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Thread: Auction House

  1. #21
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Not like I could even afford 15k plat. I got lucky with a couple of drops +1 for Wis and Cha, traded the Cha for Dex. So my lvl 9 monk now has eaten +1 for Dex and Wis.

  2. #22
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    You can find cheaper +1 Tomes. Go to the tomes, put level range "3-3" and just scan all 6 pages. Usually there are 2-6 that are priced under 100k gold, (usually at base of 36k) and generally build to sell 60-90k.

    You'll have to fight for them, but they're there.

  3. #23
    Community Member Thorzian's Avatar
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    its not just plat farmers buying and reposting.. many players are guilty of the same shameful deed. where it is a way of producing some cash, most of those who do it really arent hurting for plat. it also drives up the prices exponentially at the ah. for instance if i post item x for say... 10k plat, others will see this price for this item and use that as a reference when posting similar items. the item sells and everybody is happy. now, if another step is added to this process... i post the item for 10k plat, somebody buys it and reposts it for 35k plat, others see that price and use THAT as the reference when posting. preceived market value goes up 25k plat because of somebody's greed.

    this happens often and cannot be stopped by any means other than self policing. personally, i never buy and repost. i sell items for what i think will be a fair price and will sell. (though i've lost out on some plat a few times by not researching first... i put up some ac 8 rr bracers for 100k plat once.. they sold in less than 1 minute)

    the ah is very much seen as a ddo economy by many but it doesnt need to be that way. look up something specific when you need it. and post your auctions with the price you want for the item being the main cnsideration, not "what can i get some noob to pay".

    i suggested not long after the ah showed up that the pawn shop style of item listing would temper the ah considerably. any item in the game, vendored at any location, shows up at its respective pawn broker (house d, house k, or the marketplace) and is sold for the games base price/haggle mechanic. this would temper the auction house in the extreme. people would still want more then vendor price while selling, but know also that they couldnt list at higher than vendor buying prices. the buyouts for +2 and +3 con items right now just makes me sick to look at. does anybody actually pay that?
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
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  4. #24
    Community Member B1n4ryb0rn's Avatar
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    Red face market advice for a lowbee

    hey i have been playing for about 3 mo. yea i am a newbi lol. i have been through a lot of characters so far i currently have a bard. the only way that i have made any real plat is through the selling of festivault coins. since that season is over i have tried to sell dragon shards unsuccessfully. do u have any advice for me...

  5. #25
    Community Member Caine52184's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by B1n4ryb0rn View Post
    hey i have been playing for about 3 mo. yea i am a newbi lol. i have been through a lot of characters so far i currently have a bard. the only way that i have made any real plat is through the selling of festivault coins. since that season is over i have tried to sell dragon shards unsuccessfully. do u have any advice for me...
    The bard should really help you make money. If you loot on other characters use your shared bank page so you can sell the loot on your bard and make sure you use brokers to sell your weapons,armor, smash all breakables. You may not have access to the shared bank space and if you dont you can send the loot to the bard to sell. It does cost money to send the items but I promise you will make more than it costs to send the items over.

    I have been doing this with a lvl 4 Bard on Khyber and im not making a TON of money but it's helping out. The higher you lvl the higher your haggle will be .
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartcom2000 View Post
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  6. #26
    Community Member B1n4ryb0rn's Avatar
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    Default thanks

    thank you for the info that is the main reason i made the bard i have paied atteion to my haggle and charisma the most i have found some sucess in the auction houses... but i am running out of decent loot to sell. i was wondering if u have any advice on market values and items to look for, as i had mentioned before my main revenue came from festivault coins and now they are going out of season. . my higher lvl. chars. are on a differnt server, so their loot gathering capabilites are moot for my bard. i am currently saving the points for the shared account space.. and thank you for taking the time out to help advise a n00b such as myself

  7. #27
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    Interesting, I just logged onto the forums to voice my thoughts on this very subject. Although there have been some answers to why the AH is ridiculous, I still have one. Do the items on the AH that are priced so incredibly high actually sell?

    For example, +3 and +4 Mithral breastplate. Do people really pay upwards of 50k plat for armor only suitable for level 6-10ish? The +5 for 300k plat buyout is also just downright silly IMO but I imagine there's more reasoning behind that being priced as high as it is. Are there really people out there willing to pay that much for armor they're only going to use for a few levels before they need something better? I know that I refuse to spend 50k plat on +4 mithral breastplate for my lowbie bard. The only point to +4 in my mind is to have it until you find the illustrious +5, which I'd never pay 300k plat for. As it is, I'm having a hard time swallowing 10-20k plat for any item for a character under lvl 12, such as the current pricing on +3 mithril breastplate. It's a lvl 4 armor!

