I'm back to DDO, updating my build index and looking forward to exploring all this game has to offer. My experience building characters in the DnD universe comes from NWN and from the short time I've been playing DDO. I'm posting this build index not to instruct others but to hopefully gather some information on how to improve my characters. This will avoid having to re-roll them and hold my interest as I continue to level.
This thread will mostly be used as a reference.
Currently Active:
- Spektr: 12 Bard / 6 Figher / 2 Rogue
- Rumtop: Dwarf Ranger ~ trying to decide between Tempest and Strim's Acid Arrow
- Rugaroo: Using Togg's SWF Winter Wolf
- Junokai: 18 wiz / 2 FvS ~ Archmage Enchanter
Side Projects
- Nequit: Paladin Vanguard
Archive: *** The following builds are outdated ***
- Rumtop's previous incarnations:
- Virtuoso Chest Blesser ~ Human Pure Bard with the dragonmarks of finding.
- Junokai ~ Half-Elf Scim 18FvS/2Monk. Inspired by Impact and Darkstar. *Retired until I can figure out what to do with her. Reading Zennyo's FvS Research to decide how to use her free LR.
- Eternal Champion ~ THF WF FvS. Max strength. *Retired*
- THANE ~ THF WF (18Wiz/2Ftr) - Power of the storms. *Retired -Made before Prestige Enhancments*
- Arcane Archer ~ 11 Ranger / 7 fighter / 2 xx
- The Skald ~ THF Human Warchanter 15 bard / 3 barbarian / 2 fighter
- FvS Arcane Archer ~ 17 FvS / 2 monk / 1 Wiz: Made before Zen Archery and needs an update.