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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    Guess you should invite more bards to your groups
    My experiance is that they cast Hast more often when Wizards/Sorc.
    Mabe the reason is that if they are Warchanter the melee like you and if they are viritues they need speed to avoide the monsters =)

  2. #42
    Community Member Happosaai's Avatar
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    I primarily duo with just a friend of mine, and I play the wiz of the team. We're only 5/6th level at the moment so I don't keep us perma hasted, but when it runs out and we get in a fight, you better believe that's the first spell I cast.
    Fullmental Lobotomy: Warforged 2Rog/18Wiz Catharxis: Drow 10Ranger/2Rog | Knobstomper: Dwarf 4Bard/2Rog/2Ftr
    Meatjob: Warforged 5 FvS | Tronjeremy: HOrc 4 Monk

  3. #43
    Community Member Schmoe's Avatar
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    Me hast you long time

  4. #44
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    My guildies lovingly (or not?) refer to me on my sorc as the buff grinch.

    I mean what?... I usually pass out jump.

    /TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge

  5. #45
    Community Member rezo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    I am tired of running with no haste. I am broke of buying my own pots up to even level 14. I am wasting my time by you not hasting us and making it so much faster for everyone. If you are a caster out there and not tossing a haste to everyone as soon as it runs out-you are a failure......a waste of spot....Your fw doesn't do enough damage anyways you die in one hit so why don't you put a use of your sp? Give us a haste,let us get agro and then try casting damage spells. Pls its a shame that for 14 levels I have had haste in max 10 quests I beleave in those 10 all the casters were people I knew.....if you are out there thinking of making a caster or have one keep the haste up .........

    A speed addict.
    / GIMPED, lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.
    So sad but true.

  6. #46
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    I am tired of running with no haste. I am broke of buying my own pots up to even level 14. I am wasting my time by you not hasting us and making it so much faster for everyone. If you are a caster out there and not tossing a haste to everyone as soon as it runs out-you are a failure......a waste of spot....Your fw doesn't do enough damage anyways you die in one hit so why don't you put a use of your sp? Give us a haste,let us get agro and then try casting damage spells. Pls its a shame that for 14 levels I have had haste in max 10 quests I beleave in those 10 all the casters were people I knew.....if you are out there thinking of making a caster or have one keep the haste up .........

    A speed addict.
    Dear Aussieee,

    I want to agree in part but part of what you said is a bit concerning.

    1) I agree that a caster (yes, sorcerers as well) should be conscious of the groups haste and call out as it winds down to refresh. I always do on my caster as well.

    2) I disagree that a caster is there for the sole purpose of being another players pocket haster. I have and will continue to do in the future NOT cast haste on players that demonstrate this persona.
    e.g. I quested with a player recently that 30 seconds before haste was running out he would stop his zerging and stand there and say "Haste". After another 2 or 3 times it started to annoy me. Finally I said I am not your pocket wizard and will not cast anymore hastes on you. It seems a caster to him meant nothing to him but haste, wrong. I procedded to school him in wizardary and blew him away in kills by 25+ kills. Now this is not how I usually play I enjoy being a group supporter (not the same as athletic supporter) but for this idiot to think that any fighter type in the game could out kill a good caster if that caster wanted to was ridiculous.

    Summary: I prefer to be a wizard that supports the party as it usually means we will have more success with the ocasional offensive input as needed. However a good caster also needs to be respected as we are not lap dogs.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
    Guild Leader of Legends: Where adventurers are born & Legends live.
    Motto: Enjoy the game, loot and XP will follow

  7. #47
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Hehe Aussie,
    I too am addicted to speed, which is why I put a level of barbarian into my new FvS, when everyone else was running in their 5% boots, I was running at 15, and now when everyone is running at 15%, I am running along at 35%(did I mention my rr 25% level 9 boots) And with haste pots, lol, I am the wind I've been farming xp like crazy with a couple other FvS builds and we either use pots or clickies when needed, lol...who needs sorcs, wizzies, or bards
    ***the last sentence was a bit of t-i-c humor, I love my bard and caster groupmates, guildies, friends, and future friends***

