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  1. #1
    Community Member bonscott87's Avatar
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    Default Rogue/Ranger when to take Fighter/Monk level?

    Currently I have a level 4 character (just a 28 pt build). Currently Rogue 1/Ranger 3. Took Rogue first level for the extra skills, then Ranger since then.

    My concept for this character is to take mostly Ranger levels and to be a TWF expert with decent bow action in there. Also want to be able to find traps, open locks decent enough for the guild. Figure I'll toss in a Rogue level here and there as needed to boost up those skills, take maybe 3 or 6 levels in Rogue total.

    My one issue right now is hit points so I'm thinking of taking just 1 level in Fighter, Monk or Barb so I can unlock Toughness feat and boost my hit points up a bit. I know Monk is the popular choice but I'll probably go with Fighter for the extra feat unless Monk really is the no brainer choice.

    Anyway my real question is this: Is it too early to think about picking up this 1 level in Figher/Monk? I'm thinking of taking it next at level 5 to get that hit point boost now and then continue on with Ranger levels until I get level 6 in Ranger for the next TWF feat and then take a Rogue level, then back to Ranger. I'm not a huge min/maxer, just want to have fun playing.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Default when

    Both Ranger and Rogue have PrEs that are pretty good. So, I would look at those and see if any are to your liking. Presently, Monk does not have any PrEs but they are doing aMonk pass with Update 3. So, you may want to wait on Monk until this comes out. So, I would recommend right now Ranger 12 (for 2nd lvl PrE) and Rogue 6 (for 1st tier PrE).

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I'd recommend 13 rogue since the 13 levels gives you the second tier of rogue PrEs as well as two Rogue specials feats (improved evasion, crippling strike, still mind). Especially since the best portion of the Ranger tempest line is at level 6 (tempest speed boost).

  4. #4
    Community Member jhorn02's Avatar
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    Got a 12/6/2 Rogue/Ranger/Fighter and love playing him. Note: If I were remaking him now that we have a lvl 20 cap, I'd take only 1 level of fighter and 13 of rogue. This build has one of the highest DPS in the game, but lacks HP so Toughness helps.

    I would take your 6 levels of ranger for Tempest I before taking the fighter level. You're build is a DPS machine, so hitpoints should be secondary to attack speed. The Toughness matters more in higher levels anyway.

    I'd go:
    6 Ranger
    Rogue (for evasion)
    Fighter (for toughness and feat)

    That way, you'll have both evasion and toughness by the time you hit Gianthold. If you're trying to keep all your rogue skills up, you might take that second rogue level a little earlier, so you can put your Ranger skillpoints into Rangers skills instead of spending double on DD and Open Lock.
    ************************************************** *******
    Cynder - 17(TR) Wizard | Airborne - 12(TR) Ranger | Scruffy - 17/3 Barbarian/Fighter | Rapscalian - 6(TR) Artificer | Revive - 11 Cleric

  5. #5
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    You should beable to get most of the traps in the game with only 1 lvl of rogue, taking more lvls of rogue (on a ranger based character just for more skills) will gimp your character, dont do it.

    As for the fighter/monk/barbarian... you first have to find out what your alignment is, if your not chaotic, then barb is out, if your not lawful, then monk is out.. And i would take that lvl at lvl 13, after you get 11 lvls of ranger (You wanna get GTWF asap) As for which to take, its your preference, fighter gives feats... monk give good ac(if planed out) and a feat... barbarian gives barbarian rage, and more hp.. its your choice really.

    End game you should end up at 18/1/1.. which is fairly strong build.. you even get tempest III, which increases your DPS by a fair amount
    Last edited by Sweyn; 01-03-2010 at 08:40 PM.
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

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