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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Are Kamas or Handwraps Faster?

    I've read endless threads on this and still don't have a conclusive answer on whether kamas or handwraps are faster? My build is a TWF / ITWF / GTWF / Wind Stance build. Please someone provide a definitive answer so I can quite beating my head deciding which weapon to wield.

  2. #2
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Handwraps are roughly 15% faster in addition to having much better base damage; there is no reason to use kamas except to vorpal things.

  3. #3
    Community Member Reyjak's Avatar
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    Handwraps are, and by the time your 20 your fists will be 2d10, full strength bonus being added to the offhand, unfortunatly though there are no greensteel handwraps

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyjak View Post
    Handwraps are, and by the time your 20 your fists will be 2d10, full strength bonus being added to the offhand, unfortunatly though there are no greensteel handwraps
    I guess I should clarfiy a few things. I'm a splash monk with only 3 levels, so my fists are 1d6 - the same as a kama. So in the end it comes down to which is faster. Can you provide a link that shows that handwraps get a strength bonus to offhand while kamas don't?

    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    Handwraps are roughly 15% faster in addition to having much better base damage; there is no reason to use kamas except to vorpal things.
    Can you provide a link or something that shows they are 10-15% faster? Because I've read the Elidrian thread where he says handwraps are 10-12% faster due to Flurry of Blows; however, several people call him out on that statement because Flurry of Blows applies to ALL monk weapons (handwraps, kamas, and quarterstaffs). It's unclear if Elidrian meant Flurry of Blows makes monks using monk weapons 10-12% faster or whether they coded handwraps to be faster than everything else. My guess is the first which makes kamas and handwraps equal in speed. Unfortunately I couldn't find any response from Elidrian to the question raised.

  5. #5
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mystera View Post
    I guess I should clarfiy a few things. I'm a splash monk with only 3 levels, so my fists are 1d6 - the same as a kama. So in the end it comes down to which is faster. Can you provide a link that shows that handwraps get a strength bonus to offhand while kamas don't?

    Can you provide a link or something that shows they are 10-15% faster? Because I've read the Elidrian thread where he says handwraps are 10-12% faster due to Flurry of Blows; however, several people call him out on that statement because Flurry of Blows applies to ALL monk weapons (handwraps, kamas, and quarterstaffs). It's unclear if Elidrian meant Flurry of Blows makes monks using monk weapons 10-12% faster or whether they coded handwraps to be faster than everything else. My guess is the first which makes kamas and handwraps equal in speed. Unfortunately I couldn't find any response from Elidrian to the question raised.
    I'm sure if you want to browse monkey_archer's list you can see the difference in base attack speed; as someone who does that kind of testing, I can assure you it's the case.

    They're also right about there being no half strength penalty involved in any extra attacks from handwraps.

  6. #6
    Stormreach Advisor
    winsom's Avatar
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    look at the damage numbers on your inventory screen

    when wielding two weapons you will notice the left-hand weapon has lower bonus damage than the right-hand. This is due to the off-hand 50% strength penalty in D&D rules.

    Monk handwraps are a special weapon in DDO. You only appear to "wield" one wrap but are gain extra attacks with Two Weapon Fighting feats. Full strength bonus per attack when used with TWF feats while fighting with handwraps.

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