    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  8. #48
    Community Member EddieB_TBC's Avatar
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    Granted there are certainly new casters that need to learn how to increase the effectivness of the party through selective buffs and at the very least tactical application of haste, but there may also be some melee that need to be trained as well. The Pavlov's Bell effect of the extend metamagic has almost an immediate reaction in a group of experienced players. "Boonnnnggggg"... and it's like watching 5 ants swarm on honey. New non-arcane toon players accustomed to grouping with new arcane casters are probably not quite so attuned to the crack-call as a lot of veteran players are.

    Personally I have two macros setup on my keyboard (logitech G... something... 11?) which are "/p haste on me in 5" and "/p haste on the melee once you engage" which I use when I'm low on SP. I usually hit extend and before I can hit the macro key I can usually tell who the experienced players in a pug are.

    Of course it is always hard to get people that think they know stuff to re-examine concepts. I think eventually people that enjoy the game as more than a solo experience will eventually pick up the better habits but there will always the folks feeling they are forced to group and those will be the hardest people to win over. They are what the pencil and notepad on the desk is eventually for, right?

  9. #49
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Everyone please just haste Aussiee so she can get her new toon up to raiding level! As Khyberians, it is your responsibility!
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  10. #50
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    Any guild runs I'm in on my sorc, that haste icon might as well be a perm. fixture on your screen. PUGs, not so much.
    Reason being, in guild runs, we work together - PUGs get haste, take it as meaning "everyone run off in a separate direction, get all aggro and get killed"
    I still cast it every 3 minutes, whether or not I'm the only one gets it depends on group.

  11. #51
    Community Member Hydro's Avatar
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    /p Haste Please.


  12. #52
    Community Member sc00t's Avatar
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    Talking will haste for exp

    toon: carecktur zero

    a/s/l: NA/Robot/khyber

    class: 7/1 wiz/rog TR from sorc

    Likes: Long walks on the beach; running fast; exp efficient quests with toons that folks that are funny, not rude, but clearly know what they are doing; tacos

    dislikes: hold person; death; fishsticks; getting yelled at when im stupid (im sensitive )

    Offering: haste on command until you make me annoyed

    Seriously though, i will haste anyone if they ask as long as it doesnt start to **** me off. Im an addict, and I never deny anyone their fix, that is just rude.

  13. #53
    Community Member Waukeen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post

    2) I disagree that a caster is there for the sole purpose of being another players pocket haster. I have and will continue to do in the future NOT cast haste on players that demonstrate this persona.
    e.g. I quested with a player recently that 30 seconds before haste was running out he would stop his zerging and stand there and say "Haste". After another 2 or 3 times it started to annoy me. Finally I said I am not your pocket wizard and will not cast anymore hastes on you. It seems a caster to him meant nothing to him but haste, wrong. I procedded to school him in wizardary and blew him away in kills by 25+ kills. Now this is not how I usually play I enjoy being a group supporter (not the same as athletic supporter) but for this idiot to think that any fighter type in the game could out kill a good caster if that caster wanted to was ridiculous.

    Summary: I prefer to be a wizard that supports the party as it usually means we will have more success with the ocasional offensive input as needed. However a good caster also needs to be respected as we are not lap dogs.
    Thats great. just dish out the haste as a regular habit. if the party isnt hasted and there is a >lvl 5 wiz or >lvl6 sorc in group then they are FAILING to do what is needed and expected. we all carry pots, because we expect to encounter my mana is holier than thou wizards. any other buffs are bonus haste is law.

    -a player that builds air II gs just for clicks of the green stuff.
    ________________One of Two Kings_________________

  14. #54
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    my bad, the boots said they had potency 7

    as an aside, had i not gotten to keep my pendant of time, i'm not sure i would have made it on my TR character. also what am i supposed to do with 2 silver flame necklaces?

