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  1. #1
    Community Member skarwolf's Avatar
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    Default Spires of Validus ?

    I haven't been playing that long but one thing I never see on the social panel are the Spires of Validus. I noticed it while running to Delera's and decided to check it out on my 10th barbarian. Using a hireling we didn't get very far before getting overwhelmed a few floors up.

    How come nobody does this place ? Not worth it ? Too difficult ?
    You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile. ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 17

  2. #2
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    Its a fun quest, but it has bad XP and bad loot for the time needed to complete it.

    Most people run it for favor, and thats it.

    A decent guide is here:

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Anneliese
    Its a fun quest, but it has bad XP and bad loot for the time needed to complete it.
    Since Eberron Unlimited it has actually become a good quest for EXP and there are a couple decent named items inside, along with the quest being shorter now as well.

    The bigger problems folks tend to have in this quest are dealing with undead such as the mummies (due to despair/curses), being flung off by the gust traps, and the end fight room (a lot of people don't usually have ideal weapons/spells to take the lich down before the room is mostly collapsed). These problems along with prior memories of what this quest used to be like contribute to it being rarely advertised in an LFM.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  4. #4
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    This is my latest run-in with the Spire:

    Some people are to stubborn for their own good

    However the xp isn't bad, as MrCow stated. Not worth the 90 minutes it took me, but if I was better prepared it would have been much better.

  5. #5
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skarwolf View Post
    I haven't been playing that long but one thing I never see on the social panel are the Spires of Validus. I noticed it while running to Delera's and decided to check it out on my 10th barbarian. Using a hireling we didn't get very far before getting overwhelmed a few floors up.
    Spire of Validus can be easy (with Reaver's Ring, a sorc, decent group, etc.) *until* the end fight.

    Then, you will need a stout crew because the Lich, for starters, is immune to level 1-4 spells. That means he's immune to Firewall for those of you from California. And then there is the issue of the floor where you fight the Lich...

    Yeah, I ran Spire about 6 months ago with a group. And now I read this thread and see that it's loot and XP was upped with Mod9. I may have to re-visit the good ol spire.

  6. #6
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    The issue is the last fight. Everyone has pretty much gotta enter together, or people get killed off one by one and nobody knows whats going on. And then there's no floor to retry .
    It's fun, you jsut need a good group.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  7. #7
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    I also think it's unpopular due to a higher-than-average tedium factor. Each level of the spiral is exactly the same as the lower ones in structure (although not in mobs any more), and after 3 or 4 of them the "oh no, not another stupid level" effect becomes pretty significant.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Default Ive had decent luck

    Im a level 10 paladin and ive been running it with a level 10 cleric hireling. Ive been doing pretty well, usually about 30 minutes per run. Best part is the quest reward at the end, got a +5 dex ring and a bunch of holy weapons so far.

    Just have to go slow, and for the end fight i just go as dps crazy as i can and use LOH when i need too. Usuually between bless and Divine might II and and few other things i can burst him down before the floor loses too many tiles on normal.

    Make sure you use the rest shrine that behind a secret door halfway up.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Default And the dead shall rise

    Though this thread is rather old would like to note that this quest can be zerged in 5 minutes or less. bb or firewall is a help. Its great xp with the bonuses from killing off skeletons. As for the end fight when you enter the room throw on your cold resist skirt the outside of the room and hit him as hard as you can as fast as you can .. jump down through the floor ff on and recall for fast restart.

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