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  1. #861
    Community Member
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    Irresistible Dance was certainly nerfed since its initiation. Monsters with a very high spell resistance were given the ability to resist it... thus making it resistible. Then, blanket immunities made matters worse. A CC specced build had little trouble landing it tho to non immune monsters. I thought that the duration was shortened via reoccurring saves, as stated in the current release notes. I'll have to test it when I can get into game. 24 secs to a minute doesnt sound that far off tho, so yeah might be a non issue.
    Per the release notes, only players get saves on ID.

  2. #862


    Quote Originally Posted by SimVerg View Post
    Per the release notes, only players get saves on ID.
    Yep, my fault for googling I read what appears to be a poorly "paraphrased" version. Thats my bad. Too much on my mind getting ready for work this morning... Its a non issue.

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  3. #863
    Community Member Ponza69's Avatar
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    Default learned a few things

    I agree with Zen. I could not tell the difference on the items I tested. there may be small differences but they were then they were in my error of measurement. Below are some approximations based off GS with CR5 mobs. I would not say that I had a good sample set. approx 5 to 10 times for each one I tested on Trolls. L is Lamannia - A is the game server)

    Enthrall (~2:55 both)
    Fascinate (~2:55 both)
    mass suggestion (~1:10 L / 1:35 A)
    suggestion (~1:30 L / 2:35 A)
    ORD (~38s L / 45s A)
    OID (doh forgot to test)
    Disco Ball (same as ORD)

    I could not test at level content because my turbine points transfered as of Sept so no upper level content as I had just started about this time. So this is all low level content. No Surge that I could tell.

    One thing I did not know about was that my DC change all the time for the songs. Its a pretty wide sweep too varying from 50 to 70 (approx) - say (+/-10) (d20). Please note this is not a change from server to server but was varying on both. I never noticed this before brings up some more questions not related to these changes.

    In addition there is no difference in DC between Entrhall and Fascinate that I could tell - they are the same chance to land and same duration in my opinion.

  4. #864
    Community Member Ponza69's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion On Song Cc

    Not sure if this has already been mentioned but I was thinking the other day and had a light blub moment.

    Could leashing be used to break any determental spell. There is already leashing in the game where mobs will become not interested in you anymore and travel back to there spawn area. What if this mechanic worked on the enchantments/songs too. It seems to make sense to me that if a Bard was palying a mezz song that if they continued to play the mezz would continue. If the song cannot be heard then the enchantemnt is broken.

    If you dont like that one then how about line of sight. If the mob cannot see you then the enchantment breaks.

    I am sure there are holes in this one but I see two items here that are the heart of the arguments on both side.

    1) player base with focused CC still wants to be powerful and appropriate durations.
    2) developers / player base want a challenge for instances that have continual re-spawns.

    I think the leashing or the line of sight (or possibly both mechanics) achieve a win/win for both issues.

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