My Wife and I play DDO together, filling out our party with Hirelings as needed. We find recent changes to DDO have made the game much more friendly to smaller groups. However, we are still having some difficulty with encounters of level 9 and above. I have a level 9 Paladin (pure) and my Wife is running a Rogue 2/Ranger 7. The problem with this duo is the lack of crowd control. Encounters are starting to get larger and I am having a problem keeping the mobs off the other party members. If we had some form of crowd control, I think that would improve the situation.
I guess the question is... what is a good class duo that can perform effectively from level 9 and on? We have found that being able to disarm traps is pretty important, to avoid Hirelings becoming Orc food. We obviously need a reasonable form of healing as our experience with Hirelings healing has been less than reliable. And lastly, crowd control appears to be very important. We have rolled up several classes, but have had only minimal success on overcoming these issues.
I appreciate any suggestions, example builds etc that you may have.
Thanks in advance.