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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuckoholic View Post
    If it's easily farmed why do people pay 700-800k plat for them?

    Same argument for bloodstone...if you can farm it good for you.
    It really is in the eye of the beholder. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I found Spectrals in 3-4 runs (pure noobie's luck), same for Optics, and a couple of other items. Too bad it was with my Sorc, so it ended up in the vault. Bloodstone? Pretty sure I've raided that chest some 20 times and never seen a single one, not even by the guys who raided with me. Seen guys talking about Carnifex being rare, yet picked one up in 2nd run. Doesn't mean anything statistically.

    Now I'm on second toon, not a rogue, so those items are still gathering virtual dust, and only rare item I had waiting for my fighter was an Elemental Mithral Breastplate. Been going broke on weapons mostly, though I've had a couple of lucky breaks in AH: +1 Paralyzing Dw.Axe ML10 for 7500plat (buyout - no joke), and a ML9 Cloak of Divine power (5 charges) for 5000plat. Yesterday I ran Xorian with the toon (lvl11), and a lvl12 Sorc finds the Planar Gird. Useless to him, and pure magic for a fighter, so I swapped a Banner Cloak for it, and we both left happy.

    I didn't pull a fast one btw, and told him outright that the AH would no doubt give his item a higher price, if that was important to him. I told him that as a fighter, GH was magic to me, just as a +¨CHA durable cloak would be to his Sorc.

  2. #42
    Community Member Riorik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    2,000 SS's or it didn't happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Josh View Post
    I actually used to keep a tablet on my desk to keep count. After I filled up 10 or so pages I just admitted defeat. She is a cold mistress let me tell you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    I kept an abacus for mine. But now Gunga is using it for his kill count.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeLoric View Post
    This is a blatant lie. Gunga is not smart enough to use an abacus.
    I trust everyone above this line. All this must be true. edit here: Perhaps not that Lelo guy. I heard about the baby seals incident. I just can't believe you went there with the lipstick and all.

    Quote Originally Posted by poonce View Post
    wow man, why you have to use Racial Slurs now?
    I refuse to look it up (we *are* on the internet) - what the heck is a xxxx anyways? Ooooooh, ok - looked it up. Hmmm. Well, it wasn't on my list of words to use anyways and I guess I'll x it out or something before I post *sigh*. Why are ya'll derailing this into ultra serious garbage anyways? Lame.

    Luck is wierd in this game. I'm not saying I'm a deprived player. I've gotten my share of good pulls over the years (for which I have screenshots for all, thank you very much...) but I've *never* pulled a random +5 Mithral Breastplate. Just something I noticed and even though it just doesn't matter. I don't think I've ever actually pulled a Bloodstone or Firestorm Greaves either - but I still own several sets. Trading is a wonderful thing.
    Last edited by Riorik; 01-15-2010 at 07:52 AM.
    Ghallanda ReRolled Naxy-Transil-Kottol-Nax-Riorsil-Riorik-Kaol

  3. #43
    Community Member lolwatboomer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SouCarioca View Post
    It really is in the eye of the beholder. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I found Spectrals in 3-4 runs (pure noobie's luck), same for Optics, and a couple of other items. Too bad it was with my Sorc, so it ended up in the vault. Bloodstone? Pretty sure I've raided that chest some 20 times and never seen a single one, not even by the guys who raided with me. Seen guys talking about Carnifex being rare, yet picked one up in 2nd run. Doesn't mean anything statistically.

    Now I'm on second toon, not a rogue, so those items are still gathering virtual dust, and only rare item I had waiting for my fighter was an Elemental Mithral Breastplate. Been going broke on weapons mostly, though I've had a couple of lucky breaks in AH: +1 Paralyzing Dw.Axe ML10 for 7500plat (buyout - no joke), and a ML9 Cloak of Divine power (5 charges) for 5000plat. Yesterday I ran Xorian with the toon (lvl11), and a lvl12 Sorc finds the Planar Gird. Useless to him, and pure magic for a fighter, so I swapped a Banner Cloak for it, and we both left happy.

    I didn't pull a fast one btw, and told him outright that the AH would no doubt give his item a higher price, if that was important to him. I told him that as a fighter, GH was magic to me, just as a +¨CHA durable cloak would be to his Sorc.
    Quote Originally Posted by SouCarioca View Post
    It really is in the eye of the beholder. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
    Seriously guys... why is this thread still getting necro'd? o_O

    but tbh, SouCarioca has it spot on.

    for me:
    Spectral, 1 in about 20 runs
    Bloodstone, 2 in about 20-25 runs (two in the same chest when i was 2man farming)
    Ring of spellstoring, 1 in about 35 runs
    Greaves, 0 in about 40 runs
    Docent of Defiance, 1 in about 40 runs (found about 3-4 cloak of curses, and every other named item from the crypt before this)
    Scourge Choker, 0 in about 40 runs (ended up buying it...)
    Planar Gird, 1 in about 8 runs (two in the same chest)
    Guard Mask, 0 in about 20 runs
    Carnifex, 0 in about 40 runs... <- wow, and everyone tells me these are common? give me one sec, let me quote:

    Quote Originally Posted by SouCarioca View Post
    It really is in the eye of the beholder. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
    hell, i would trade a bloodstone for a carnifex without a doubt, it'd save me the time of soloing deleras (and having to bring a **** hireling for pt2) countless times

    i've seen an encrusted ring on my first ever tod, and lost a roll by 3 to a gimped barb that didnt even have fb3...

    done about 10ish dairy queen raids, seen 2 torcs drop (only about 4 of the raids were on elite)

    - what can we conclude from this? the garbage hearsay logic that LOL CARNIFEX IS SUPER RARE, RARER THAN BLOODSTONE? no, that because I've had no luck with the carnifex, but lots of luck pulling bloodstones, i place more worth on the carnifex (carnifex is my treasure, bloodstone is my trash ). what makes it worse is that the carnifex is bta, so theres no way of trading a bloodstone for one, so im stuck with running a trash quest chain. theres no need to derail threads saying "this is more rare than that, etc etc".

    really, what someone chooses to buy/sell for is their prerogative.

    hell, hes already sold the gloves so honestly... why?
    Last edited by lolwatboomer; 01-15-2010 at 01:28 PM.

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