. #23
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    I have completed boot dropping quests around 40 times. I have 1 iron to show for it.

    Now everyone needs boots? Thanks for killing ToD.

  4. #24
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    The results of this decision are not that hard to predict. Fuirst, the number of Tower raids will drop dramatically, then, only a limited of people will run it, and always with the same characters, that means someone with boots on his cleric will end up always running his cleric in there. Next, a lot of players will be excluded from Tower raids. Now, we'll see a lot more groups forming for the quests with boots ingredients but with mitigated success because organized guilds will run this inside and won't share much because they want their members geared, and then, pugs will try but some of the quests that drop ingredients, excluding Weapons Shipment are quite tough for pug groups. Who's going to share the blood in his chest with a pug if he dosn't need it, when the same blood is selling for over 1 million plat on the AH right now. Expect the prices of these ingredients to raise up and that will make a group of people happy, our friends the plat farmers.

    While I don't disagree with a greater effect of the banishment in ToD, a change is needed for the boots ingredients drop rate, and is needed badly. With all the time, I still never been able to loot a blood myself, and I'm not really interrested to pay like 1.5 million plat for one, and those boots will bind to the only character I will give them.

    As someone stated, it's true Banishment belongs to D&D but in a game like this, there's other things to consider, a lot of people actually pay to play the game, a lot have a limited time to spend on the game, and want to have fun. Someone banished from a ToD raid because boots will now be mandatory will have no fun, or their fun ruined, and since their time is limited, will consider this as a waste of their time.

    Now, the simple request is, increase the drop rate of boot ingredients and add a new location for ingredients to drop: Wrath of the Silver Flame, the end chest should drop mysterious artefact and blood, like Weapons Shipment drops iron and keepsake.

    Also, please make Suulomades worth something in the last fight in ToD, give him a chest, with a chance to drop any of the boot ingredients. I don't think any groups currently bothers killing him now, since he dosn't give anything besides a bit of xp, and for players lvl20, it means nothing.
    Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
    Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
    Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
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    Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
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  5. #25
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakushi View Post
    The results of this decision are not that hard to predict. Fuirst, the number of Tower raids will drop dramatically, then, only a limited of people will run it, and always with the same characters, that means someone with boots on his cleric will end up always running his cleric in there. Next, a lot of players will be excluded from Tower raids.
    meh, I'd imagine not. You just build your group a little different

    take 3 healers instead of a minimum of 2 (just incase 1 of them rolls a 1 on the first cast)
    2 arcane (unless the first one has boots) minimum who focus exclusively on orthons
    1 bard still (songs should last long enough in end fight)
    and 6 melees all of which gank horoth

    really I applaud the change, yes it'll suck to get banished occasionally. But really its more of a matter of asking if they have boots or a decent will save. If a crappy will save dont invite them. Its not a terrible risk trying not to roll a 1 for what? 2 to 3 castings of the spell?

    As of right now, trying to get most PuG's to jump in between banishments on Khyber is like pulling teeth. I only see maybe 1 person per raid be brave enough to do it as is; even when the strategy for the group is for everyone to jump in between. Luckily I end up for 3-4 booted people everytime I throw up a LFM so its not a huge issue. But now people without boots will have a huge incentive to get on big ugly and get it done quickly.

    This is a positive change for healers. As they should end up using far less resources. Not that a normal run of 50 heal scrolls is a huge expense anyway. But its currently the only content in the game where I'll use heal scrolls on my FvS; and I'd prefer just not to carry them all together.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  6. #26
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    I've spent eight hours straight (not exaggerating) trying to farm ingredients for the boots (with exception of a lunch break), and haven't gotten one single ingredient to drop. I even ransacked the weapons shipment chest. Nothing, not one.

    I am soooo frustrated.

    I read around the forums and I heard the drop rate was increased. I'd hate to have seen it before.
    It's (Zer-ubba-bull) If you cant pronounce it, you can just call me sire.

