Ok, here's what I would do, give or take a bit.
Human 18 ranger / 1 rogue / 1 monk
True Neutral
34 point build
Level progression: Take your first level as rogue for maximum skill points and then proceed as ranger. A monk level can be thrown in later at any point.
Base Stats:
Str: 16
Dex: 15
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 13
Cha: 9
Ideal Stats: (Base + Item + Tome + Litany + Other)
Str: 16 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 5 Lvl + 3 Exc + 1 Human = 36
Dex: 15 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 2 Rgr Enhancements = 28
Con: 14 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 1 Human = 26
Int: 12 *No need for an item; +2/4 tome gives +1/2 skill points
Wis: 13 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 24
Cha: 9 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 20
Human: Dodge
1: Mobility
3: EWP: Khopesh
6: Spring Attack
9: IC: Slash
12: OTWF
Monk: Power Attack
15: Toughness
18: Combat Expertise
- Feat progression can be changed quite a bit. Depending on what lowbie gear you saved, you may want to take EWP: Khopesh early or much later (you can use your greensteels again at level 12).
- Your monk level can pretty much be taken at any time, but make sure you save a feat from the monk feat list for your monk level (including Dodge, Mobility, Combat Expertise, Power Attack, and Toughness). You will probably not see in AC increase from taking a monk level until around 11-13ish.
UMD - max (39 is the magic number for no fail Heal scrolls)
Otherwise, skills are really up to you. You can easily max trap skills, which I would recommend.
Disable Device - max (50ish self buffed is solid)
Search - max (50ish self buffed is solid)
Personally I find Spot useful for both detecting traps and for finding monsters but other players consider it fairly worthless.
Open Lock does not need to be maxed to open every lock in the game.
Intimidate can be taken if you'd like and you should be able to get it to 50+ without too much trouble.
Jump can be taken, but you'll be able to self cast Jump at CL: 18 so I would not max this or invest too heavily.
Balance is another great choice. (40 is the watermark for not getting punted in the Titan raid)
Hide and Move Silently are possible choices, but I would not take them myself on this build.
Ranger Tempest III
Human Versatility IV
Human Adaptability: Strength / Constitution
Human Greater Adaptability: Strength / Constitution (whatever was not taken above)
Racial Toughness III
Ranger Dexterity II
Ranger Favored Attack II
Ranger Favored Damage IV
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
The rest can be applied as you'd like. Improved Recovery, Devotion, and Favored Defense are good choices. One or two ranks of Sprint Boost can be fun.
Armor Class:
*** This is a rough attempt; I'll say again that AC builds are NOT my specialty. ***
10 Base
8 Armor
9 Dexterity
7 Wisdom
5 Protection
4 Shield (Tempest III)
4 Dodge (Icy Raiments)
1 Dodge (Feat)
5 Combat Expertise
3 Dodge (Chattering Ring)
4 Insight (Greensteel / Dragontouched)
1 Alchemical
61 Unbuffed
5 Barkskin
66 self-buffed
5 Paladin (double check my # here please)
5 Bard Song (double check my # here please)
76 - raid-buffed - not too shabby.
You can further increase your AC with +2 exceptional dexterity and wisdom items as well as with Yugoloth potions.
If you want to go for more AC, you could consider going with a dexterity based character and another race (elf/drow/halfling) as well as going for a higher wisdom and going for exceptional bonuses to dexterity and wisdom. In such a case, your stats would look very different. If you'd like me to play with stats for a different specific race, I'd be happy to, but my limited experience with AC builds extends to limited experience with other races as well.
As for your other unanswered questions:
Personally I prefer humans - the male dance is fantastic. But seriously, the fact that humans are balanced and get an extra feat and extra skill point synergize well with the fact that this build is trying really hard to do a lot of things well all at once.
One could definitely make a case for just about any other race as well though, especially if you wanted to focus more on AC, in which case a halfling might be most appropriate, but an elf or drow could work well also.
The fact that you're reincarnating a dual wielding khopesh character would make a human appealing IMO, since the extra feat gives you room to stick with khopeshes as does a strength based build over a dex based build. And you get to keep all of your old khopeshes without having to recraft new greensteels.
The cases in which I would focus on different weapons would be:
- Dwarf - go with dwarven axes and enhancements.
- Elf (strength) - scimitars and enhancements (longswords are also an option).
- Elf (dex) - rapiers and enhancements.
- Drow (dex) - shortswords and enhancements.
- Halfing (dex) - any light weapon, probably rapiers or rapier/short sword.
- You'll definitely want a +6 charisma skills shroud item if you take UMD and/or Intimidate.
- Icy Raiments and +8 Armor bracers will be the highest AC gear you can get.
- A Chattering Ring will be necessary for maximizing your AC.
- A +4 Insight shroud weapon will be necessary for maximizing your AC; you can get +4 insight on Dragontouched armor but you won't be able to wear that with Icy Raiments.
- You'll want +6 items for strength, dexterity, constitution, charisma, and wisdom; dexterity isn't completely necessary and can be switched in for situations where you need to use a bow or maximize your reflex save.
- Tharne's Goggles are amazing for DPS, assuming you don't constantly have aggro.
- You'll want trap gear if you go for trap skills, including an item for Search, (Spot,) Disable, and Open Lock. A +6 Intelligence item will help with Search and Disable, but it can be swapped out as needed and does not constantly need to be equipped. Tharne's will satisfy both your Search and Spot item.
- Ventilated Bracers from Stormreaver are a handy bonus to Disable Device, though not necessary.
- Golden Cartouche (necklace from Delera's end reward) and later the Seven Fingered Gloves (Titan raid) are necessary for maximizing UMD.
- In the stats sections, I assume you've got the Litany of the Dead trinket from the Abbot raid. Other good trinkets are the Bloodstone for DPS or the Head of Good Fortune for saves and skills from the Stormreaver raid.
That's everything that I can immediately think of that are of particular note for this build. You'll obviously want some of the other standard stuff like weapons, some kind of bow, Silver Flame necklace, etc. If I think of anything else, I'll add it in and mark it so that's it visible.
I have neither done detailed damage comparisons myself nor have I seen updated damage comparisons since the mod 9 combat changes.
- This build will be slightly ahead of a TWF kensai in both vorpaling and stat damaging from the extra attack that Tempest III grants (*ignoring Fighter Haste Boost).
- In straight damage, I would think this build would be slightly behind a TWF kensai.
- If you're fighting a favored enemy, damage should be very close, and this build may pull ahead slightly (maybe not).
- If you're not fighting a favored enemy, the kensai will definitely be ahead.
- TWF kensai will also pull ahead in fights that favor/allow the use of Power Surge and Haste Boost.
The difference in damage between this build and a TWF kensai is not terribly significant, especially considering what this build gains from a marginal sacrifice in DPS.
As before, I hope this makes your decision easier and not more difficult. I have only briefly checked/edited this post, so feel free to ask questions or poke holes wherever you see issues.
Edit 1: Added skill watermarks; clarified enhancements list; updated AC calculations.