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  1. #1
    Community Member Wanderingbard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default halfling kukri kensai build

    Hello there some of you may know me as Elthrien, Gruumheimer, Monasteric, or Fernox. Before I go into the heart of the beast let me first explain why I am doing this. Too often now I have seen good people get in a fight over who can deal more damage. In fact, I have seen guilds torn apart by such a conflict. This is just crazy. Isn't this a game? Aren't we supposed to be having fun? I hope to open up the minds of a few people so that we may ease this sort of tension over DPS. You must understand that this is not a "This is the 1337 build" I just put this together after some prompting from my brother to join him on his sever. I went to thinking and after a bit I came up with the idea to make this build. I was laughing as I put this together because I have recently heard that kukris are gimpy weapons, and I personaly have seen only one or two people use them in my two to three years on this game. IMPORTANT!!! This is a satyr build. By this I mean that the goal of the build is to inspire a "Wha?" look while still remaining viable enough to justify the use of a character slot. But enough of the preface lets get to business shall we?

    *Quick note when I use #%(#%f) I am talking abou critical chance the (#%f) means the crit chance with keen/impact or one of the improved crit range feats.

    First to explain the viability of this build. Let's crunch some numbers.

    First off I will be comparing to the khopesh because it is said to deal the most damage.

    Kukri 1d4 (1-4), 18-20 x2
    Criticals 15% (30%f) (2-8)

    khopesh 1d8 (1-8), 19-20 x3
    Criticals 10% (20%f) (3-24)

    There are the base stats of the weapons. now to put in my build info (btw this is a 28 pt build)
    Level 1
    14 str
    Halfling of course

    so after adding in mt str to damage things look like this:
    Kukri 1d4+2 (3-6),18-20 x2
    Criticals 15% (30%f) 6-12

    khopesh 1d8 (3-10) 19-20 x3
    Criticals 10% (20%f) 9-30

    Of course we can see that the khopesh is much better damage then the kukri as is to be expected as is stated in the note above this toon is level 3 at this time and can 1 shot the kobold warriors with a +1 lesser reptilian bane kukri. Because I have a higher critical rate this happens quite a bit as compared to a lonsword or khopesh.
    Because of this efects like enfebleing, bursts, smiting, etc. will go off more. Also since I deal noticibly less damge I am taking the halfling guile enhancements might as well add 8 points of sneak attack since I am not going to have agro anyways =).
    One major difference however is that as a fighter I get kurki as a free feat (martial weapon) were I must use a feat to get my hands on a khopesh (exotic weapon) Also because kukris are not know for "uber dps" more good ones will slip through the cracks at low prices on the Auction House. (Yes I have seen the prices of kukri's but on Sarlona I was able to pick up a +4 anarchic kukri of pure good min level 12 for only 8k plat!)
    * quick note at the time thsi build is only level three

    Also I have 86 HP at level 3 not insane but still nice. If I do get agro I should be able to handle it. Besides I am not including seeker effects in this math, and I won't even begin to touch greensteel weapons.

    After seeing the numbers above you may be wondering "why is this even here?" The truth is that I am NOT trying to say the everyone should make a kukri build. I am NOT saying that kukri's are the new uber DPS weapon. What I am saying is that even with a "gimp" weapon I can still make a viable build, and have fun with it this one also happens to be a 28pt build so I have all the more fun with it =).

    This build can easily be adapted to paladins or barbarians. if you're curious.

    Level 1 TWF

    level 3 Toughness

    Level 6 Power attack

    Level 9 improved crit slashing

    level 12 Improved TWF

    Level 15 Greater TWF

    level 18 Your choice =)

    Of course the weapon involved can be changed to anything. Feeling like making it with light hammers? How about battle axes? Maybe daggers are more your thing? The sky is the limit on these things!

    Once again I must insist that this is not a "how to" guide. I am just hoping that people will begin to explore thier options as a player and realize that having a fun build is much more important then having the best damage or a god build. Perhaps such a thing might catch on, and perhaps balance prices on the auction house, but that is just wishful thinking.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this please feel free to post any responses you have. Also I would enjoy any of my mistakes edited although I would prefer it if you kept to constructive criticism. Please don't post "You're an idiot" and run away. That does me not good because I don't even know why you think that, and it does you no good because I know that you missed the entire point of this thread.

    Once again thank you for letting me post my ideas. May the sky be the limit.

  2. #2
    Community Member Xagger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    The way I've always seen it is that in DDO, it really is about being all you can be. "Conceptual" characters that use specific weapons or behave certain ways are fantastic in the table top game, but I find that they really lose alot of support when you move to an online competitive environment. And make no mistake, where ever gamers gather, there will be competition. It's the spirit of multiplayer gaming.

    That said, I can see where they wont be completely gimped, Probably very viable in alot of situations, but if given the choice as a team leader, if I have to choose between your halfling kukri wielder and a kopesh fighter or warforged barbarian.. Sorry mate, They'll preform better so the slot will go to them. That is unless I know you, and you as a player are better than random PuGers, In which case, I dont really care what you're playing Good Players always trump an optimal build. Although, having both in one package is best :P

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