  7. 05-06-2010, 08:37 PM

  8. #27
    Community Member jomonkey527's Avatar
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    Its one reason I almost did not renew my sub this month. Besides running Shroud,Hound, Rever,VoD, there is not enough content. Grinding for ingredients for a pair of boots is something I just wont do. Running "Wepons Shipment" hoping for the bauble I never got an ingredient drop. Heck flagging for Abbot was as much of a grind as I could handle, and most nights no one even runs it. So by Turbine doing this and not changing it back, it is basically and in all reality keeping me from accessing the full content of the game.

  9. #28
    Community Member jomonkey527's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    Welcome to the new generation of DnD.

    "I WANT THE GOOD LOOT BUT I DONT WANNA WORK FOR IT"-anyone who never played DnD before 3.5e
    Fixed it for you. "I want the good loot, but dont want to have to run the same quests 100 times." Unless maybe this is like GroundHog Day.

  10. #29
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    Welcome to the new generation of DnD.

    "I WANT THE GOOD LOOT BUT I DONT WANNA WORK FOR IT"-anyone who never played DnD before WoTC

    you people are pathetic
    Thing is, in PnP (if you had a good DM) you always had a challenge that was suited to the gear you had, and sometimes running away(not just kiting) was a valid option. Trying to draw that sort of equivalency between old-school D&D and a video game of any sort, no matter what it calls itself, is flawed from the get-go.

    DDO is a Monty Haul hack&slash style D&D game, the worse kind, but the only one that has ever been translated into a videogame.

  11. #30
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Four months later and everyone that was saying DOOOooooOOOooOO000oooOOOm sees regular pugs of ToD.

    I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that my paladin had her boots at level 15, or the fact that most people in this thread whine too much. And yes, at level 15 I got my bauble too.

    Welcome to the new generation of DnD.

    "I WANT THE GOOD LOOT BUT I DONT WANNA WORK FOR IT"-anyone who never played DnD before WoTC

    you people are pathetic
    +1 rep for you for stating the obvious truth

  12. #31
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    Was recently in a guild run consist of mostly causal players
    We had 9 first timers who have a clue and know how to follow instructions and share the same language
    My WF Barb being the ONLY boot owner was tasked with tanking Horoth

    Last part involves 3 Wizards with enlarged spell on repairing duty, 2 Rangers chipping away at Horoth from afar
    The most interesting part was for the ranger to grab Sally’s agro when she drop (since no melee want to go into banish range), but killing sally was a no brainer as we had a bunch of DSP that was just playing around with trash.

    Very time consuming and resources intensive yes, but it can be done with adequate planning and people who listen (the party all agreed to all chip in on the pots and scroll usage ahead of time)

    The average PUG on sarlona normally consist of a few more booted characters and is generally easier in that perspective, the most challenging part being to communication with people not being fluent English speakers

    As a general FYI for those who PUG a lot with heavy Chinese composition
    Pangzi means Orthon/Jailer (translation: Fat guy)
    Xiaohui means Judge/Sally (transition: Grey looking guy)

    I’ve seen more than one wipe in part 1 with people running to the wrong places, which is the second largest contributor of wipes (first being kiting in part2)

  13. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    Welcome to the new generation of DnD.

    "I WANT THE GOOD LOOT BUT I DONT WANNA WORK FOR IT"-anyone who never played DnD before WoTC

    you people are pathetic
    Dude I played Dnd since the 80's. Spending a week of my life to grind out a crappy pair of situational boots is not DnD at all.

    Also I have good equipment and I worked hard for it.

    Some people have a thing called a life and cant spend that long in front of a PC. Insulting people because they want to have fun, or benefit from their game time, is pathetic.

    I spent a whole day trying for ingredients. I'd been happy if I only got a couple, but I spent all day and got nothing. My character is level 20, so I got no experience. In fact my loot I got today was pretty junk too. I could have sat on the crapper all day and gotten more satisfaction out of life.

    I will tell you what IS pathetic... the fact that I am logging in again (as we speak) and I'm gonna try some more... now THAT is pathetic.
    It's (Zer-ubba-bull) If you cant pronounce it, you can just call me sire.

