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  1. #41
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    Default Solo blues

    I wanted to add my two cents worth to the general discussion about soloable quests. I play exclusively solo. My character is a level 2 rogue/level 9 fighter drow. By now, I find it essential to adventure with at least a healer, and frequently one or more other hirelings. From what I am reading, I gather it is possible go absolutely alone, but I certainly have not been able to, I just keep dying. If I don't have a healer to automatically heal me without me taking the time to heal myself, it's no contest. The quest called Slavers of the Shrieking Mines is, for me, impossible to do. Hirelings, even just one healer set to defense mode, will kill miners, reaching the limit well before the quest goals are complete. And I can't go solo, as I have just explained. I also use a two-handed weapon, which also results in the inadvertent slaughter of miners, but that would be a minor problem if I could find a way to survive alone with a one-handed weapon and a shield. If anyone has a solution, I'd be glad to hear it.

  2. #42
    Community Member Aexicas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senbot View Post
    I wanted to add my two cents worth to the general discussion about soloable quests. I play exclusively solo. My character is a level 2 rogue/level 9 fighter drow. By now, I find it essential to adventure with at least a healer, and frequently one or more other hirelings. From what I am reading, I gather it is possible go absolutely alone, but I certainly have not been able to, I just keep dying. If I don't have a healer to automatically heal me without me taking the time to heal myself, it's no contest. The quest called Slavers of the Shrieking Mines is, for me, impossible to do. Hirelings, even just one healer set to defense mode, will kill miners, reaching the limit well before the quest goals are complete. And I can't go solo, as I have just explained. I also use a two-handed weapon, which also results in the inadvertent slaughter of miners, but that would be a minor problem if I could find a way to survive alone with a one-handed weapon and a shield. If anyone has a solution, I'd be glad to hear it.
    Two solutions:
    1) Play a caster; PKing Ogres does it pretty darn good. Hireling casters work well too, I suppose, but their lower DC hurts.
    2) Put hireling on entirely passive, drop them off down a hall, and tiptoe up towards the ogres. As soon as the ogres "speak", run back to the hireling. With any luck, you only will catch the aggro of the ogres, as the miners take a moment or two to activate, and you can run back to your healer. Bust the ogres, and poof, you're done.

    It's difficult, don't get me wrong. It is possible for a melee to do so, though.
    Aexicas Ryinn- 11 Rogue/6 Monk
    Anju Allerian- 6 Barbarian/ 9 Fighter/2 Ranger
    Aislynn Lore- 18 Human Sorcerer

    Tharashk-Thelanis Server

  3. #43
    Community Member Hokonoso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Doesn't matter what level of DPS you have, there's no way the shroud is soloable. You wouldn't be able to get past phase 2, since if any of the 4 bosses are close to one another, they CANNOT be killed. So, damage 4 redname bosses, who increasingly buff one another by proximity, and cannot be killed while too close, separate them, kill all 4, and then head back to the crystal and pop it before any of the ghosts get back to ressurect...yea, that's NEVER going to happen. You could be level 40 wielding a weapon with +75 in the top right corner for all of the magical bonuses it has, and it'll never happen.
    they run at different speeds, ive had my monk aggro all 4, beat all 4 down (with a caster at crystal so not solo) then ran away and picked them off 1 at a time... if mobs moved the same speed then yes this would be very hard but since they dont it is a cakewalk. but if you aren't a caster of some sort then that crystal will be tough to destroy if you get cat and fire lol, not too bad if u get the other stuff, and part 5 is easily soloable as anyone that can heal and has patience as he does not regen hp at all, part 4 is the hardest part imo not part 2.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZexionII View Post
    Did you do it at level as a melee? Can be downright impossible due to the DR when he is not lit.
    I did it on hard yesterday on a melee character 1 level over quest level. No trouble at all.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senbot View Post
    I wanted to add my two cents worth to the general discussion about soloable quests. I play exclusively solo. My character is a level 2 rogue/level 9 fighter drow. By now, I find it essential to adventure with at least a healer, and frequently one or more other hirelings. From what I am reading, I gather it is possible go absolutely alone, but I certainly have not been able to, I just keep dying. If I don't have a healer to automatically heal me without me taking the time to heal myself, it's no contest. The quest called Slavers of the Shrieking Mines is, for me, impossible to do. Hirelings, even just one healer set to defense mode, will kill miners, reaching the limit well before the quest goals are complete. And I can't go solo, as I have just explained. I also use a two-handed weapon, which also results in the inadvertent slaughter of miners, but that would be a minor problem if I could find a way to survive alone with a one-handed weapon and a shield. If anyone has a solution, I'd be glad to hear it.
    I just did Slavers 2 days ago on a 7 ranger/2 rogue/1 monk character and it was almost boring it was so easy. I healed with pots/wands between fights and was never in any trouble during fights. That was with no hirelings, on normal.

  6. #46
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdemeritt View Post
    Von 5: 6 switches and lever in two seperate locations must be activated within 5 secs? of each other. If there is a way however, I haven't heard of it.
    This can be duo'd.

  7. #47
    Community Member Jiipster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miceelf88 View Post
    Tomb of the shadow king is now much more difficult to solo (at least at level) than it has been. It doesn't appear that the mummy is affected by firewalls until he's under the vulnerability of the light.

    (bonus fun fact- the two caster hirelings I experimented with both refused- or rather ignored the request- to cast firewall on him, unless he was affected by the vulnerability. I first tried tricking them into casting firewall on him by finding some other mobs they'd cast firewall on, but the mummy seemed to dance around the fire without anything going on. Combat logs said "[mummy name] has been hit by [hireling]'s firewall" but didn't have any damage recorded in the log.)

