Last edited by Kobu; 06-07-2010 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Added quote
Hmm, I had a weird conversation with someone who thought having rules about profanity useage and required forum use was strange. I think "sounds like a lifechanging experience" was one of the phrases they used to describe it. Wonder if it was that guy. It was odd though.
I think that was more then a month ago, hmm.
"Lifechanging experience" could certainly apply to us considering some of the forum topics we have had.
Last edited by Lleren; 06-08-2010 at 11:34 PM.
Occasionally playing on Cannith
Llyren, Kelda and some others.
Hey Kobu-
Since the guy's total post count is sitting at 2, I doubt you're going to hear back from him...
(Of course, so is mine and I joined these forums in January, so you never know...)
Hey. We're still looking for mature players who want a more laid-back and family friendly environment.
There's a lot of noise out there with guilds looking for quick adds to boost their renown. Blind invites and aggressive poaching methods seem to be the standard now. We are also getting quite a few applications from those who are just seeking to be part of any large guild, and the applicants strangely assume we'll bend our rules to suit their style.
That's not us. We are the same guild we've been for the past 10 years--always looking for people we could be friends with in real life, and in fact we forge longtime friendships in our games and on our forums. We're content with our renown gain rate in both of our in-game guilds and are still seeking the same types of people to join that we always have.
If you are reading this, you're hopefully one of those looking to cut through the recent guild noise and find a group like us. Check out the first post in this topic and if you decide to fill out an app, please make sure to fill out the "in detail" section so we know if you'll be a good fit. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hey, I'm the leader of a small to medium guild in Khyber, but from time to time I enjoy playing my lowbies (levels 4&5 currently) on Cannith. I certainly wouldn't be a regular, but would that matter?
Our attendance policies are for characters to not be inactive for more than two months on our main guild, or six months on our secondary guild. We also do require some forum use. If all characters are deemed inactive, we require a reapplication to the guild.
Basically, when you join us in DDO, you are joining our parent guild, Guild Medieval, and working towards being Knighted within the guild (gaining full membership). Less active players will likely take longer to be Knighted, but aside from that and adhering to the inactive policy, I see no issues.
>> because this is a social game and I don't wanna miss that part
>> because I was once part of a multi-game guild and I know that is more about friendship and spending time toghether, it's more like being part of a family
>> because I know that I can't play solo forever and I am a lil' tired of bad PUG's
>> because " ...any fool knows a dog needs a home,/ A shelter from pigs on the wing."
DDO details
>> main char: Ryee Bladerunner [drow rogue mecanic lvl 6 now on Canith server]
more details on request, till then, I am waiting for some of you to contact me in-game and play toghether a few quests. btw, totally agreed this is the best way to deal with recruiting new members !! Anyway, I've spent a few hours/days tring to find out a good home for me on DDO and so far, you guys are the only serious guild on Canith server representing a good fit.
Best Regards,
Ryee Bladerunner (yes, I love Canadian Whiskey)
Hi all, it's been a while since anyone posted in this thread and I just wanted to give it a good bump. The Silver Legion is a friendly, no nonsense kind of guild who is always looking for new members. We have regular guild events that we schedule in our forums in addition to "pick up" events arranged on the fly. We have many active European and North American members in addition to a few in Oceania / Asia / S. America.
If you are interested in learning more about the Silver Legion, you can contact myself or any of the other officers in game or you can visit our web page at
Thanks, hope to see you soon.
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
Application turned in... can't wait to hear from you.
Proud Knight of Guild Medieval and The Silver Legion.
Heyo Merlin... you should be contacted shortly. I saw Kassie online earlier and I'll bet he's in the process of getting in touch with you.
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
Thanks! You all seem very nice individuals... can't wait to get to know some of you (should I be accepted, that is).
Proud Knight of Guild Medieval and The Silver Legion.
I want to thank Kobu for this post. It gave me the oportunity to become a member of The Silver Legion (GM) and as it unfolds so far this was a major strike of good luck. You're great mates!
Hey Arijan and Merlin, just a bit of a welcome to the guild to bump us a bit. :-D
Glad to have you both with us.
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
Bump it to the top!
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
Hello again!
Lots of new faces with the Silver Legion (GM) in the last weeks. Welcome to the guild mates!
Many of them are 'Euro-Players' like me. Would be great to get even more of us to fill up our GMT/+1/+2 rows...
Have fun everyone!
And on it goes!
Hello again from good old Europe! I'm still hoping to get more of us GMT'ers into the guild...
Come on in and join! I can't promis but I'm pretty sure you wont be disapointed...
Have fun everyone and enjoy!
Hey there, a fellow GMT (+1, to be exact) player here wanting to join your guild. I did try the 'application' mentioned in this threads first post but that didn't seem to work, so I thought I'd tried it via a response to this thread ^^
Hi there Kairil. If you've done the application process through the webpage ( then you should have gotten a message back with all of the details about the guild and instructions on signing in to the forums. Be sure and check your junk mail that it didn't get shunted there.
If you are still having problems, give me a shout here via PM or in game and I'll help get you sorted!
Last edited by Maelphistez; 01-12-2011 at 06:40 PM.
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
Hello everyone!
I just want to bump this thread up again so it will be easier to be found.
Have fun everyone!