    Also, it costs money to post things on the AH. Do people just not care about wasting their plat on posting fees for items that will never sell because they are just too expensive? It's kind of obvious when something is being bid on and these ridiculously high-priced items don't even get bids from what I see. Do these greedy high-pricers realize that they'd make a ton of gold actually -selling- items (especially lowbie gear) at reasonable prices instead of paying posting fees for something no one will ever bid on?

    All I wanted was some decent armor for my bard, but at this point I guess she'll be wearing a lvl 2 +2 mithril chainshirt until I pull something better.

  8. #28
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    Mithril is really worth that much.

    It makes the armor one class lighter (so evasion types or bards can wear something that's usually medium and not lose evasion or spellcasting.), increases the dex bonus (so max AC types can squeeze another 2 AC into that Full Plate.), reduces spell failure (rarely valuable in and of itself unless it reduces it to 0%, but in combination with lighter armor type, a few items, or some enhancements, you can get something from 10-15% to 0% if you want.), etc.

    +5 Mithril FP of (something useful) is potentially a better armor than anything else in the game for some builds, even at level 20. Even compared to raid loot.

    Don't be fooled by minimum level. The great deal I got on a min level 4 +1 Frost Scimitar of Pure good (6k pp.) is for a weapon I will probably be using until I get GS Khopeshes. Depends on the modifier(s).
    Thelanis - Havoric (20/Cleric), Dubhach (11Ranger/1Rogue)
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  9. #29
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    I'm understanding the +5 pricing a little although I'd never pay it. And I know mithril is always going to be more expensive. But I consider +3 armor lowbie armor so I believe pricing should reflect that. Maybe I'm wrong though and there's a bunch of level 12+ people wearing +3 mithril breastplates! =)

    This was just an example of various things I've seen on the AH and one that affected me specifically. I still wonder if people actually get bids on extremely high priced items (weapons, jewelry, clothing included) or if they just like throwing plat into posting fees on the AH for items no one will ever buy.

  10. #30
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caine52184 View Post
    Weird - 5 things that I had bids on were all outbid then posted again at 1.5 mil was lowbie gear.

    Are people posting things to get a bite then just reposting them for insane amounts hoping to get a buyer? thats ridiculous.
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  11. #31
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    For me, I ALWAYS consider items with actual bids on them to be an example of the going price rate. If there's twenty of a given item, five of them with bids, I might post it around where the fives are at. If there are no bids on anything (but enough examples out there), I'll throw a buyout that undercuts them by 50-66% of the bid price. They usually sell in a day for me.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ishbel View Post
    I'm understanding the +5 pricing a little although I'd never pay it. And I know mithril is always going to be more expensive. But I consider +3 armor lowbie armor so I believe pricing should reflect that. Maybe I'm wrong though and there's a bunch of level 12+ people wearing +3 mithril breastplates! =)

    This was just an example of various things I've seen on the AH and one that affected me specifically. I still wonder if people actually get bids on extremely high priced items (weapons, jewelry, clothing included) or if they just like throwing plat into posting fees on the AH for items no one will ever buy.
    I got lucky at lvl 5 and someone sold me a +3 MFP for 10k plat (trade channel offer) as a +3 MFP is better for me than a +5 FP (same ac, less penalties) i think i will use it for a long time, unless someone else sells me a reasonable priced higher MFP. at lvl 8 i may get a cheap +4mfp with something useless, or at lvl 10 a +5mfp with something useless...

  13. #33
    Community Member kaidendager's Avatar
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    I think there is a severe issue with what is considered "lowbie" gear vs. "newbie" gear. I'd ask the vets to remember back to Mod 1 days, when Velah was still king, max level 10. We would run around in +5 full plate, using either +5 scimitars or +1 Holy longswords, because that was what was available. (Yes some had the great gear even then, and yes I'm very impressed you had all that, but that isn't the point)

    In today's game, the new people don't have enough plat and see a +1 Holy Rapier of Pure Good, see the ml is 6 and decide that they are entitled to it. This is an item considered to be "lowbie" gear, and can sell for whatever the auctioner decides they'd like for it. Eventually someone with max plat will want to TR and pay any amount for the item as they have nothing else to spend it on.

    A "newbie" weapon, is a +4 longsword (ml: 6), but people want the shimmer/flaming effect as it looks cool and won't point them out as a new player. These typically sell on the AH for base value, well within any players price range.

    The problem with the auction house tends from entitlement vs. realism. I have no problem buying a weapon I will use for two levels for massive amounts of plat, the seller would like to attain that plat, the person looking through the storefront window has nothing to do with this transaction.

    As for advice to new players I would suggest hopping into the opposite role. Sell me your rare find for tons of plat (always remember to undercut the plat sellers by at least 10%, I will purposefully buy the more expensive item if it's undercut by 1 plat). Use that plat to buy useful items for your character (haste pots, heal wands/pots, house P buffs) not items that toute an affluence you do not have. Use these items to efficiently level your character to a respectable level and then loot run (ingredients or otherwise) until you have that affluence.
    Last edited by kaidendager; 01-13-2010 at 08:22 AM.