  14. #33
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    Four months later and everyone that was saying DOOOooooOOOooOO000oooOOOm sees regular pugs of ToD.

    I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that my paladin had her boots at level 15, or the fact that most people in this thread whine too much. And yes, at level 15 I got my bauble too.

    +1 rep for you for stating the obvious truth
    Regular PUGs of ToD?

    I see even worse problems than when Update 3 came out.

    Powergamers have their perfect ring(s), and have it/them upgraded. They have no interest in running the raid except hard/elite with Suulo, shooting for +4 tomes. These aren't PUGged at all.

    PUG groups seldom fill, primetime or offpeak.

    Plenty of level 20s have no completions of ToD, have heard of it, are sufficiently geared to take it on and are skilled enough to beat the raid (maybe even on Hard), haven't won the Boots lottery, and don't run this because every PUG that runs is 'boots only'.

    I can fill an Elite Shroud more quickly than I can fill a ToD run, and Shroud has no incentive to run on Elite except for fun (and once for favor).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  15. #34
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Regular PUGs of ToD?

    I see even worse problems than when Update 3 came out.

    Powergamers have their perfect ring(s), and have it/them upgraded. They have no interest in running the raid except hard/elite with Suulo, shooting for +4 tomes. These aren't PUGged at all.

    PUG groups seldom fill, primetime or offpeak.

    Plenty of level 20s have no completions of ToD, have heard of it, are sufficiently geared to take it on and are skilled enough to beat the raid (maybe even on Hard), haven't won the Boots lottery, and don't run this because every PUG that runs is 'boots only'.

    I can fill an Elite Shroud more quickly than I can fill a ToD run, and Shroud has no incentive to run on Elite except for fun (and once for favor).
    I'd have to second this. I've seen LFMs for ToD be up for close to an hour with less than 7 people, before it disbands, that is.

  16. #35
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    Welcome to the new generation of DnD.

    "I WANT THE GOOD LOOT BUT I DONT WANNA WORK FOR IT"-anyone who never played DnD before WoTC

    you people are pathetic
    Personally I don't mind working for stuff. I work for all the stuff I have in real life and I work hard for it. I work for stuff in the game and I'm still working for stuff.

    In D&D, I have never had to grind for stuff. If a quest was difficult, the DM would make sure that the appropriate reward was there. Maybe not what I specifically wanted, but it would be useful and I would still feel that the reward was appropriate because the stuff would be nice. If I had to get specific gear and make something specific to complete the overall goal of a very long campaing, then the DM would make sure I got the specific ingrediant to make what I needed to finish. The quest would be a challenge and it would also be fun, but I wouldn't have to rerun that quest over and over until the DM decided to put in the ingrediant in as the reward.

    Grinding sucks. It is long. It is boring. It sucks the fun out of those quests. I wouldn't mind a higher drop rate for ingrediants.

    Take Shroud. I have 36 completions with many ransacks. I still need another 24 completions to get a couple of clensing stones and will probably need more just to get all the larges I need and I complete at least 2 times a week depending upon my real life work schedule. This is for just 1 character. I still have 2 characters that TWF, a cleric, a spellsinger, still need to equip my wiz since I'm shifting larges to my bard to get those items completed. I like Shroud over all but it is loosing some of its fun appeal from the grind but I want GS so I keep running it.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  17. #36
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    This boot issue really bothers me. But I blame the players more than the devs.

    I completed ToD only once....soon after the mod came out. Never attempted again, mostly due to LFM's requiring boots. Or having some other elitist comments.

    My current plans are to knock out the two or three Amrath quests that I do not have on elite yet, and then see if I have enough for my boots. Or see if by some miracle, I can afford the AH prices. (which I doubt)

    Eventually I may have to put up my own LFM. Which will say something like "no boots or experiance necessary." Cause that is what I believe in.

    I hate putting up LFMs and I really wish I don't get forced into leading when I have so little experience in the quest. But that is what it is down to.

    And the worst part is an LFM like that may never fill. Cause few players are willing to try anything difficult.

