Seeing if there are any guilds out there that are recruiting w/ goals for higher end stuff (i.e. Epic raids/quests, Devil's Battlefield Quests). I'm in Central Time so looking at Sun-Thurs evening raid times or guild activities round 8pm-1am est roughly are the times I am looking at.
Currently am guilded but while they're great peeps, they don't really care much for higher end stuff at all and something I'm dying to get into. Sadly I just don't see it possible to do the higher end stuff I want to do w/ em. So I am thinking bout taking my lvl 20 ranger that i have as my main outta the guild to see the higher stuff that I want to take her in.
So if any guilds at there are looking for members that will carry their own weight, who want a challenge, that will be helpful to the guild. Btw, I am a VIP and am an adult by far and am looking for a maturity guild too.
Plz send a PM if interested or any advise of a guild for me.