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If Heroic Surge purpose is to be a boon to unexperienced players, or a future fix for PvP, it should be exclusive to the players. It should be an Enhancement line, that new players would likely invest into, and the base class builds would have, but experienced players would probably ignore to get more important stuff.
Actually contingencies have always been the DMs best friend, why dont you use more tools from PnP? It could improve the game tremendously! They change things when we least expect, teleporting bosses out of certain death, raising them back, giving them blanket protections at certain HP values, etc...
Enemy casters are always short lived, but protective spells could change that, and the little time they have, it should be for disabling their enemies and raining down destruction upon their foes.
I even dare to say, give them teleportation, give them flight, give them blink, mirror image, stack energy shields on them, like death armor, fire shield, acid shield, personal blade barriers, all sorts of stuff, you dont even need to give players those, if you are going to house rule, do it for the challenge, do it for the fun, but within the rules, and in a creative way that supports various playstyles.