    I'm real unsure of the game mechanics here, but his banishment does get a save...right? And we have ways to beef up saves....right?
    Spell Resistance applies?

    And my favorite: so if you get banished, you still got some chests along the way to the end fight right? And you're still flagged? And you can join the next LFM and just try again? And from what I see only the clerics ever use their own resources is every one else's excuse for not trying? What, you just spent 10mil on the AH a minute ago and can't afford the repair bill? I know your lvl 20 can't be still trying to play that XP/min card.....

    I actually think the banishment should stay and the boots should be taken out of the game. As long as there is a defense against it, and I think there is..a la saving throws...

    Just bothers me that people won't take risks in this game.
    Seems most adventurers aren't very adventurous.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  18. #37
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
    Personally I don't mind working for stuff. I work for all the stuff I have in real life and I work hard for it. I work for stuff in the game and I'm still working for stuff.

    In D&D, I have never had to grind for stuff. If a quest was difficult, the DM would make sure that the appropriate reward was there. Maybe not what I specifically wanted, but it would be useful and I would still feel that the reward was appropriate because the stuff would be nice. If I had to get specific gear and make something specific to complete the overall goal of a very long campaing, then the DM would make sure I got the specific ingrediant to make what I needed to finish. The quest would be a challenge and it would also be fun, but I wouldn't have to rerun that quest over and over until the DM decided to put in the ingrediant in as the reward.

    Grinding sucks. It is long. It is boring. It sucks the fun out of those quests. I wouldn't mind a higher drop rate for ingrediants.

    Take Shroud. I have 36 completions with many ransacks. I still need another 24 completions to get a couple of clensing stones and will probably need more just to get all the larges I need and I complete at least 2 times a week depending upon my real life work schedule. This is for just 1 character. I still have 2 characters that TWF, a cleric, a spellsinger, still need to equip my wiz since I'm shifting larges to my bard to get those items completed. I like Shroud over all but it is loosing some of its fun appeal from the grind but I want GS so I keep running it.
    Running somewhat challenging content for loot I want - I'm fine with that.

    Running somewhat challenging content for loot I don't want, but can trade to others for loot I do want (example: farming Dragon Scales when the cap was 14) - sounds good.

    Farming easy content (anyone capable of running ToD finds Bastion and Weapons Shipment easy) over and over for low drop rate items - ugh.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  19. #38
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColinQ View Post
    Was recently in a guild run consist of mostly causal players
    We had 9 first timers who have a clue and know how to follow instructions and share the same language
    My WF Barb being the ONLY boot owner was tasked with tanking Horoth

    Last part involves 3 Wizards with enlarged spell on repairing duty, 2 Rangers chipping away at Horoth from afar
    The most interesting part was for the ranger to grab Sally’s agro when she drop (since no melee want to go into banish range), but killing sally was a no brainer as we had a bunch of DSP that was just playing around with trash.

    Very time consuming and resources intensive yes, but it can be done with adequate planning and people who listen (the party all agreed to all chip in on the pots and scroll usage ahead of time)

    The average PUG on sarlona normally consist of a few more booted characters and is generally easier in that perspective, the most challenging part being to communication with people not being fluent English speakers

    As a general FYI for those who PUG a lot with heavy Chinese composition
    Pangzi means Orthon/Jailer (translation: Fat guy)
    Xiaohui means Judge/Sally (transition: Grey looking guy)

    I’ve seen more than one wipe in part 1 with people running to the wrong places, which is the second largest contributor of wipes (first being kiting in part2)
    whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.

    You found 3 wizards with enlarge?
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  20. #39
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    Welcome to the new generation of DnD.

    "I WANT THE GOOD LOOT BUT I DONT WANNA WORK FOR IT"-anyone who never played DnD before WoTC
    You are going to compare this to a classic TSR D&D game? Back then your DM made you run the exact same quest dozens of times and told you eventually you might or might not find something that you need to let you move on to the next module?

    Its fine you enjoy stupid grinding, but the boot mechanic doesn't have anything to do with TSR D&D. If you needed boots to fight the big guy your DM would have made sure you had em.

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