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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default 18 rog/2 paly worth it?

    Wasn't sure whether to give it a shot or try the 19/1mnk build out. How much of a difference would the saves bonus matter later? Worth losing the AC bonus and the extra sneaky roll? Just wondered what the prevailing wisdom was out there in forum land.

    P.S. - admittedly my search-fu is weak, apologies to the person who will undoubtedly find me the exact post detailing this same question after a simple 1 word search and harangue me for it, I just couldn't figure out the right word.

  2. #2
    Community Member Josh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acretion View Post
    Wasn't sure whether to give it a shot or try the 19/1mnk build out. How much of a difference would the saves bonus matter later? Worth losing the AC bonus and the extra sneaky roll? Just wondered what the prevailing wisdom was out there in forum land.

    P.S. - admittedly my search-fu is weak, apologies to the person who will undoubtedly find me the exact post detailing this same question after a simple 1 word search and harangue me for it, I just couldn't figure out the right word.
    Personally, if you are going to splash two lelvels on a rogue, I would splash 2 levels of fighter. At level 20 your saves when fully buffed are already pretty good, so divine grace from the 2 paladin levels isn't really giving you much. Two free feats from fighter are nice though. The AC bonus from a monk level would be nice if you pump your wis up, but your AC will probably not be high enough to really matter all that much. For most rogues wisdom is a dump stat though, so to pump it up fairly high you would have to sacrifice points in another stat. A high INT is nice for assassin III if you are soloing alot.

    My choice would be 2 levels of fighter, but if you can manage the gear 2 levels of monk could be just as beneficial. I would avoid splashing 2 paladin levels though.
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  3. #3
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    Paladin-splashes on rogues were quite common some years ago, now when there are many ways to shore up your saves (especially on a halfling) there's better classes to splash. For Dex rogues monk and for Str rogues fighter. Or why not barb - with Radiance you might as well get to the mobs first... although extra feats are very welcome on a rogue.

    By splashing 2 levels you'll loose 1d6 sneak damage and one rogue feat, but when you've taken Crippling Strike and Improved Evasion the others are quite naff.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Timjc86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acretion View Post
    Wasn't sure whether to give it a shot or try the 19/1mnk build out. How much of a difference would the saves bonus matter later? Worth losing the AC bonus and the extra sneaky roll? Just wondered what the prevailing wisdom was out there in forum land.
    It depends on what you want really. 18/2 pally will give you very good saves; on my 19/1 fighter (now TRed into a 19/1 barb) my only low save is Will, which is in the low to mid 20s and is still rarely an issue.

    From personal experience, my rogues have never been able to reach a meaningful AC, even with a monk splash; but I prefer strength based rogues over dex and I have very few item slots to spare for AC boosting items. If you want a high AC, a dex based rogue with a monk splash is a good way to do it.

    Splashing a level or 2 of fighter, barbarian, or ranger are also good choices.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    My rogue ran with a 69 AC without any buffs due to a monk splash. It's not very hard to do this.
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