  15. #55
    Community Member gillilandjoshua's Avatar
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    I quit reading this post less than half way through. knowing the op Iknow that the charaters she runds are more selfsufficient than 95% of the others in game and think she like many other vets are tired of greedy players that thiink only of themselves. I was on the run with the 2 wizzies in question on yet another self sufficient toon of my own and remember running out of my stacks of hastepots as well and doing my own buffs most of the time nice to have haste but resists are nice as well, that being said there are casters out there that can do both but there are ones out there that will never get in a raid group i create or have influence over because the refuse to take advice and be a little flexible in their playstyle for the benefit of the whole. this being said I will not be back on this thread so if you have a comment send a pm

  16. #56
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    Well, usally i always do a few things, blur, because it will last the whole quest. Keep haste up, cast firewall or finger depending. (ottos when ive become basically useless). Displace at any boss fight.

    Really thats all you need to do to be a borederline caster, but it will get you though any pug without complaints.
    Last edited by karnokvolrath; 12-29-2009 at 02:07 PM.

  17. #57


    You know what I don't like? Being told what my JOB is unless the lfm said haster only plz and I hit it with that in mind, that is not it. I am a equal member of the party, there to complete the quest to the best of my abilities.
    I am happy to fill any requests if asked if I am able. But being assigned a role because that is how another believes that is how my class should be played is rather crass. And not in the spirit of dnd.

    If I said that all Barbs need to be Great Axe welding monsters or TWFs using heavy picks then I too would be imposing my ideals upon others. Oh all Pallies need to be sword and boarders. All clrs healbots.

    I have a guildie that calls out haste on my Pc. Then everyone groups up and we wait, until he asks for me to caste haste. It gets to me every time. Assuming that I am the crack dispenser. Where a “Can we get a haste?” is totally different. And gets a haste out there asap normally with a I will try to watch the timers.

    I understand that for the team haste is a good buff, and I had them out often, but don't tell me that is my job. Just treat the caster with the haste spell like the Healer. Have some common since, most of us don't need that buff 24/7 so we don't watch that timer, let us know that the spell ended and you would like a refresh. Or even that first one, it often slips my mind going from solo to pugs. And gather when asked, don't demand one when your around the corner in a fight. Etc.

  18. #58
    Community Member stz's Avatar
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    oh yeah now I know why it takes so long for minimonbon to level up, ure 40% slower than every other TR out there, someone haste the slowbie.

  19. #59
    Community Member Torosar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stz View Post
    oh yeah now I know why it takes so long for minimonbon to level up, ure 40% slower than every other TR out there, someone haste the slowbie.
    Or find a sugar daddy who can buy haste pots....

  20. #60
    Community Member stz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samiusbot View Post
    I understand that for the team haste is a good buff, and I had them out often, but don't tell me that is my job. Just treat the caster with the haste spell like the Healer. Have some common since, most of us don't need that buff 24/7 so we don't watch that timer, let us know that the spell ended and you would like a refresh. Or even that first one, it often slips my mind going from solo to pugs. And gather when asked, don't demand one when your around the corner in a fight. Etc.

    Reason why one would cast haste without being asked and/or watch the timer himself rather than wait for whoever needs to call it, in its simplest form :

    1. Melees/rangers attack faster, mobs die faster
    2. Mobs die faster means less damage taken, healer is happier
    3. Everyone runs faster, quest ends quicker, those TRs using XP elixirs are even happier
    4. You have just contributed and can now say
    Quote Originally Posted by Samiusbot View Post
    I am a equal member of the party, there to complete the quest to the best of my abilities.

    edit: Although in some cases it makes some people die 40% even quicker which leads to 10% xp penalty :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Torosar View Post
    Or find a sugar daddy who can buy haste pots....

    You left me hanging, I had to buy my own pots and am now bankrupt!
    Last edited by stz; 12-29-2009 at 07:16 PM.

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