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There are in practice very, very few that ever last a minute because most of them feature a save every 6-12 seconds (like greater command, holds, charm/dominate x, etc). On elite difficulties, its simply not realistic to expect these spells to last their full durations. On lower difficulties, they may, but the heroic surge timers for those difficulties were even larger, and well past the baseline duration (90+ seconds) that the spells are capable of lasting in one application.
The only spells to which this applies regularly are the one-save charm spells (suggestion and its kin), flesh to stone, and the fascinate school of effects. These are also, notoriously, the most overpowered and frequently abused forms of mob CC in the game due to their incredible durations and lack of repeated saving throws.
I mean, I like it as much as the next guy that the bard can fascinate 20 mobs in an epic quest and I can ignore them for 5 minutes, but that's pretty ridiculous and nearly unbalancable, which is why I like it so much.
As a player, I love thingsl ike that, flesh to stone, and wall of fire. As an objective observer, I recognize they are disproportionately powerful and tend to negatively impact things which are not. For example, shavarath and epic mobs have massive, massive will saves and bonuses vs charms becuase of suggestion (a 3 minute charm control with no re-save), which comes in a mass form that can affect a dozen mobs at once. Because the mobs have to be balanced to resist this spell, will save spells with repeated saves (like dancing sphere, dominate monster, holds) are almost useless, since the mobs have better than 50% chances to save against even the most highly specced, double focused, max dc builds. If they could only save against those effects 1/3 of the time or less, those builds would all run through spamming mass suggestion and charming 2/3 the mobs at a time, trivializing the content.
But the need to keep those spells under control leaves us with many, many useless will save spells that have at best niche, or 'awesome in easy content, useless in hard content' problems, like Otto's Dancing Sphere.
Something that helps control these forms of CC so that all CC can land more reliably actually makes CC more powerful, not less, becuase it allows those shorter and repeated-duration effects to be made useful without breaking the content because my bard can spam 2 mass suggestions and charm 10 orthons.