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  1. #61
    Community Member wizzy_catt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stz View Post
    Reason why one would cast haste without being asked and/or watch the timer himself rather than wait for whoever needs to call it :

    1. Melees/rangers attacks faster, mobs die faster
    2. Mobs die faster means less damage taken, healer is happier
    3. Everyone runs faster, quest ends quicker, those TRs using XP elixirs are even happier
    If you don't agree with one of the three then this line isn't true -
    edit: Although in come cases it makes some people die 40% even quicker which leads to 10% xp penalty :-)

    You left me hanging, I had to buy my own pots and am now bankrupt!
    LIES I got you many pots and spells! you spend all yer plat on silly cookies XD

  2. #62
    Community Member wizzy_catt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stz View Post
    oh yeah now I know why it takes so long for minimonbon to level up, ure 40% slower than every other TR out there, someone haste the slowbie.
    LOL also bc she refused to get hasted plus...shes so used to other ppl do quests for her now that shes alone with newbie f2p's guess what happens =P every newb die at least 1 time in quest killing 10% every time. Power Lvl = max out XP/TIME which ...well how to explain that xp bonus are removed she cant use those "tricks" to get like X% bonus for quests 5lvs higher than her character. That method gave a lot of peeps tons of xp in forever long quest time. woot awesome.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    I procedded to school him in wizardary
    So you brought a sorc in?

  4. #64
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samiusbot View Post
    I understand that for the team haste is a good buff, and I had them out often, but don't tell me that is my job. Just treat the caster with the haste spell like the Healer. Have some common since, most of us don't need that buff 24/7 so we don't watch that timer, let us know that the spell ended and you would like a refresh. Or even that first one, it often slips my mind going from solo to pugs. And gather when asked, don't demand one when your around the corner in a fight. Etc.
    You know when people first zone in quest they usually spend a min or 2 buffing. When we see the green sign (haste) usually means go. Well I haven't seen it for the 99% of my process of leveling..... I ask haste pls? I ask again and I ask a third time.....then I hit my clickie and run off.... Seriously would that hurt anyones feelings that much to cast it? I didn't ask for any other buffs.
    I would just drop your ass as soon as we are done and will try to find another caster that can haste for next run.Saw 2 casters finish quest with maybe about 700sp left together and they haste a total of 3 times the whole quest after people asked 3 times for it.... epic fail.
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  5. #65
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torosar View Post
    Or find a sugar daddy who can buy haste pots....
    Would you volunteer for it pls
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  6. #66
    Community Member Vivalavida's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    You aren't grouping with very good casters obviously.

    They also have Displacement(50% miss) which is better than your 40ac and any decent caster FW at that level will just plain own while they kite mobs into it.
    nope. Good caster wont join her LFM obviously and caster is not free haste machine.

    Live to serve party and raid members as best as I can.

  7. #67
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forbbidenone View Post
    ...,<snip> Some of your experiences might have come from them having an off day or them just being new.

    In general however it is most often melee that do the things in quests that make me question why I try and get pug groups. Barbs with 500 hp and no AC running out of range of healers and then griefing the group for dieing. Not gathering for hastes so i do not have to cast it 2-5 times. Leaving mobs on healers to chase easier kills.

    All I was trying to get across is that the failure extends to more than casters. Often times its the melee zerging ahead with no regard to buffs that cry all to often about not getting a haste the second it falls off.

    Personally I can not stand buffing up to half my mana to make sure melee can kill something. Like I said earlier I take any toon to a quest I come fully prepared or I do not go. If I cant self buff the bare min why should I expect others to do it for me?
    I love this post. So I borrowed it... I hope the author doesn't mind.

    This has been my experience insofar when speaking in terms of people who rant or otherwise disrupt a party when things don't go their way. I'm getting to the point where I will politely ask people to gather for buffs/haste/displacement/etc. If they don't want to gather, it's not my issue anymore. I offered it, I carried through on my offer as well. And, like I have been doing in some random pug groups as of late; I'll pick up your stone and carry you to the shrine. I waste most of my spell points on just that, buffing party members as I can. But if you choose to take off without that and run many rooms ahead of the rest of the party and complain/die/perhaps both because you were not constantly hasted/displaced/buffed; who's fault is that really?