    Working as intended I guess.
    I'm not sure if they've changed it (since I haven't ran those quests in six months or so), but back then you could still hit him with Fireballs, even if Firewall didn't hit him. One or two max'd+empowered Fireballs usually made him extra crispy.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judo View Post
    back in the day, pre mod 9 anyway, titan pre was soloable, did it on my pally and cleric (self healing with quicken/loh), now, you have to have 3 people for for the titan himself, he was, and still is soloable

  9. #49
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7-day_Trial_Monkey View Post
    I did it on hard yesterday on a melee character 1 level over quest level. No trouble at all.
    soloed it this morning and he was immune to every source of damage until I got him under the light trap. Was quite a surprise and a bit of fun running thru all the respawns.

    its quite possible, that like alot of other things in game, that the quest is a bit buggy and his invulnerability isnt always present.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  10. #50
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    soloed it this morning and he was immune to every source of damage until I got him under the light trap. Was quite a surprise and a bit of fun running thru all the respawns.

    its quite possible, that like alot of other things in game, that the quest is a bit buggy and his invulnerability isnt always present.
    Just finished it on Hard, and he was as vulnerable to Scorching Ray as he's ever been. Wall of Fire doesn't hurt him, but it helps keep those @#$%^& shadows from jumping in front as I cast the rays

    I suppose it's possible that there's a glitch causing his invulnerabilty to come and go, but I've always killed him in front of the crypt he pops out of with Scorching Ray...
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  11. #51
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    soloed it this morning and he was immune to every source of damage until I got him under the light trap. Was quite a surprise and a bit of fun running thru all the respawns.

    its quite possible, that like alot of other things in game, that the quest is a bit buggy and his invulnerability isnt always present.
    I'm pretty sure I solo'd it a couple weeks ago and he did take damage. What I noticed what he didn't take any at first, and then he started taking it after several hits. Stone skin/protection like ability maybe?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    You know the players will really be in trouble when the Hirelings just start going off and SOLOING without us.... !!!!

    Who needs those stupid human AI toons who keep missing targets, etc and mistiming spells and jumps....Computer AI for the win....
    They should have some John Connor models in the hiring halls....
    Forgot my Nerco necklace in VON2 and rolled a 1. Luckily it seems Barrage can pickup your soul stone, so I was able to run to a shine and have Barrage follow.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    soloed it this morning and he was immune to every source of damage until I got him under the light trap. Was quite a surprise and a bit of fun running thru all the respawns.

    its quite possible, that like alot of other things in game, that the quest is a bit buggy and his invulnerability isnt always present.
    I think I was dual wielding sunblades at the time. Don't remember the color of the damage numbers. But he did go down very quickly.

  14. #54
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    I soloed the light trap quest and it was getting frustrating trying to get my hireling to pull the switch (even set to passive/do not follow it kept wandering off), so I just jumped down and killed him. His DR or Invulnerability wasn't a problem for me. (Melee a few levels above quest)

  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Depends on the 4 Bosses you pull. THe "Cant kill when CLose to each other" is NOT present in every combination. Each mob has a diferent buff they give to their brethren. There are some combos that offer no immunity to death.

    ALso, after they respawn, their Regen is reduced. So kill one at a time, let em respawn, and the second time around its much easier to dispatch them.

    I dont know if Oddlived has continued his quest to solo it, but being as he got to part 5, I bet he could do it.'

    Never say Impossible in this game.
    Also not all of them run at the same speed. Meaning as they chased you there will be a gap between the slowest and fastest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aexicas View Post
    Two solutions:
    1) Play a caster; PKing Ogres does it pretty darn good. Hireling casters work well too, I suppose, but their lower DC hurts.
    2) Put hireling on entirely passive, drop them off down a hall, and tiptoe up towards the ogres. As soon as the ogres "speak", run back to the hireling. With any luck, you only will catch the aggro of the ogres, as the miners take a moment or two to activate, and you can run back to your healer. Bust the ogres, and poof, you're done.

    It's difficult, don't get me wrong. It is possible for a melee to do so, though.
    Thanks for the tips. I'll try the second one. I am having all kinds of trouble with dungeons at this level, not just this one. If it isn't the end boss being invincible it's the ladder. I guess you're really meant to run these multiple times to become sufficiently knowledgeable to beat them. It's a great game, compared to others. I just wish I knew some other folks who liked to play such games (at my age). Thanks again.

    Well, I tried it 3 more times. I got closest on the first of those. I was fighting the last ogre magus when the 10th miner was killed. The next two times, I proceeded even more cautiously, but didn't get as far. Killing some miners seems unavoidable. The ones operating the sonic traps don't give up when you kill the ogres, they keep attacking. And if you carry them to the next battle, it gets worse. To avoid complications, I went just with a healer, but ended up getting killed. Then it's impossible to get back in 5 minutes, because you need to unlock a locked gate, for which you need a key. Even after getting the quickest key, once you fight your way back to the mine, more than 5 minutes has elapsed. And the hirelings only last an hour. Anyway, I've invested enough time and money in this quest. I'm done.
    Last edited by Senbot; 09-20-2010 at 08:19 PM.

  17. #57
    Community Member Calonderial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    The Shadow Lord mummy does not have to be in the light room to hurt it. I just solo'ed this quest last week and killed it right were it awakes.
    have done this too, the only pain is the constant respawns which slows everything down to avoid DA

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