All Scales have been traded or sold.
All Scales have been traded or sold.
Last edited by Graebeerd; 01-08-2010 at 12:34 PM. Reason: sold
Will also trade scales 2 for 1.
If you need a blue scale, I'll take 2 white or 2 black in trade. Blue is the only color i will trade for other scales
Last edited by Graebeerd; 01-05-2010 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Trade
man, this is like a blast from the past of gianthold days... gl with scales trading though. people always looking for blues
Kinda cool to see though. Think the good, "keeper" newbs are experiencing the content as they go.
And Tot's right, blues are the one's to get. In fact, I was shopping for a full set a few months back for my then-midbie sorc but 5 large scales was a bit too pricey for something that was gonna be useful to me for only couple of levels.