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  1. #1
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    Default Paying Action Fees 2 times?

    ok im unsure as to where to actually place this question But it is very important and yet probably unimportant to some people and players. Why in the world are we paying 2 separate fees for the auctions? I mean there is no reason to have a fee when you sell something. I understand the fee to place the item in the auction but whats the purpose of this 2nd fee we pay after the item has sold? this is NOT EBAY (FEEBAY!!!) we dont need a secondary fee. if the 2nd fee was to help support the new players then that would be fine but since it is not then there should be no 2nd fee period!

  2. #2
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    LOL. Get use to it. You pay a small fixed amout (% of base value) up front, and a % of sell price at the end of the action. The %s vary by length of the action.
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  3. #3
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    It's part of trying to immerse us in a world rather than just a series of streets and allies on the way to our quests. I think it's a poor attempt, but the idea has some merit. You get taxed on sending mail also.
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  4. #4
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Spam the trade channel like everyone else then, instead of using the AH.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by unholyjedi View Post
    I mean there is no reason to have a fee when you sell something.
    It fights inflation by taking money out of the economy. In the long run, it keeps the price of everything lower.
    "The 'Black Elves,' or drow, are only legend." —1st Edition Monster Manual
    The Auction House is a PvP zone.

  6. #6
    Community Member mjrepro's Avatar
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    Really? It keeps the prices lower? Imagine if you where selling something, and didn't have that third of the price taken from you? so you where actually going to get what you asked for it. Then instead of asking 1.5 mil for an item, or even 15k gold, you could ask for 1mil or 10k knowing that it would come to you.
    And if you want something that would keep the price lower, try just thinking of lowering the price of your elixers so clerics can afford them and buy more which in turn means more healing in raids and quests.

  7. #7
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjrepro View Post
    Really? It keeps the prices lower? Imagine if you where selling something, and didn't have that third of the price taken from you? so you where actually going to get what you asked for it. Then instead of asking 1.5 mil for an item, or even 15k gold, you could ask for 1mil or 10k knowing that it would come to you.
    And if you want something that would keep the price lower, try just thinking of lowering the price of your elixers so clerics can afford them and buy more which in turn means more healing in raids and quests.
    Actually its a plat sink
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  8. #8
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    Pretty sure we get the original listing fee back if the item sells. I seem to remeber it working that was.

    So you only pay the listing fee if the item does NOT sell. and if the item sells, uyou only pay the 30%.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  9. #9
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    A fee to list so whether it sells or not there is a cost-this reduces the amount of junk being listed on the AH.
    The 30% fee hurts but it is better than selling to the local bartender.

    Not much different than any other auction like ...Ebay... except on Ebay you can actually text search....
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  10. #10
    Community Member Weyborn's Avatar
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    get a high enough haggle and just sell everything to the pawns, they only time the auction is worth it is if you have a rare item or ingredients you don't need

  11. #11
    Community Member Katrina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    Spam the trade channel like everyone else then, instead of using the AH.
    true true!

    WB buddy!

  12. #12
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corebreach View Post
    It fights inflation by taking money out of the economy. In the long run, it keeps the price of everything lower.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Actually its a plat sink
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    A fee to list so whether it sells or not there is a cost-this reduces the amount of junk being listed on the AH.
    The 30% fee hurts but it is better than selling to the local bartender.

    Not much different than any other auction like ...Ebay... except on Ebay you can actually text search....
    All these are true

    and you might want to try to understand the economic concept of inflation to get why it keeps prices lower.

    Its a very well implemented dynamic that prevents the game economy to be even more broken than already is.

    Sell only good stuff at the AH with the current market price for it (which will go way beyond the item value), and you'll be fine, the AH will be a better place too.
    Sell all the rest to the broker with haggle boosts.
    Last edited by KKDragonLord; 01-06-2010 at 10:44 AM.

  13. #13
    Community Member RoboVanguard's Avatar
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    If you ask me it doesn't really matter since inflation is capped where it is... since player cash is capped at 4.3 million plat. Thus, there's no real point in selling for close to that amount and no real point in hoarding.

  14. #14
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    I never thought of to keep the prices nice and just right Thanx for that little insight to keep inflation for occuring

  15. #15
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoboVanguard View Post
    If you ask me it doesn't really matter since inflation is capped where it is... since player cash is capped at 4.3 million plat. Thus, there's no real point in selling for close to that amount and no real point in hoarding.
    I surely wont ask you

    theres a limit to money? yeah

    Has many people reached it?

    I dont know, maybe lots of people did

    Theres more people who didn't?

    Probably, most ppl imo

    When veteran players do high level stuff and get good things do they sell at AH?

    most likely, yeah

    Do non veteran players have 4.3 million plat on all their toons to pay even crazier absurd amounts of cash for a +6 stat item or a lvl 10 paralyzer or twice as much for a +1 banisher of shattermantle or a +4 mithral breastplate?

    They most surely dont.

    There is a balance to DDOs economy which would get even more screwed up than already is if it wasn't for that fee. Money is created by selling stuff to vendors, the AH spreads money around without creating any, and in fact destroying much of it, thats its purpose.

    New players have a hard time twinking their characters already after a certain level, if it wasn't for the 30% fee, they wouldn't even dream of buying stuff for their lowbies until they had a capped toon to generate enough plat to pay for it.

    when i first started i played this game for about 6 months and im pretty sure all i got and all i spent wasnt even close to 1 mill plat, and i never hoarded more than 6k plat at any given time, usually because i'd buy a nice piece of loot for around half that when i got to that point.

    Limit cap for plat is one thing, limit cap on inflation is a whole other animal. Inflation would only ever be capped, if everything and anything cost 4.3 mill plat to buy.

    So yeah... Inflation is bad.

    In my opinion mana pots are expensive enough for healers already.
    Last edited by KKDragonLord; 01-07-2010 at 07:43 AM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Forget the auction house! I've been dropping my best loot in a far corner of House K for years now. I know it'll be waiting for me whenever I want it!!!!

    Right? Um, it does stay where you drop it, doesn't it?
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