    I might add that running with pugs has taught me to learn real quick the general playing style of the group and respond appropriately with my choices on what to spend what's left of my mana on. This used to stress me out big time, and let it go. I took a few lessons from reading the cleric complaint threads here. The group healer and I are going to be real good pals in any pug. If we work together we can be nuking machines and provide all the buffs needed for the quest.

  8. #68
    Community Member KoboldTrapper's Avatar
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    I was quite patiently reading through page 3, before I became annoyed.

    I play a wizard, I am accomodating with parties, asking what spells they want me to prepare after giving them a list, and I prepare those.

    However I would like to note one key detail. clicky items are intended for use immediately before combat, and if you absolutely must be hasted at all times, get more of the clickies.

    Cleric/FvS =/= heal-bot
    Wiz/Sorc =/= buff-machine
    No comment on the bard as I'm working on a FB/Warchanter. a real buff-*****...

    If they absolutely refuse to haste AT ALL, get a new one after crushing the old one. However, do NOT expect them to be your butt slave and buff whenever it's demanded of them.

    We casters have lives, feelings, and desires just as you all do. Some of us are just more accommodating than others.

    I won't get terribly many groups since I just have a P.O.S. computer from 5 years ago without ANY upgrades because I can't afford to do so. I can't stand groups that aren't at least patient enough to understand that not everyone has epic computers of +50 gaming. lol. I lag, badly. I accept this, and am grateful that I get parties to even run quests with. I always have displacement prepared, and go the route of CC over buffs since I just got haste last night. The only reason I don't have haste prepared at 7th is because I'm rog2/wiz5. soon to be wiz6.

    I actually do a fair bit of work with just me and a hireling, but that only works so well with the AI being as idiotic as it is... being a more dex oriented character I know I have the 'squishy-syndrome' and a few hits utterly annihilate me, but I am also a numbers person, crossbow generates less aggro than spells, and still allows me to contribute in fights without blowing all my sp, as do wands...

    My biggest irritation is that the OP generalized and lumped all casters into the same bucket just with the title of this thread...
    Last edited by KoboldTrapper; 12-29-2009 at 07:09 PM.
    So umm, yea... That's how I died... By they way, has anyone seen my corpse? It isn't where I left it...

  9. #69
    Community Member Vivalavida's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoboldTrapper View Post
    My biggest irritation is that the OP generalized and lumped all casters into the same bucket just with the title of this thread...
    +1 rep XD

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  10. #70
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    When I play my lowbie sorc, what makes me the happiest is not a firewall with mobs in it, and me running around getting them burning, it's a good web with 4-5 mobs stuck in it, it's a good solid fog with mobs slowed in it, and even blinded with my glitterdust. Now I know I contributed, and of course, I'm always hasted, displaced and raged, and I try to keep everyone in the party hasted when possible, but a lot of times, the party loves to be scattered around, so I end up hasting some people, and I have to cast it again for the others. Now getting higher lvl, solid fog and glitterdust and a lot less used, but web is still king.
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  11. #71
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    Give me a reason why I should take a caster in my group if he doesnt haste? I am doing just fine without one anyways. If you see a lfm for a caster only you think its cause they need their pretty eyes or a haster? I have close to 4-5 min of self haste but I got broke of hasting myself for the rest of the quest. Is it really that hard to cast it? Or all of you just like being pain in the..... I am not asking to recast it 5 times cause I was running off I am not asking for your silly buffs..... I am just an addict and i need my dose. Oh when will they sell 30 min of haste in house P?

    I am out of inventory space so I dont have to ask for remove curse,gh,stoneskin,heal,jump,resists is it really that hard to give me a haste?
    Oh I don't know maybe to cc, dps and in my case rez and off heal with my sorc.

    As for inventory space the funny thing I manage to carry everything I need on every char I make no matter what class.

    And as far is it too hard to haste you, no but the problem is you are demanding something and making blanket statements about what a class is only good for so it's not to hard to figure out why I would not haste you ( I can solo 90 percent of content anyway, I group for the fun not for someone make demands of me.).

    If you get along fine without one good for you its your toon run with who ever you desire.
    "Be good, if you can't be good then be good at it."


  12. #72
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickgrif View Post
    And as far is it too hard to haste you, no but the problem is you are demanding something and making blanket statements about what a class is only good for so it's not to hard to figure out why I would not haste you ( I can solo 90 percent of content anyway, I group for the fun not for someone make demands of me.).

