It will never be EXACT, because this is a computer interpretation. However, as long as you stay CLOSE, it will satisfy the masses. All of us that have played pen & paper know full well this game never was a carbon copy. But that doesnt give the right to the devs to say "screw the rules, we can do ANYTHING WE WANT because this game isnt based on the rules." In fact this game IS based on the rules.
My drow wizard was my 2nd toon ever, spent hundreds of hours in gianthold soloing content... just like all the other hardcore casters in those days. PART OF the challenge of doing this was using the metamagics to your advantage. Just because you COULD use extend on solid fog doesnt mean you did. Knowing WHAT to use, WHEN, and on what monster, and how to stack your CC is in essence the magic of the art. Taking away the challenge of learning HOW to wisely and effectively becoming a crowd control specialist is eliminating a playstyle. Crowd Control is an integral piece of Dungeons & Dragons. Simple as that.
Heroic Surge is black/white denial. It breaks CC. It was the wrong way to "fix" air ellies. No if/and/buts.
Nothing. I've heard people exclaim CC is "gimped" for YEARS. Spellsingers are GIMP. Wizards or sorcs that spec for CC are GIMP. Immunities make it gimp. Its gimp from level 1-20. Take a trip to wizzy or bard forums to hear all the cc is gimp chatter. Play the game. We have heard these claims for YEARS.
ALL OF A SUDDEN, now CC is suddenly "overpowered." That is the joke of the new decade. Enough said about that.
Ok borror0, those are my opinions. I will not be answering your replies to my opinions, because I will not waste 5 pages or more to tell you why I feel this way. These are my opinions and have a nice day.