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1) I tend to tinker as well as do wieird stuff. So, yes I am used to being out in left field
2) I spent 13 months not doing DDO because of being deployed in Iraq. Also, I am back in school. There have been many changes since then.
Welcome back, and grats on school(Unless its not good, then sorry? lol)
3) Because of #2, RL is cutting into my figure out the changes. So, I may miss a thing or three.
Yea and i think i kinda sounded like an ass in replying, sorry(Just re-read what I wrote :P)
4) Good point about hirelings - Thank you very much
5) Have not had much luck with getting underwater action (same with water breathing and Feather Fall) items - any suggestion would be appreciated.
Check AH often, click lv 5-7 in hats, rings, etc(wherever you have a free spot or have a non hp/con item u can swap out easily while in water) - Hell on sarlona im sure theres tons of them usually with some other **** useless mod(Haggle +3 or diplo +3 or some such) but they are cheap(100 plat or so?)
6) Sneaking is one way to limit Mobs. I have laid waste to mobs with my DROW Monk. Still, I get hit less often if I take a little more time and PLAN.
I don't sneak. If I have to limit aggro, i move enough that 'some' but not all the mobs of a group see me, then i move back and wait for them to come play. Also separating them far enough from each other allows u to fight without the others 'hearing' and coming to help. I think I've found a use for sneak once and that was to recover the healers stone.
7) There have been enough changes that there are several toons I am re -thinking.
Focus on one toon at a time, easier to handle any 'huge' changes.
8) AMDarkWolf do you take Heal or Repair for those toons that you solo with. I do and I notice a difference even at 1st level. Sirgog - this is why I have my Int at least at 12.
No, even with 12 int(and human) on a monk, I simply cannot see me having spare points for heal or repair. I hardly use a shrine(When id o its just to refresh my clickies, never for health. I actually HATE shrining on my monk because it means losing 200 built up KI) Skills i would rank above heal/reapir : All of them.(even hide/move silent) I can easily think of much better choices -> Con, balance, UMD, jump(to cap) swim(Yes swim IS nice to have when u got it, esp at crucible. Not worth sacrificing good skills for but its nice) diplo(OMG diplo is fun on a monk with a smelly barb around ;D) etc. I'm sorry but the use of heal is just so limited, and even less so for monk since you have a multitude of self healing options, that the skill hardly ever comes into play. And honestly, beyond level... 1... when was the last time u used heal to bring someone up from 0~-9 hp?
9) 3X14= 42. Taking 1 level of Rogue gives me at least 44 points to spend. Even without Rogue, I am getting 32-36 range. That is 10-12 skills at 3- close to max. Take out Diplomacy, leave just one skill at 2. Even using only 28 skill points that is 9 skills at 3 or 14 skills at 2. Not quite as close asI might like bujt that is why I play human a lot. BTW, Monk get 5 (unless you Int is 6)
Ouch. Sorry 1 rog/19 monk. Ouch. OOOUUUCH. Monk is one of those classes. 2 levels is about as effective in a build as 19 levels. (well not really but..) with monk U want to go pure, the dr at end, passive ki gen, immunity to all the 'person' or 'monster' spells(I think monster, I see 'immune' pop up whenever something tries to cast hold human/monster on me) etc. A monk splash can make a killer build, but I just can't see a REAL effective and worthwhile tradeoff for splashing 1-2 rog lvs into a monk build. Other than the extra skills at level 1, I just can't see it. Lose too much.(And pssst monk get 4+int mod, +1 more if human, so human with 12 int would get 6 per level. I misquoted in my post above sorry.