-= Proud member of the MAC guild on Khyber =-
Aganthor (Completionist (4/13), Human Paladin, L11)
Alts: Caitlan (Ftr) / Gimlinas (Barb) / Chakmar (Sorc) / Shureyoucan (Monk) / Nessyia (Ranger), Mekkanik (WF FvS), etc.
Of course once you run quests over and over you will learn them, even if you have a full explorer map, you will eventually learn where everything is and not need it anymore. WoW doesn't come with a complete map, you explore it and the areas you have explored remain available to that character. DDO isn't WoW, so if I join a group working on a quest that I've never been to (or have been to only once), they can't even help me get to the quest because if they leave the instance they take an XP penalty. Then I have to go find a website with a map so I can get there, or be led there by anothe player at which point I'm paying more attention to which way the leading player is turning in front of me than learning the way to the quest. If I had the option to run through and actually explore all the areas and have it remain available, it would be much easier for me, and there would be no excuse for me not knowing how to get to each of the quests. And yes, with time, I would learn all of the quests like you do, and as I do in WoW.
Usually making the game easy to transition to is a good thing... why make new players have to resort to third party websites to actually play the game?
In-game maps that can be bought from Vendors. I recall something like this in Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate, if server resources are the issue then having a click-able map may be better than the server saving character information.
Coit out~
Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda
The map mechanics should stay as they are but if you complete the explorer quests in a zone it should no longer go black.
/signed - would love to see one or all of the following fixes to maps:
Once all explorer points are unlocked you also unlock ability to purchase a map that stays unlocked...
Make the purchasable map MARKABLE!! (or mark out the key locations)
For the TWELVE'S SAKE!! please make 3d maps - these have been around for many years in other games keep up turbine!!
for those that say "I've been playing for 4 years and know all the maps anyway"
a) you wont have to purchase the map..
b) you will not have to jump out of quest to lead ppl as often.
c) just cause MY brain wont remember a map, doesnt mean my CHARACTER's brain sucks!!
and ignore those two grinches there just two full of uberness they can't help it .
if there is a none black map ddo will explode ! doom dooooom !!
Virt II makes elujin smile!
signed! For both multi-level maps and keeping things greyed out rather than blacked out once you've explored an area.
I have enough trouble remembering where my car keys are at any given time remembering where a quest is on a massive map is a thousand times harder!
and OMG multi level maps YES, YES, YES!!
But what and so many others miss....is sure the orchard would now not be covered it...but it wont exactly help you.....as you also need to know the terrain.
And honestly if you cant learn the explorer areas...how do you learn the quests? And really....i mean i know lots of directionally challenged people...and maps dont usually help those people....
But hey....its all in style to just dumb down the game....i mean really...why even have instances...lets just get a big button middle of the screen so when you want to get xp/loot you just press it....we can label it "EASY BUTTON".
More dumbing down of the game for the .... yeah ill just stop there...but really if this is your problem....i hear Hello Kitty MMO doesnt use any maps...and requires no knowledge. DnD and DDO have always been about knowledge.
I think you may be wrong here, having a map that you can actually read may encourage people to know it better not be the easy button as you call it here. Knowing the map and knowing the terrain are very different. Knowing a map requires that you study it to gain some knowledge of the layout, knowing the terrain means you go run around until you have it memorized. Knowing the terrain may work for you, but it may not work for others.
The black has no right to return once you've cleared it, like every other game in every other genre, and yes, even in this very game, for 3 maps at a time, it should be replaced with dark gray when the zone resets.
The only reason it is the way it is, is poor design, there is no reason a char cant have all of his/her explored maps saved on their pc, hell, it would save some of the servers processing power to not have to update the 3 maps per player every time someone logs in or out or teleports all over the place.
This would not dumb down the game, it would improve it, because in the end its just poor design in a bad need of joining the 21st century.
/this, absolutely. Agree with OP on the fog thing, why? Did i have a brain tumor for breakfast?
And as for multi-level no-map, that deserves its own thread chock full of fear, loathing, petitions, sit-ins, marches, and possibly riots. I will only do Misery's Peak once per character now, on elite, because I HATE that cavern area after getting lost there who knows how many times. Tempest Spine, tho, there is NO MAP at all, not even a crappy one, for the internals. Seriously? It's hard enough figuring out how to get to the entrance (the outside is only typically crappy), but once you do, there's NO WAY to figure out where you are except for running it a bunch of times and memorizing it. And don't get me started on The Pit. I'm just glad you don't really need to run it more than once.