found about 4 dusk hearts
i feel sorry for you, no offense.
i remember when i first started my barb, was partying with some kid crying "omg i havent found bloodstone for 2 years"... and then some f2p guy (also in the party) who just bought the sands found a bloodstone in his face
funniest thing ever
look at the last 2-3 threads on spectral gloves
one was from my guild leader, ryandog, who purchased them for 700k plat (even then it took a while before he found a seller)
another person is someone that wanted plat to fund spectral gloves, and i bought his scourge choker for 600k plat and he still felt that wasnt enough
final word: ill end off with this - worth is in the eye of the beholder, i find the scourge choker useless other than trying to see how high i can get my str, but i still paid 600k plat for it. i've used it 0 times in an actual raid.
if someone wants to sell spectral gloves for 100k copper, then let it be. if he wants to sell it for 10000k plat, then let it be. dont go around hijacking peoples thread.
pz kids