Shen This is precisely my situation as well: 2 successful transfers, but the one toon I most wanted to test (my TR'd monk) failed to transfer and is now unable to be transfered again
I fail to understand why it is so hard for players to test things on the test server.
Why cannot Turbine hand out more than 500 TP?
Why only 5 attempts at a character transfer?
I pay to play on the live server, and that means I am paying to play on Lamannia, yet that is more frustrating.
Can't test my fvs/monk getting reincarnated and losing the monk levels for 2 reasons: Transfer failed, and fvs is not unlocked.
Who cares if WF or FvS are unlocked? That just means any Free to Play people are more likely to buy that race/class if they enjoy it on Lamannia.
We are all trying to help you Turbine, please don't punish us, and in return shoot yourself in the foot.
Master of the Tower
Feedback… very negative so far. Is this functioning correctly? Is there a difference between ViP, Premium & F2P?
What does the follow error mean:
Character copy is only available to players with beta access.
I thought Lameia was available to everyone? And having downloaded it, I can indeed log in, but have not characters there…
Help please, thanks!
I would give feedback on character copies if I could actually copy my toons. I followed the directions and logged in to and searched for my characters name and it brings up unable to find page. If I am logged out I can find my toon but no way to copy it.
This difference on this server is outstanding i may not want to leave but if there isn't anymore people it will get lonely......But no really this server is far better then any that are out there i say its a keeper
I did not have any probloms what so ever with copying my characters and geting on to lamannia it is very nice and usefull and the graphics are great
If we shrank our solar system to the size of a Quarter, and lay it at your feet, the Milky Way galaxy would still be larger than North America. ~NASA Perspective anyone?
I would like to have an option to update a copied character. I copied my Paladin when he was lvl 17, now I am almost lvl 20 and would love to be able to use him at the higher lvl on the test server.
not a huge issue, but at lvl 20 I could at least help test epic quests.
Pretty sure that I can't just delete him and recopy.
Sarlona Main - Ilyushinovik Pure Paladin with TORC!!!! run # 75!!! mana battery complete 2nd Torc on 80th. TR'ed
2nd life finally: Monk [] 3rd life: Fighter []4th life: Artificer
Not being able to play my Dark Elf as a VIP member because I need 400 favor suck and is a deal breaker for me. I gave up when I saw that I can't log. I'm not gonna start a new character for that. It should have copied the favor too...
I'm just saying.
Well, copying 3 of my toons over, Even requesting copy on a Sunday, it was done next day, so great marks on the speed, but.... I copied two level 20's and a mid-level Favored Soul. What I got was one level 20 (very current save) , a very OLD save of the other 20 (lvl 16 still, probably from the first Beta transfer done well over a year ago) and a Favored Soul I cannot use because the favor to unlock him was done on the badly copied toon.
Small note on the level 20 that copied wrong, it was listed on the wrong server BUT was also listed as level 20. It was created on Argonnessen, but transferred to Ghallanda long before level 20 was even available.
Just copy over the toon that had to 400 favor and have them talk to Nyx. Thats what I did and it worked for me.
Because then people wouldn't leave Lam and just use it as a everything unlocked free server. Also the test servers are OPTIONAL. If you don't like how they are handled, don't play on it.
Also I transfered 3 characters over, transfered in a few secs and work perfect. Thanks turbine.
404 error every time using Internet Explorer 8... multiple log in's and out... no love...
So I fired up Google Crome and guess what? Yeah, page loaded there
I went back to IE8 and hopped into compatibility mode, logged myself out, then visted:
and at least this time i saw the page and that i had no access to it.
so, i logged in, and got a 404 error !!!!!
but, i hit BACK and sure enough was on the CharacterCopy screen.
i tried to copy a toon, by ckicking the GREEN ARROW then clicked COPY CHARACTER and once again, got the infamous 404....
but, i hit BACK and sure enough was on the CharacterCopy screen and saw that my character copy was in progress...
i suppose it goes without saying there are issues with CharacterCopy and IE8![]()
Last edited by Zaal; 01-27-2010 at 10:04 PM.
ASCENDANTS on SARLONA (viva ADAR!): Zaal * Screwz * Lorrz * Zill * HamHoks * Gusty * Grasshumper * Durzo * DrHurtz
anyway, refreshed the page in IE8 and said my character copy was COMPLETE!
ASCENDANTS on SARLONA (viva ADAR!): Zaal * Screwz * Lorrz * Zill * HamHoks * Gusty * Grasshumper * Durzo * DrHurtz
Worked great for me in Firefox 3.5, and it was a long time coming, so thanks for making this happen. It allows me to utilize the more-or-less current settings of my characters.
I would like to see my account settings ported over, as well. Account bank, VIP settings, etc. I realize they can be repurchased using TP's, but it's a bit of a pain to figure our and purchase what you had before.
- Sera...of the server formerly known as Xoriat
Kinda suproed though that I lost all of my other previous toons in Lammania - prob missed it in the notes somewhere but still....
ASCENDANTS on SARLONA (viva ADAR!): Zaal * Screwz * Lorrz * Zill * HamHoks * Gusty * Grasshumper * Durzo * DrHurtz