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  1. #41
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demoyn View Post
    His words were off, but his point wasn't. Having anything more than 8 int on a monk is a pure waste of build points.
    Wrong I have found having CE can have some use may not always be the best use but hardly a waste.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    1) I tend to tinker as well as do wieird stuff. So, yes I am used to being out in left field

    2) I spent 13 months not doing DDO because of being deployed in Iraq. Also, I am back in school. There have been many changes since then.

    3) Because of #2, RL is cutting into my figure out the changes. So, I may miss a thing or three.

    4) Good point about hirelings - Thank you very much

    5) Have not had much luck with getting underwater action (same with water breathing and Feather Fall) items - any suggestion would be appreciated.

    6) Sneaking is one way to limit Mobs. I have laid waste to mobs with my DROW Monk. Still, I get hit less often if I take a little more time and PLAN.

    7) There have been enough changes that there are several toons I am re -thinking.

    8) AMDarkWolf do you take Heal or Repair for those toons that you solo with. I do and I notice a difference even at 1st level. Sirgog - this is why I have my Int at least at 12.

    9) 3X14= 42. Taking 1 level of Rogue gives me at least 44 points to spend. Even without Rogue, I am getting 32-36 range. That is 10-12 skills at 3- close to max. Take out Diplomacy, leave just one skill at 2. Even using only 28 skill points that is 9 skills at 3 or 14 skills at 2. Not quite as close asI might like bujt that is why I play human a lot. BTW, Monk get 5 (unless you Int is 6)
    As to underwater item and feather fall here is somethings for you to do that you can farm even at midlvl.

    underwater hiden in plain sight towards the end in the underwater part swim down past the big fan and you may find a bottle of air gain about 4 in 9 runs lately

    STK farm end chest for ring of feathers. a lot more rare here.


    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    And pssst monk get 4+int mod, +1 more if human, so human with 12 int would get 6 per level. I misquoted in my post above sorry.

  4. #44
    Community Member Demoyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Wrong I have found having CE can have some use may not always be the best use but hardly a waste.
    And what use would that be? Do you use it to remove yourself from power attack stance faster or something?

    It's not like a monk will ever deal enough DPS to tank a boss (unless they start making undead bosses). If nobody ever has a reason to attack you AC is pretty useless (and even so you should still have more than enough AC for a stone run without it).

  5. #45
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    I tried a 28pt halfing monk and he died a lot more then my drow monk and I delted the little snot. I used CE on my drow monk and yah I had to turn it back on a lot but it worked well and the cha helped me as well made buying things a little cheaper and let me use some gear I otherwise couldnt now I dropped umd since I TR'd since I had gear for the race I changed to but on the way there it was nice to have.
    This doesn't make any sense to me, as Drow get the Con penalty not Halflings. Halflings also will have slightly better ac over drow. I think you just built your drow monk better then your halfling. But that's no reason to discredit the race as being superior for the class.
    Git off mah lawn!

    If, If's and But's was Candies and Nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

  6. #46
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Uska - Ahhh... Have not done STK (or Catacombs) or many of the Stormreach quests. Too busy with Wilderness stuff. Thanks for the heads up.

    Also, might be a little more careful with your wording (Little snot - for instance) as some people might not take that as kindly as you may have intended.

    Breagan - do not worry about somethings making sense. There are some things (RL or otherwise) that I just do not get. People will have their preferences and may defend them more vehemently than necessary. Just stay precise and civil - that should be enough.

    AMDarkWolf -

    Thank you about school it is a good thing but harder than I remember (5K pages to read!!!).

    No problem about the tone but there are reasons why I read my post (and e-mails and ...) BEFORE I hit send. Unfortunately, I do not catch everything!!

    I have played PnP and computer games for... well... A lot of years. There are things you can do there that you can't do in MMO (ACTUAL Prestige Class, etc.). The reverse is true. I am not very dexterous. So, using lots of hotkeys and/or clickies is hard for me. Of course, there are the hmm... how would this work builds that... well do not work.

    Still, as you pointed out with a 19/1 split, there are assumptions that I make that may not be true. Like Druid will be a DDO class. Like DDO will - eventually - go to level 29. As such, something that for awhile SEEMED good turns out not to be. And the are other reasons behind getting rid of builds too numerous to mention. So, I MAY be working on one toon but in the back of my mind planning stuff for other toons.

    I do not like the price elevation of the AH. I do not consider 100 Plat to be cheap. Although, that is just me.

    I use other tactics as well (I LOVE doors!!) and may rely on some more than others. Although, I do wonder how much some of this is because there were not a lot of computer games of any sophistication while I was growing up (Defender, etc.). I do know that my 6 year old seems to be much more computer able than I was at three (four?) times her age.

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