  14. #34
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    Well, another important thing i noticed, is that you can get the weapons that are sub par base with great modifiers for low price, for example, i got for my lvl 6 pal a holy warhammer of pg for 5k plat in the AH, after spending days looking for semi decent rapiers that i never could find for less than 100k plat, so i bougth that, i m playing deleras now, so that weapon is even better for me than a rapier would be (i m drow but still didnt got enhancements to rapiers cause i m a little tight on points).
    So, if you look for the best rapiers, khopeshes, scimitars and great axes, they will be pretty expensive, but you can get another weapon that is a little worst base with much better modifiers than you have now really cheap.
    Of course, that only applies to weapons.

  15. #35
    Community Member Caine52184's Avatar
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    Default Tapestry

    1.2 mil for 20 taps...seriously?

    I couldnt even get irritated when I saw that..I just laughed. And if people are even getting close to that..please please please let me know ...because my ass will be visiting the orchard a lot more.

    If you are new to the server and you're honestly having a hard time getting 20 taps for your minos..please send me a PM. If I dont have the extra taps in my inventory I will be happy to help you farm some.
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartcom2000 View Post
    ...and i do swallow!

  16. #36
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
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    Default Not So Good

    Well, for the most part, almost everything I've seen in the game that has changed since being away for 7 months is very good, except the Auction House.

    Prices are completely rediculous and the few things I have bid on have been outbid fast.

    I either buy the item outright (2 times since back) or sell extra stuff there.

    I use to think the AH was horribly inflated and avg. items just didn't sell there.

    Now, EVERYTHING sells for WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too much.

    I'm selling junk on there for decent money.

    I list items at twice their base value as a starting price and then their buyout at twice that price and I've sold about 25 of 30 items on there in a week.

    I'm guessing other people are seeing what I'm posting and the price is too low, so they buy it and re-post it.

    Such is our Capitalist economy.

    I find stuff and post it for a reasonable price to help people out and our full time ah friends sitting in there see my items and buy them up and probably post them for 10X what I was asking.

    Just sad.

    So, I'm back to just sending out messages letting people know en masse what I have that they can have for free.

    Better friends get it for free then post on the AH for someone to buy and re-sell because they are greedy pigs.


  17. #37
    Community Member Caine52184's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ministry View Post
    Well, for the most part, almost everything I've seen in the game that has changed since being away for 7 months is very good, except the Auction House. Agreed..there has been quite a few changes that I agree with but like you said..the AH is freaking ridiculous. I use to sell and buy often from there...the AH use to be the first thing I did when logging you never catch me there because the prices are sickening
    Prices are completely rediculous and the few things I have bid on have been outbid fast

    I either buy the item outright (2 times since back) or sell extra stuff there.

    I use to think the AH was horribly inflated and avg. items just didn't sell there. Yea..i've always thought the AH to be inflated but now its just insane.

    I'm guessing other people are seeing what I'm posting and the price is too low, so they buy it and re-post it.
    Agree with you here too..similar to the reason I posted this in the first place.

    I find stuff and post it for a reasonable price to help people out and our full time ah friends sitting in there see my items and buy them up and probably post them for 10X what I was asking. I was doing this also but like you said..i think idiots are reposting at insane amounts so I find myself just using the trade channel saying " I have this does anyone want it?"....within seconds I have a few people sending me tells

    Better friends get it for free then post on the AH for someone to buy and re-sell because they are greedy pigs.

    I think I recently started paying more attention to the prices here lately because I decided to make a character on Khyber and I dont have tons of plat and items over there like I do I have checked the AH for a few things and there was no way that I could afford any of them. If it werent for my guildies on Khyber and a few other people that have been extremely generous..i'd be screwed. ( yes i could have lived without the minos and other things but it made lvling easier for me) I'd like to publicly thank them but I dont like naming people on the forums...unless it's ok with them of course...they know who they are

    I feel really bad for the people that dont have the help..or the "know how" to make money. My character is at a lvl now that she can support herself by farming items that I know sell and just regular loot running...which makes me a very happy cleric

    Clarifying myself after getting a PM from someone - Yes I will really help with taps and yes I will help you if you're lvl 10+ and have never been in the orchard . It does not matter what class you are...etc...I dont think I left anything out? So please dont be shy..ask for help if you need it. Amazing how some people have the need to twist shyte up when im trying to help
    Last edited by Caine52184; 01-14-2010 at 02:20 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartcom2000 View Post
    ...and i do swallow!

  18. #38
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomblade976 View Post
    At first, i thought the AH was awesome!

    I find this comment... disturbing.

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  19. #39
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    I'm actually partially through a Thelanis Guide to understanding the AH.

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