I always end up tanking lol! My ac is always higher then the tank too. I guesss things will change once I get past level 13. I am having a blast with my monk.
I always end up tanking lol! My ac is always higher then the tank too. I guesss things will change once I get past level 13. I am having a blast with my monk.
Your AC will be higher, but your dps will be significantly less then the equally geared fighter
Monks, like all melee classes have their pros and cons.... you know that
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LOL let me put on my +5 icy burst hw of bleeding and turn on wind stance with flurry of blows and tanks can KMA.
low end content does not compare to the content starting in gianthold and beyond. A rogue with a shield or even a wizard with some hp and a shield could easily tank before then. After gianthold tanking becomes more than just AC. Glad your having fun but for a true test of tanking ability try it in gianthold................ and remember the value is a nice leap of difficulty after that.
Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.
I assume you are trying to say:
At low levels, monks will have low dps
at high levels, monks will out-dps most fighters with handwraps?
Imagine a level 20 Fighter: Dual Min2 Khopeshes, 16-20x3 crit, buffed to 50+ STR
Without Greensteel and a significant DPS increase, there is no way a monk will ever do more damage.
Check out my: My Index of Builds / My Capped Characters on Khyber: Krythan II / Velkro Sorcerer / Krythen 13/6/1 Rogue
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Except they implemented these nifty rings see...
Must be we are looking at different Ftr builds!
I've seen many a "tank" that will take it to the enemy!
But hey! you never know, maybe the newcomer knows something we dont!
A well built, well played monk can do significant dps.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
LOL let me equip my +5 Supreme Tyrant greensteel Greataxe of Lightning and Click Power Attack and Rage pot, Madstone, Barb Rage, Frenzy, Death Frenzy and go in and deal more DPS than you could ever DREAM of dealing*.
*SuperDuper Uber Monks like Jazzmine not withstanding*
I think the real point to be made is that for a fighter to have decent AC it takes more compromises and expensive/rare gear than it does for a monk to have decent AC.
On the other hand if you want great AC both classes require expensive/rare gear and specialized builds.
The problem is that the pen and paper rules didnt translate very well to the high lvl game in DDO so fighters have AC issues. They rewote the rules somewhat with enhancements but it was easier to effectively rewrite the rules for monks.
Why is there a fighter class?
That's a question we've been asking since the game came out. Still haven't gotten an answer.
Originally Posted by Combat Log