That part of the patch notes refers to the pre-assigned character generation paths, like the current Two Headed Heron. Perhaps we will gain some insight to the requirements of the PrE's through the enhancements the character generation paths assign, but the PrE's themselves are not being released with Update 3.
Ah thx for the info. Well I have Concentration and Human Versatility IV in my build so getting that stuff at lower levels just shifts it around for me.
But not getting the reset for free? Now that's a bit of a stinker, but they did say it would most likely come when the update is released. But if it wasn't the case on test server, fingers crossed. If it is automatic I can see a lot of Monks going huh! when their toons are loaded and all their skills are gone. I'm sure it will mess up hotbars and everything.
Also hopefully they'll make it so a person can get a 32pt build and a PrE in the future for ease of path and build for people.
I posted earlier on another thread, to my mistake, but......
As a L5 monk waiting to go L6, how do i implement the changes that have been mentioned? Do i need to respec enhancements at the trainer, or am i misreading and need to wait for game itself to update? Excuse the cluelessness, hi IQ doesnt always come with having a clue!
The changes are only on the beta server (Lamania) for now. Turbine stages new features onto Lamania for testing before they are moved on to the general game servers. Turbine's goal seems to be to post content update's every two months and with the last one going live in December, that makes latish February a likely time for the next update.
It's likely that you will have to visit a trainer to respec once the updates are applied. Its not clear if the enhancement points freed up by tghe free tier 1 stances will be available automatically, or if you will have to do a full respec at the trainer to free them up.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
Thank you! I hate being so detailed in my planning that it takes away from game experience.
Well from this point in the release notes I would say they are planning to have it automatically reset peoples enhancements:
But who knows, I hope at least they'll be very clear with what they have done and what is required. With the very minimum a free reset via Fred.
- Lists of common finishing moves are now visible in the feats list. As a result of these changes, most monks should find that their enhancements have been reset.
If your enhancement layout ends up "impossible", it'll get reset. Since it was the bottom tier of enhancements that got removed, many monks will find their enhancements auto-reset. If you have some tier 1 enhancements like Concentration +1 and tier 1 racials, you may not be forced to reallocate your enhancements.
Should the reset be happening to characters copied over via the tool? Because I did that but didn't get auto-reset. Pretty sure I'd taken the full tier-1 set at level 1 so should have been invalid -- at the very least I didn't have the enh points back from there (had < 4 pts) and didn't have an auto-reset either.
the good
now dark monks are finally gonna be worth a lick of ......
this is assuming that the monk attacks work on purple named mobs at all
and assuming they will work with kamas.
the bad
pre update 3 not all light monks could rez ... if post update holds the same problem then dark monks become the only worth while type making light monks garbage cept for soloing. Basically irradicates 80% of current monks or forces a reincarnation.
the ugly
there is no proof that the new attacks will work on purple named mobs meaning these changes could lead to nothing great for monks as we still dont have greensteel and prolly never will ...
Yeah, I'm a Halfling with Dragonmarks I DO already have some healing, so I guess that minimizes the value of the normal Monk Fist of Light stuff...and I'm also going to be picking up UMD, so I should soon even be able to whip wands (in addition to potions of course). Ok, so that's a point toward Dark.
But dang, I like my Walk of the Sun, and Aligning the Heavens, and even Blur and Stun Immunity a little bit too, and they always work, even against red nameds...the Dark stuff all allow saves, whereas my buffs just a point back towards Light.
I haven't bought all the lame pre-requisites for Rise of the Phoenix, so could I even afford the corresponding Dark ones? Maybe the 4 APs we're getting back would help with that.
Also, would I need to run in Fire stance to afford using the Hadouken! Even as a Strength Monk I'm not sure I'm ready for that...
I think I'll just True Reincarnate and figure it out later, heh.
as a halfling its gonna be tough, guile eats a lot of AP, and the total cost is 20 AP(though up to 8 you would have taken anyway-t2 stances) 1/4 of all the AP you gain in game. I know my current(finesse) monk could NOT fit it in, but if I went dark path i'd be a human and their racial AP are pretty poor. and the good ones, adapt/greater adapt and healing amp, actually save a monk AP by stacking with some of our more expensive class enhancements.
Rule one: never act incautiously when confronting a little bald wrinkly smiling old man. ~ Terry Pratchett
first off i am never wrong ... i know too much about pnp and DDO and I am starting to really understand Turbine which makes me sick sometimes
the biggest advantages to light fist are
1) 1 heal points per hit from light fist
2) 18-70 points of healing from mass heal (can only hit high number if wearing healing lore items and manage to crit)
3) 1 minute buffs of which the best one is air giving blur and close second is fire which gives a bonus to saves (making a much higher reflex possible) and bonus to hit but if you built it right a monk shouldn't ever have a problem hitting things cant think of the last time i rolled anything but a 1 and saw a miss come up on my monk and i dont have any special enhancing items (aka shroud dex item)
when you compare that to a de-buff that adds to the lighting damage and other elemental damages of your entire party and a 500 point untyped finisher ...
sorry all you need is two vampirism kamas from mindsunder stuff and you are just as uber on the heal end and twice as effective in raids on the DPS end.....
while i think greensteel would have been nicer and more even ... dark is the best way to go .. Ithink i would suggest light until your 18 then respec darkon an ac build and your uber powerful and hard to hit.