The Valhalla PD Guild on the Ghallanda server were able to run the Tempest's Spine raid earlier tonight.

Seven members of the guild - went forth and crushed the raid.

The Seven Were:
KG Gaelen (12) Pal/Ran/Rog
HankWilliams (11) Bard
Limmi (12) Pal/Ftr
Docdustoff (12) Cleric
Snakess (10) Pal/Ftr
HighDiver (11) Wizard
Creepyblade (10) Ftr

At no point were any of the members of the group in danger - we pulled - trapped - and set up kill zones.

The Beholders were easily dealth with - and while Gaelen held the aggro Snakees and Limmi solved the final puzzle.
The whole group was thrown off the edge, but we reformed in quest at the gates with Snakess and Gaelen dealing with elementals - went back in and took down the boss with prejudice.

Although TS is a common raid - this is not an easy feat for an understrength team to run - particularly when our group is with adventurers who do not use the AH - the Brokers - buy consumable magic or trade any gear outside of a quest.

We have started tagging for Von's and are preparing groups to run Gianthold and the Titan raid.

KG Wiking