    If you get along fine without one good for you its your toon run with who ever you desire.
    I am making a statement as for what the minimum quality of a caster should be. Seriously if you can not even haste you are worthless...... kind of like being a bard and not using songs. Anything else you can do is aways welcomed and just an extra addition to the party.
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  13. #73
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    Would you volunteer for it pls
    heres a simple solve your troubles solution....

    get yourself a hierling sorc/wizzie one with haste & firewall/enervation.
    sure its a pain dragging there sorry but around, but once you get the hang of "using" them you'll have haste on call for a fraction of the cost of pots (renewable at shrines to ) and have some enervations for tougher mobs that need a little softening up lov'in

    even there fw's work ok if you get them parked behind you and block a door before getting them to cast fw on what you have blocked off in front of you
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  14. #74
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickgrif View Post
    As for inventory space the funny thing I manage to carry everything I need on every char I make no matter what class.
    Any advice on how to fit items that were in a full inventory pack(5 pages) and full bank (3 pages) into my new 4 page inventory and 1 page backpack would we welcomed. Too bad they don't have fit 2 in 1 device
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  15. #75
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    I am making a statement as for what the minimum quality of a caster should be. Seriously if you can not even haste you are worthless...... kind of like being a bard and not using songs. Anything else you can do is aways welcomed and just an extra addition to the party.
    Well if your TR and you can't self support yourself with ease in a pug group then the same statement can be applied. In pugs I have had times I had to pick up the stones and finish quest. If someone is not hasting or healing or is zerging ahead or getting themself surrounded by mobs etc etc. I will many times kinda slide a hint or tip in but in no way do I demand another person to play their build in anyway other than they want.
    Last edited by quickgrif; 12-29-2009 at 08:00 PM.
    "Be good, if you can't be good then be good at it."


  16. #76
    Community Member KoboldTrapper's Avatar
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    I'd like to point out that mages (wiz and sorc) are the, THE most powerful classes in the game as far as damage goes. Period. We just have horrid hp and AC to balance the fact that most of us can 1 or 2 shot any other character at 20th, not counting our ability to simply cast the most powerful buffs in the entire game.

    I'm not saying we are better, only that you need to stop making generalizations. Haste withdrawal is YOUR dysfunction, not OUR deficiency.

    It's just like you're saying to us. We can say that you're the one who needs to learn to play since you make it seem that you can't fight without haste. Double-standards go both ways my friend.

    All I can tell you is to request Hasters in the LFM, and leave if they don't hold up to their deal. You are seeing only your side of the 'discussion', and refusing to see the other, no matter how much you may or may not claim to do otherwise.

    To you, specifically you, a caster should have haste, then whatever. That is your prerogative, not ours.

    Last edited by KoboldTrapper; 12-29-2009 at 08:00 PM.
    So umm, yea... That's how I died... By they way, has anyone seen my corpse? It isn't where I left it...

  17. #77
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    awww but my khyber wizard is only level 4 so i can't haste yet

    May you always be fleet of foot and sword soon as she turns 5
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  18. #78
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoboldTrapper View Post
    It's just like you're saying to us. We can say that you're the one who needs to learn to play since you make it seem that you can't fight without haste. Double-standards go both ways my friend.
    Bottom line is haste is just 30 sp extended you can simply cross out the facts that it benefits everyone and go on to how good casters are or can be or you can simply haste and stil be great is it that hard to do both? And yes I can fight without your haste but when I opened that lfm up for a casters did you think its for your pretty blue eyes? I haven't put haster but yet I have been putting alot of no idiiots on it guess they were simply not reading

    You can give an excuses all night long but there is no real reason not to haste other then to make people mad or cause you ......
    Last edited by Aussieee; 12-29-2009 at 08:12 PM.
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  19. #79
    Community Member Erekose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    I am tired of running with no haste. I am broke of buying my own pots up to even level 14. I am wasting my time by you not hasting us and making it so much faster for everyone. If you are a caster out there and not tossing a haste to everyone as soon as it runs out-you are a failure......a waste of spot....Your fw doesn't do enough damage anyways you die in one hit so why don't you put a use of your sp? Give us a haste,let us get agro and then try casting damage spells. Pls its a shame that for 14 levels I have had haste in max 10 quests I beleave in those 10 all the casters were people I knew.....if you are out there thinking of making a caster or have one keep the haste up .........

    A speed addict.
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  20. #80
    Community Member wizzy_catt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erekose View Post
    Nobody cares
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