I would like to compile a list of quests with the following conditions:
- Easily repeatable (If its in the middle of a chain and cant be repeated without abandoning the chain, its not easily repeatable).
- No Combat Needed.
- Has an exit or safe recall spot near end.
Some of these quests are worth repeating 12-13 times (10 normal, 1 solo 1 hard, 1 elite), and many are not worth repeating at all. Some may be worth repeating once on each difficulty just for the bonus xp. I recommend looking up their base xp and deciding for yourself.
Stealthy Repossession
Easy item retrieve quest that you can just run through. One of my Favorites. I have two tips for this quest.
- Just run at the gate near the end and the kobold will open it for you.
- After you get the item, run back to the last switch up the ladder. Great spot to recall.
Tangleroot #6 part 1 & #7 part 1
These two quests are my favorite run through quests. After you finish the first inner fortress quest, you will have to run through the outer fortress to get back to it. This run counts as its own quest and gives a very nice amount of xp. Once you reach the inner fortress again just leave and re-enter and you can do it over and over.
The Troglodytes' Get
Simple smash eggs quest. First part of a 2 part quest, so just abandon it to repeat. Vine exit at end
The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth
Simple reach the end door quest. First part of a chain, so just abandon it to repeat.
Recovering the Lost Tome
Requires 14 INT for no combat, Worth repeating if you have the 14 INT.
The Storehouse's Secret
Bringing in the Light
The Friar's Niece
Return to the Sanctuary
The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key
The Pit
Maraud the Mines
Monastery of the Scorpion
Thanks to :
Please list more and Ill add to the post if it fits the requirements as I verify them. Thanks for all the help so far.